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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Broke up with someone, whom at the time it ended I considered the love of my life. To this day, regardless of what she's said and done, I still consider her at that level. Four months ago roughly we broke up, and I still keep getting dreams about her and thinking about her randomly.

I found this new amazing girl, and I've started dating her. The problem is though, the whole time I'm with her, I'm wishing I was with my ex.

My ex has just started dating her best friend, whom before I came in the picture was her f**kbuddy. He's a massive player, and right now has 2 other girls on the books excluding her. He's hated me since day one because I was getting in the way of his 'playing', saw him for what he really was, and made sure that he couldn't stick it in her. How ever, after 4 months away from me, he's convinced her that he's an honest nice bloke that she could a] move in with b] get serious with and c] have a family with.

I think my current girlfriend is amazing, cute and although a little full on at times overall a good person to be with. I can't get my ex out of my head, and I seriously want to trek all the way to Wales and go Lock Stock on him.


Hum…Sounds like you truly need to get over her. When I went through a hard breakup 2yrs ago I just wanted to see my ex for months. I wanted to meet a new lady at the same time to stop the hurting, but I defianatly couldn't have given her the respect & attention she deserved. For me, I had to stop all communication with the ex and then I could move past her. She wasn't in my head and that allowed me to be truely interested in someone new. I hope you can work things out.

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Hum…Sounds like you truly need to get over her. When I went through a hard breakup 2yrs ago I just wanted to see my ex for months. I wanted to meet a new lady at the same time to stop the hurting, but I defianatly couldn't have given her the respect & attention she deserved. For me, I had to stop all communication with the ex and then I could move past her. She wasn't in my head and that allowed me to be truely interested in someone new. I hope you can work things out.

Things appeared to have worked out. I saw her when I was going shopping, and thought, 'what did I ever see in her?'. Anyone who could treat someone like that isn't worth going after in the first place. Doubt I'll miss her now, she's moving to Wales anyway.

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why do they say they like you, then you ask them out, then they get confused, then they want to be friend but say they might like you ina little while.....one day they will learn a mans brain cant cope with this confusement...

im litrally spending hours on end thinking wtf, if i try anything with her then i risk loosing her forever, if i dont then she might not think i like her.

please no one just say forget about her or sum shit cause she is actually the most amazing girl i have ever met, i would give up ALOT just to be with her!

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f**kkkkk i couldnt stand it anymore now were just friends and thats it. i hate life!

Bad times (N) - i think... if your there for her when she needs it, day and night (ironic how im listening to the sng as typing that ;) ) and show her that you really care for her feelings she will understand your serious and that you dont want to hurt her... Tell me to f off if you want, but i just went through it my with gf (N).

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why do they say they like you, then you ask them out, then they get confused, then they want to be friend but say they might like you ina little while.....one day they will learn a mans brain cant cope with this confusement...

im litrally spending hours on end thinking wtf, if i try anything with her then i risk loosing her forever, if i dont then she might not think i like her.

please no one just say forget about her or sum shit cause she is actually the most amazing girl i have ever met, i would give up ALOT just to be with her!

Maybe she doesnt want a boyfriend and just wants sex?

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15yr olds are so f**king annoying it's un-true!

Had one that was after me, got denied. I decided to simply ignore her constant texts, then she kept apologising and feeling bad etc, so I decided to talk to her again. Now she tells me her mate likes me!? f**k sake. They're so immature and irritating... does my head in!

In a bad mood tonight. :rolleyes:

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It's strange, I would like a relationship, but the girl I've always been focused on is taken, and probably not interested anyway! (an old ex...) But recently I've had about 4 15yr olds after me, all of which have been turned down. I think my problem is the fact that my previous relationship turned to shit pretty quick, my parents divorced when I was about 8, and then my mum's ex sadly died of throat cancer. Oh, and my 21yr old sister is engaged to some bloke who's 40something...

So my life's been full of shit and f**ked up relationships, I guess subconciously I'm just scared of it happening to me, so I can't let myself commit to anything?

Makes sense, doesn't it?

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15yr olds are so f**king annoying it's un-true!

Had one that was after me, got denied. I decided to simply ignore her constant texts, then she kept apologising and feeling bad etc, so I decided to talk to her again. Now she tells me her mate likes me!? f**k sake. They're so immature and irritating... does my head in!

In a bad mood tonight. :rolleyes:

More to add:

It's strange, I would like a relationship, but the girl I've always been focused on is taken, and probably not interested anyway! (an old ex...) But recently I've had about 4 15yr olds after me, all of which have been turned down. I think my problem is the fact that my previous relationship turned to shit pretty quick, my parents divorced when I was about 8, and then my mum's ex sadly died of throat cancer. Oh, and my 21yr old sister is engaged to some bloke who's 40something...

So my life's been full of shit and f**ked up relationships, I guess subconciously I'm just scared of it happening to me, so I can't let myself commit to anything?

Makes sense, doesn't it?

Yes.. You dont want to feel something for some one, then find out they wont be there for you, the words they have spoken ae just words they dont mean anything... Your life Your decisions, its up to you on whether you want to have a serious relation ship or just flings... in your position i'd go for a serious relationship so you wont feel like shit when some 15 year ol has longed you off (N)

Hope that ^ helps in some way maye (Y).

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