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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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I can't remember what i did, but she hit me,

1) so i hit her back,

2) so i grabbed her and

3)pushed her back on her bed

4)so i grabbed her arms and twisted them a bit, and bearing in mind she claws me with her nails when i grab her arms, i kept doing it, because every time i stop she will slap me on the face or something, so i grab her and just try to pin her down kinda thing to make her realise she should stop, end of it is i have about 15 cuts on my arms from her nails, one particularly quite deep because there's a scab of blood the size of a 5p on my wrist. And she's angry with me for hurting her arms?

So, correct me if im wrong, but youd hit her, grabbed her, pushed her on her bed, before she dug her nails in. You try doing that sh*t in public, and chances are youll probably just about get number one done, before a couple of guys cave your skull in.

My gf really doesn't understand the concept of 'if you can't take it, don't dish it out'.

Ill make sure she remembers this next time you try and get her to go for anal.

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No, you're really not seeing this right. It was a thing from me, then she'd hit me back, i'd tell her to stop or whatever, and she'd get another punch in, so i'd grab her or whatever, then she'd hit me, then i'd complain and she'd do it again, it's not always 2 from her but she definitely starts it... I'm not thumping her or anything, she'd know about it if i did.

She also always needs to get an extra punch or slap in when it finishes...

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No, you're really not seeing this right. It was a thing from me, then she'd hit me back, i'd tell her to stop or whatever, and she'd get another punch in, so i'd grab her or whatever, then she'd hit me, then i'd complain and she'd do it again, it's not always 2 from her but she definitely starts it... I'm not thumping her or anything, she'd know about it if i did.

She also always needs to get an extra punch or slap in when it finishes...

Nice effort at being the big man there.

Glen, Your in the wrong and your just being a tw*t about it being convinced your in the right, just like every other decision anybody ever advises you about, you always just argue your point, get proved wrong, then go and do your own sh*t anyway. You moan and throw hissy fits about her digging her nails into you, when your hurting her arms. you treat her like sh*t, say stuff like youd kill her if she finished with you. You dont deserve a hand to wank with, let alone a semi fit girlfriend. You never hit/hurt a woman in an argument, even if your not hitting properly. Your a twat, but your probably not going to listen so:

go for it mate, spark her out.

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Ok get punched in the balls a lot then see if any anger builds up...

And stop taking the kill her thing so literally, it was a joke to!

Yeah well i told her i'm sorry and that i'll try not to hurt her but she's gotta realise if you punch someone in the balls or whatever, you can expect the guy to be quite annoyed.

Edited by Fixed Pants™
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And stop taking the kill her thing so literally, it was a joke to!

And she was joking about finishing it to, so I dont see why that got you riled, and if you didnt know she was joking, how the hell do you expect her to know wether you wer jokin about killin her when the 2 of you split up.

Yeah well i told her i'm sorry and that i'll try not to hurt her but she's gotta realise if you punch someone in the balls or whatever, you can expect the guy to be quite annoyed.

Getting annoyed is one thing, annoyed is shouting at a train when it pulls out of the station when you go to get on it.

Hitting a girl is domestic abuse.

I might already of said this glen but:

Glen, Your in the wrong and your just being a tw*t about it being convinced your in the right, just like every other decision anybody ever advises you about, you always just argue your point, get proved wrong, then go and do your own sh*t anyway. You moan and throw hissy fits about her digging her nails into you, when your hurting her arms. you treat her like sh*t, . You dont deserve a hand to wank with, let alone a semi fit girlfriend. You never hit/hurt a woman in an argument, even if your not hitting properly. Your a twat.

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You're blowing this way out of proportion. It is in essence, play fighting, i'm not beating the shit out of her, fair enough it seems like i'm completely in the wrong but so is she for doing what she does.

And leaving someone is realistic, killing someone, is not.

Leave the shit out, you hit her!!!

I get knees in the crotch (ok accidently but still) yes it annoys me but i dont hit her even playfully!

I have scars from her claws but this comes with being a woman they have to have talons...

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Leave the shit out, you hit her!!!

I get knees in the crotch (ok accidently but still) yes it annoys me but i dont hit her even playfully!

I have scars from her claws but this comes with being a woman they have to have talons...

haha ace.

"Do the chickens have large talons?"


I just ended my ex cos she didnt end me lol.

Thort oh ill wait 2 weeks with out seeing her, then txt her to ask whats happeneing, she said she loves me and wants to stay with me .......

2 days later i dumped her. BOH-YAAAR.

yes im evil.

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Hitting a girl is domestic abuse.

Hitting a man is domestic abuse.

It works both ways. There are a lot of women out there who kick the shit out of their husbands/partners, it just goes unrecognised because men are expected to accept things like this.

However, in Glens point of view, it doesn't really justify his actions. The amount of times I've been out in Nottingham/Derby and had some pissed up slag try and start on me. I imagine its happened to a lot of people on here too, but they probably throw some pathetic punch and then you just laugh it off and walk away.

We've all been kicked in the bollocks or whatever, but I don't think it'd be enough to enrage me to the point of hitting my girlfriend. Screaming and shouting maybe, but I'd never lay a finger on her.

I think everyones comments on here are a little out of control to be honest - the question is Glen, do you regret it?

As a warning, I knew a girl, her and her boyfriend were in a similar situation as you described - speak to any lad and once they hear 'I hit her' it will be all the information they need, no one cares about your side of the story or what caused it. You hit her and thats all there is to it.

Anyway, this couple got in a bit of a fight last night and he hit her - she told a few people and it spread pretty quickly. They've broken up but he won't get a girlfriend around here again, he lost most of his mates and I think someone even threatened him and smashed his car up.

Just be careful. Apologise, see how it does for a week and then end it. You're seriously not happy with her, what with the drugs, the arguing and the small petty issues.

If you need to tell someone to stop doing something, the relationship is f**ked right there - especially with drugs. I wouldn't be suprised at all if shes doing it behind your back.

End it.

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If a girl hits me on a night out, things get thrown at her. Last time i was out some randomer who was standing next to me threw chips across the road at some loudmouth slag who'd been shouting at someone in the kebab shop. So she storms over the road and swings her handbag at my head. Que me launching my slice of pizza at her head and everybody laughing as she walks away with pizza on her hair.

I don't condone serious violence towards women but there is a level you can go to before it gets too far. Bit of pizza on your head/face or a little slap on the ass if they do something wrong is fine.

Properly hitting her is a bad thing, but hitting her in a playful way.... so long as she understands it's playful... is fine. Those saying "never hit a girl, even if it's playfighting" have their head shoved rather high up a certain orifice on their own moralistic superiority.

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The thought of some dude railing your misses whilst shes high on ex is enough to drive mostly people mad. Luckily its only FP.

That definitely fills me with rage.

She's not doing anything behind my back, because, for the last month or 2, she's been at college, or with me... I see her every day, what we've got is like mega.

Kris, thank you very much, she knows it's play fighting cos she hit me... I'm really really not larruping her or anything, and it's all good, she was just in a bad mood yesterday because we've had an awesome time today...

I can seriously see myself being with her in 3-4 years time, it's that good.

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