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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Can you not just talk to her as a friend?

Tell her straight that you don't want another relationship with her?

It's pretty hard to treat somebody, who you were in a close relationship with for 4 years, like a friend. Somebody who behaved in the way she did can not be classed as a friend or be treated in this way. I think I'll do as Mr. Spikenipple wrote, just get rid of her. But the thing about women is that if you say no, they'll come back with double impact :P

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I thought I'd never have to post in this thread again but today my ex thought it'd be a good idea to get in touch with me after 3 months of giving no sign of life. The worst thing is, she treated me as if nothing had ever happened. I hate her, I could kill her but I could also fall in love with her again. So, she basically asked how are things my end to which I replied nothing, so then she went on to complaining that if I swear at her in texts (probably my 10th attempt at getting my mobile back, lol), our relationship "won't get any better". WTF?!?!? She completely destroyed all of it, treated me like a piece of shit and now she's saying I'm destroying something? So then she goes onto another subject. She apparently saw me riding trials on Friday. I tell her it's not me, I no longer have a mod and it has hardly any blue parts in it, but she says she knows it was me and I'm looking for a good excuse because I ignored her. Lol #2. Then she says she's got to get up for uni tomorrow, and needs to go to bed, then says see you soon.

So basically I think I want no more contact with her. But on the other hand, she WAS a very nice girl. Should I call her and ask her never to contact me again? Or should I just leave it and wait for matters to sort themselves out?

stop all contact with her

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Told her I don't want any more contact with her, that I'm fed up with her and all I want is my mobile back (mainly because I know she hasn't got it and want to be a pain in the arse :D ). She kind of ignored it and started asking about me, how uni is etc. :S She's thick and I'm starting to enjoy myself :lol:

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A rather large bump:

I got dumped tother day and I think i'm over the girl, anyway, her mate texted me today and said that she still fancies me and if I try hard enough She'll go back out with me again. which is ok, apart from the fact that I now sort of fancy the same girl that texted me about my ex, so that means I could go for the relatively safe option of going with a girl who I know I will have fun with etc. and have gone out with twice before, OR possibly losing that girl and trying to go out with her mate, who I don't know as well, but do definately fancy her but also have no idea whether she feels the same way about me :(

Does that make any sense?

To sum it up:

Her: (orig. GF)


Or Her:

IPB Image


Edited by Joe_Elding
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Well......... theres this girl i was 'seeing', but not goin out with.......we kissed loads of times n all that, held hands n stuff, goin pretty well...she told me tonight on msn she pulled some other guy last night and friday night. last night i saw her at about 10ish then apparently she pulled some other guy at like 1am.......i am proper annoyed.....but i dont really know what to do.....we werent actually going out but its pissed me off.....

what do u lot think

Do him over. :D:lol:

EDIT: oh for f**ks sake, i always get good replies to posts that are years old *cries self to sleep*

Edited by Fat Pants
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A rather large bump:

I got dumped tother day and I think i'm over the girl, anyway, her mate texted me today and said that she still fancies me and if I try hard enough She'll go back out with me again. which is ok, apart from the fact that I now sort of fancy the same girl that texted me about my ex, so that means I could go for the relatively safe option of going with a girl who I know I will have fun with etc. and have gone out with twice before, OR possibly losing that girl and trying to go out with her mate, who I don't know as well, but do definately fancy her but also have no idea whether she feels the same way about me :(

Go for your ex's mate, loads more fun. Although watch out, depending on how closer mates they are, she could tell your ex you've been trying it on and then your f**ked for both of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Ok just thought i would consult the TF doctors ;)

On sunday night after an awesome!(if wet) ride in Bristol, i fin out my GF has cheated on me.... twice! Now this royaly sucks, as i love her to bits, and was awesome, but now im confused as im not sure if i should try and forgive her(given that normally i would just walk away and turn my back on her), or is i should continue like previously.

Really beat up about this, and after having a fairly alright ride last night im still no closer to making a decision. I know there was a cheating topic a while back, but this seems more appropriate...

Any words of wisdom? Should i stay? or just walk away(after f**king her silly one last time)?

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Forgiveness with this bullshit is wrong as hell. It will just show her that your weak and pathetic, and she'll use it to her advantage.

She'll do it again, and again, and again and she'll drive you mad. I for one of millions know its difficult as hell to 'give up' on someone you 'love' but as hard as this may sound, she doesn't love you.

Sorry, I know it sounds rotten as hell, but take a check on yourself mate, do you want someone you can't trust? Every night when she goes out with mates you'll be sat at home questioning everything...I've been there and its not a nice thing, at all.

Its not what being with a girl is about mate, find someone decent :)

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Don't give her the pleasure.

Ask to meet somewhere, walk up to her, "shut up, don't talk, listen", hand her a piece of paper with her number on it "i wont need this anymore", "i don't want to see or talk to you again, goodbye", and calmly walk away.

Show no emotion.

Go forfth and conquer.

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Any words of wisdom?

kick her in the tits

(had to - it's expected of me)

er, if you want to keep her then keep her but make sure you cheat back (it always made me feel better and if you don't tell her about it you can maintain the moral highground)

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On sunday night after an awesome!(if wet) ride in Bristol, i fin out my GF has cheated on me.... twice! Now this royaly sucks, as i love her to bits, and was awesome, but now im confused as im not sure if i should try and forgive her(given that normally i would just walk away and turn my back on her), or is i should continue like previously.

Any words of wisdom? Should i stay? or just walk away(after f**king her silly one last time)?

Once a cheat, Always a cheat, thats how it goes and if she knows you love her to bits, of course she will use it to her advantage.

My brother was with this blonde bimbo which everyone thought was fit, and they both seemed to love each other to bits, until one day she cheated on him. I went spair n stood up for him and found the boy, n basically offered him out but he shit it and went real soppy and begged Olly, my brother, for forgiveness. Olly accepted and got back with the girl (Aysha) because she was 'soo sorry and was near suicide... anyway.. was going well for a while after (about a year) until.. he was really f**ked off with her and dumped her at a party, BUT then found out the next morning that she had cheated on him with a boy thats supposed to be pretty hard called lewie, so Olly just didnt wana ever speak to her again and he didnt wana no this Lewie either, but then Lewie said how sorry he was and shizzle (which meant nothing) and i went to a party with Olly and saw this Lewie and he appologised and wasnt putting on a hard man act so we left it because my brother told me i wasnt allowed to hit him (even though Olly should of himself)

So now thats 2 people i have a big grudge on... which im sure will come up next time i see them when im pissed..

And now after all that, my brother is constantly getting txts from aysha saying how she still loves him and all that crap, nearly a year later, and she is suffering bad (and getting fat!)... she is also loosing all her mates because of what a whore she is..

So now Olly loves being single n shagging other birds while she ccries at home and has nothing now... No-one trusts her anymore and she can rot in hell for all i care...

Now who has come out on top... :P

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Ok just thought i would consult the TF doctors ;)

On sunday night after an awesome!(if wet) ride in Bristol, i fin out my GF has cheated on me.... twice! Now this royaly sucks, as i love her to bits, and was awesome, but now im confused as im not sure if i should try and forgive her(given that normally i would just walk away and turn my back on her), or is i should continue like previously.

Really beat up about this, and after having a fairly alright ride last night im still no closer to making a decision. I know there was a cheating topic a while back, but this seems more appropriate...

Any words of wisdom? Should i stay? or just walk away(after f**king her silly one last time)?

I think we all know what the keyword here is.

But tell her to f**k off, think, if you cheated on her she'd be right out the door (thats just how girls work) and never want to see you again, i'll let you make your decisions but i'd dump her.

Edited by Fat Pants
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