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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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OK, lets go.....again....

Goin out with my GF that I went out with for like 8 months, we split for like 1 or 2 and are back together, it's a good relationship we have and all that and i Have whatever on Tap basically...anyway. I don't know why but I just get depressed sometimes and wish I wasn't going out with her, as in depressed because of her, not because of something else. I don't know whether to stay with her and see what happens or to flee, she'll be upset if I flee but afterall, it's better than hanging around when I don't want to. I have several admirers following me so I don't know what to do, help me.....please.

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OK, lets go.....again....

Goin out with my GF that I went out with for like 8 months, we split for like 1 or 2 and are back together, it's a good relationship we have and all that and i Have whatever on Tap basically...anyway. I don't know why but I just get depressed sometimes and wish I wasn't going out with her, as in depressed because of her, not because of something else. I don't know whether to stay with her and see what happens or to flee, she'll be upset if I flee but afterall, it's better than hanging around when I don't want to. I have several admirers following me so I don't know what to do, help me.....please.


try out some of the admirers - if any of them seem like suitable long term material then ditch current missus

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Girlfriend is a domineering little ****. As awesome as it is...I want to have some power for once!

Woah, you gotta sort that out, call me sexist or old fashioned or whatever but the girl should be the submissive one!! Just be a man, take charge! This is why I like small girls, easier to kinda do what you want!

Just suggest that you be in charge, tell her you're gonna have your way with her, in my experience girls actually get quite wet at the thought of being taken against their will (not condoning rape in any way, that is just wrong and you'll be up in court, but when it's your girlfriend and you're just being playful it's ok) so you never know, she may love it so much she'll become your slave!



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that's just what he tells himself while he's waiting in the shadows

Nah it's true, did anyone see that sex tips for girls programme, it was on there. They asked like 100 women what their sexual fantasies were and one of the top 10 was being forced to have sex by a hot stranger!

Just use some nasty language, take hold of her firmly and get her where you want her, she's your missus so she should trust you, mine does!


PS: Waiting in the shaddows? That's so last year! This year's all about befriending them over a period of time to gain trust then pouncing when they least expect it!

Edited by Small_Gear_Big_Style
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Some girls are just so stupid. Thanks to my mates and some people on this forum, I've completely come to terms with my gf braking up with me and I now make fun of it. Started uni again today and I met my ex's best friend who I like very much. We spoke a bit about what happened and she was like "it's all your fault, Martha did well to brake up with you etc." which really pissed me off and I felt like a 10 year old being told off by a headmaster. Well, I didn't expect any other reaction to be honest, but it's just so stupid that she couldn't care less about getting the facts straight.

Other than that, there are loads of super pretty girls on my year so I've better get to work. I'm going out with one today, she's kind of nice, super fit and very pretty, but too small and has blonde hair (N) And on Sunday I'm off to another girl to cook dinner and go to a party. Looking good.

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Some girls are just so stupid. Thanks to my mates and some people on this forum, I've completely come to terms with my gf braking up with me and I now make fun of it. Started uni again today and I met my ex's best friend who I like very much. We spoke a bit about what happened and she was like "it's all your fault, Martha did well to brake up with you etc." which really pissed me off and I felt like a 10 year old being told off by a headmaster. Well, I didn't expect any other reaction to be honest, but it's just so stupid that she couldn't care less about getting the facts straight.

Other than that, there are loads of super pretty girls on my year so I've better get to work. I'm going out with one today, she's kind of nice, super fit and very pretty, but too small and has blonde hair (N) And on Sunday I'm off to another girl to cook dinner and go to a party. Looking good.

I envy you lol, good luck. (Y)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Righto, update, hot girl, told her a liked her a while back (just after she split from her boyfriend IDIOT) nd she said she was flattered but wasnt looking for a boyfriend.

Now im debating wether to tell ther I still like her or just assume that she doesnt like me and the above was just a convienent excuse.

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Righto, update, hot girl, told her a liked her a while back (just after she split from her boyfriend IDIOT) nd she said she was flattered but wasnt looking for a boyfriend.

Now im debating wether to tell ther I still like her or just assume that she doesnt like me and the above was just a convienent excuse.

dnt come out with it like that, maybe a bit of casual flirting with her and see what happens? if she is a flirty girl though just maybe try to get closer to her when u txt her (assuming you have her number)like demand a hug next time you see her or something.

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Obviously I didnt mean I was going to go up to her and say 'Oi SLAG I still like you' or whatever, just build up to it like I would if it was the first time.

I have her number, we text frequently and hugs to say hello and bye are standard now-a-days

awesome just keep it at that and add a bit of casual flirting in and see how it goes :) also some sex comments now and again like if she says cum here you should say you wanting ur way with me again ? :o:P summit like that

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Easy. Best line ever! Well....

Fancy Pizza and bum sex?

and if she says no then you replie with no? so you don't like pizza? lol only messing.

pure class there . .

he has a point though.

directness = honesty and honesty is always appreciated

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I thought I'd never have to post in this thread again but today my ex thought it'd be a good idea to get in touch with me after 3 months of giving no sign of life. The worst thing is, she treated me as if nothing had ever happened. I hate her, I could kill her but I could also fall in love with her again. So, she basically asked how are things my end to which I replied nothing, so then she went on to complaining that if I swear at her in texts (probably my 10th attempt at getting my mobile back, lol), our relationship "won't get any better". WTF?!?!? She completely destroyed all of it, treated me like a piece of shit and now she's saying I'm destroying something? So then she goes onto another subject. She apparently saw me riding trials on Friday. I tell her it's not me, I no longer have a mod and it has hardly any blue parts in it, but she says she knows it was me and I'm looking for a good excuse because I ignored her. Lol #2. Then she says she's got to get up for uni tomorrow, and needs to go to bed, then says see you soon.

So basically I think I want no more contact with her. But on the other hand, she WAS a very nice girl. Should I call her and ask her never to contact me again? Or should I just leave it and wait for matters to sort themselves out?

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