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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Girlfriends b-day in a couple of days. I only just been told by a friend. I am f**king skint with no money what so ever.


Hang on hang on.. you told her to f**k off because "she was ruining me" ("me" reffering to yourself)... and she expects a present :mellow: giver her some johnies from the clinic that'll make her day (Y) and yours knowing your not gonna get AIDS or something dodgey.

Edited by Nick pyke :)
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Girlfriends b-day in a couple of days. I only just been told by a friend. I am f**king skint with no money what so ever.


So you don't know when your girlfriends birthday is? I think thats your main problem...

How can your relationship be that great if you don't know when her birthday is.

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Me and my Ex are still good friends. My current gf doesnt like this. Wants me to tell my ex to f*ck off, and basicaly stop talking to every girl i know.

Any advice? Tell my gf to piss off or try and talk her round?

Well, for her it is f**ked up.

If my partner was good mates with her ex I'd be slightly concerned too. You need to choose whether you want your gf or your mate.

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Well, for her it is f**ked up.

If my partner was good mates with her ex I'd be slightly concerned too. You need to choose whether you want your gf or your mate.

Would it help if i said myself and my ex split up about 2 years ago. Been with my current gf for over a year and half and she has known that me and my ex were friends.

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Provided that your ex knows that that's it now, there is absolutely no reason why it should be a long term problem. Sure, your current girlfriend has every right to feel a little insecure about it because you guys have history so there must have been something you found attractive about the ex, but she needs to realise you're with her now.

Have a serious (but calm/normal) chat with both girls about things, take it easy on seeing/contacting the ex until the current lady is a little happier with things, and the situation will start to take control of itself (Y)

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Anyone had any sort of long distant relationship? How did you cope??

I cheated on her with one of her friends after 8 months :$ She was travelling for nearly 1.5 years.

I wouldn't choose to have a long term relationship again on that basis. Although you never know regarding the 'right' person.

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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I did, was good in that i spoke to her all day every day, so it didn't seem that distant and i could f**k off and stay up there for a week or so whenever i felt like it - was really nice to get away, let alone see her haha! All f**ked up though, and i definitely wouldn't be up for doing it again...

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