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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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  • 2 weeks later...

whoops forgot about this thread. Were back together now, but its getting to the same stage we where at before :( thing is she spends a fair bit of time with her ex. Most of the time its during lessons and stuff like that. But now there hanging out quite often and acting like best pals. Okay fair enough im no way against her having guy friends. But ive told her how much it hurts me to see them together, and if i tell her about it she just says that there really good friends. Just f**ks me off as it seams she is using him as a substitute when im not around.

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right, been texting a girl on and off for time, never took it any further due to her sleeping with a mate time ago, was thinking about making a move on her, then a week before crimbo i messed it up with her big time, never spoke to her since, got over it in like 34 seconds, went canada, had fun with a couple of birds out there, came home thinking, sh*t i need a bird.

then went out friday night, met a mates gf's mate out, got on quite well, then when i went to the bar, some random slightly below average looking bird(bearing in mind im well below average) accosted me and basically wanted me to go back to hers, I declined politely(well as politely as I could to a chubby girl after id had a few pints) and went back to chatting with my mates gf's mate, who seemed to be quite into me. I left the club suddenly as a friend whod got the keys to the house I was stayin in was waiting outside for me. got home and basically spent the whole weekend telling meself I couldnt let her pass me by, I was gunna grow a pair and ask her out on a date/see if she wanted to keep an old fart company one night (i have major issues with doing this, I normally wait till she asks/we end up pulling in a public situation/randomly end up in bed together, that way I tend to know straight away shes interested).

Got back home, didnt bother thinking"ahh ill see her again" but still with the idea of wanting a bird.

Then I heard off the first girl I was texting before crimbo randomly yesterday, its almost like I never messed up. It then comes to the point of her being single and lonely, and spending valentines in bed watching desperate housewives. I make a couple of joke suggestions, it gets laughed about. But then it comes down to chatting about me, and its like "Im happy single but wouldnt mind something casual".

despite the fact thats not what ive been saying to myself for the past 2 weeks. All this girl ever wanted was something casual, but then now, she doesnt.

So basically all shes wanted for ages is somethin casual, up until a couple of weeks back when she wanted something a bit more.

Ive come back off holiday wanting nothing but a GF, up until right till the point where I was on the home run to getting one, and then turn round and say I dont want it.

And now part of mes not wanting to mess the girl I liked from friday round, as im totally not sure if I dont want a relationship(as even though I think I do, when it comes to crunch time, im not sure i can commit) , or if I just dont want one with the girl ive been texting.

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"And now part of mes not wanting to mess the girl I liked from friday round" - who is this, the fatty or your mate's gf? Surely the latter is waaaay out of bounds?

nah, its my mates Gf's best mate. which is part of the reason I dont know if i want to ask her out for a date, in case I get cold feet towards commitment like I have today. Because If i mess her round, its gunna mean im not gunna be on best terms with her, my mates GF, and depending on how much influence she has over my mate, could make things awkward between us to.

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If you're digging the other chick from before and she's game for some no strings win, then I'd go down that route for now. You'll no doubt see your friend's lady's mate again in the future so that option will be there again. Whilst women love to be chased, if you come on too strong or too easy then it gets boring quick, much like it does for us blokes :)

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Yeah, exactly. If it doesn't work out then bad luck. But it's worth trying or you might regret it in the future.

edit: it's funny looking back at all the posts one made in this thread during/after the big break ups. They seem to encourage strength in a positive way.

Edited by Greetings
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(bearing in mind im well below average)

Self confidence for the win!

nah, its my mates Gf's best mate. which is part of the reason I dont know if i want to ask her out for a date, in case I get cold feet towards commitment like I have today. Because If i mess her round, its gunna mean im not gunna be on best terms with her, my mates GF, and depending on how much influence she has over my mate, could make things awkward between us to.

Unlikely, lads tend to see things logically. If you're good mates then I doubt it'll bother him too much - or his girlfriend to be honest. Sure, they're mates but when did you get the hump with a girl because she messed one of your mates around?

I'd say go for it. Don't put yourself out because of what other people might think of you.

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