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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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There is a girl that I like a fair bit, shes a good mate of mine.

The problem is, I have no idea what to talk about when talking to her!

What kind of thing do you talk to with girls? I could talk about trials or motorbikes, but I dont they are to knowledgable on the topic.


If you have to ask, you'll never know. There's only so much help you can be given bud :rolleyes:

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Sticking with the whole age gap thing I'll share my current situation with you guys.

I know the answer, I just feel like letting off steam over it.

Right, really nice girl that works at the pub I remember seeing her when she came in she had massive boobs and she asked for a job. Landlord came out and started talking and I turned round and shouted "Matt, hire her it'll get me in more often (Y)" she smiled and Matt told me to f**k off. Then a week or so later I came in the pub and she was behind the bar which was nice, we started chatting and I kinda fell for her. Then the blues festival came around and she was working the bar and was struggling a bit so I got behind the bar and helped her for the duration of her 6 hour shift (jesus, she'd only done two shifts before getting ambushed by 600 drunken guests on her own!), she was really greatful and we spent the night together until she had to go home and she was complaining about having to be in work at 7 to tidy up.

Next morning I got up and went for my bike ride early (after being on the piss until 3 in the morning haha !) and then got to the pub for 7 to surprise her, I was there cleaning before she arrived and she asked me what I was doing so I told her I came to help her. She was really grateful and stuff and pretty much the same thing happened the rest of the day, then her parents came in the evening and things went down hill a bit. I got really drunk and made a bit of a tit of myself and got her mums back up a bit :( Then the next day same again, we got talking more and I found out she was 23, just moved to the village from Liss and was a teacher. Nice; I thought !

Blues weekend came and went and we exchanged numbers and stuff so I dropped her a text to ask her out some time and she gave me the "Oh, I'm kinda seeing someone" line. :(

A week or so later I kept up the nice guy bit and she asked me to take her out some time, so I jumped at the opportunity and took her out to a nice pub for a meal. We both had a little too much so we moved into the bar (really cozy, and nobody there. Great!) till I'd sobered up a bit to drive. We cuddled up on the sofa and things were looking pretty nice, we had a chat and she's into all the same stuff as me. And has been looking for a guy who is easy going and a bit more mature than the average which was cool.

Anyway we've met up 4 or 5 times since and were getting on really well and seem to be getting closer to each other every time we go out, took her to the cinema the other day and she started doing strange things. We were cuddled up and her phone went, she started giggling then moved away and got all cagey with her phone and wouldn't let me see. I automatically thought the worse and it got my back up a bit, but I let it pass and then put my arm around her again and she was being a bit funny with me. I dunno', just off.

Then when were walking back to the car we were holding hands and all was great, she drove me home and things were looking like normal. She stayed the night and then left straight for work in the morning.

I sent her a text today asking if she could ring me when she finished work because I wanted to have a chat, I know she finishes work bang on 6 and it was half past and she hadn't phoned. So I gave her a call and she got all huffy with me, going on about me "harassing" her. So I told her why I rang (wanted to meet up the weekend) and she quite huffily said "Pfff, I MIGHT call you later I've got to get ready for work. Some of us DO work for a living you know..." and hung up !

I didn't reply, text back or anything so I don't know where I stand. But it seemed so out of character for her, she's not your typical barbie doll or anything. She comes from a very privileged background and seems to be incredibly "proper".

Well, crux of the matter is I like her loads and probably as a bit more than a friend. But I'm not sure if I'm getting the wrong end of the stick...

I know I've just got to have a "chat" with her and tell her how I feel but I don't want to blow myself out the water by saying the wrong thing (which I do often), or coming across as immature.

Also there is so much at stake for me, because I really want her quite badly and I don't like the risk that is things going tits up :(

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take a note from the advice thats been given to glen, chill the feck out, and leave her alone, if i was her, and youd done all that at the pub, id of thought you where either a) desperate B ) a pushover or c) a stalker. and clearly shes starting to think your sitting in category C, and ill be honest, i dont blame her, the amount you bang on about missing her(when your not even "together"), the fact she mentioned, harassin says it all, she might be saying it as a bit of fun, a nice couple of evenings and nothing more, maybe a casual relationship, maybe a friendship, maybe shes humouring even you. but trust me, you pestering her, and most likely you having "the chat" even if its just on the weekend when you see her because she wants to go out for a meal, wont help. just go with the flow.

Edited by Fish-Finger-er
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You say that, but she's just text me whilst I was arguing over Jesus saying she's had a hectic day at work and she'd love to meet up at the weekend and saying she hopes she hasn't upset me by being funny. Also, she never mentioned "harassing" her its just the way she came across was that she felt harassed.

Maybe I just caught her at a bad time ?

Also, it's not always a case of me asking her out and me paying for everything so she's getting a free ride. A couple of times she's told me when to be ready and picked me up/paid for everything and is 50% of the time asking about when were meeting up again next.

Edited by Pashley26
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You say that, but she's just text me whilst I was arguing over Jesus saying she's had a hectic day at work and she'd love to meet up at the weekend and saying she hopes she hasn't upset me by being funny.

Maybe I just caught her at a bad time ?

Also, it's not always a case of me asking her out and me paying for everything so she's getting a free ride. A couple of times she's told me when to be ready and picked me up/paid for everything and is 50% of the time asking about when were meeting up again next.

in that case, let her take charge. if she is into you, shell text you, or ask to meet you again, but just dont push the issue all the time(im not saying dont ask, but dont go into the pub purely to see her every day etc)

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in that case, let her take charge. if she is into you, shell text you, or ask to meet you again, but just dont push the issue all the time(im not saying dont ask, but dont go into the pub purely to see her every day etc)

Ahhh noooo, I think you might be getting the wrong end of the stick dude.

I've been hanging back as much as, these "events" have happened over 4/5 weeks.

I've been making a concerted effort to not be clingy and to just go with the flow, probably only spoken to her every 2/3 days.

I know what I'm going to do, I'm just going to carry on as is and see how things go. I just want to do it right so I don't f**k it up, as per usual.

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and then got to the pub for 7 to surprise her

Thats extreemly clingy / freekish. I'm with Kev, just chill out sit back and relax. And if she comes to you, you have a chance to save it, but IF she does come to you don't pounce just play it cool. And if she doe's contact you then she almost certainly thinks your a massive stalker.

On a sidenote: The girl I've been seeing is stunning, funny, cute etc. and we both go uni tommorow, so decided to have an open relationship during uni... which could prove to be vair confussing!

Edited by Simpson
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Thats extreemly clingy / freekish. I'm with Kev, just chill out sit back and relax. And if she comes to you, you have a chance to save it, but IF she does come to you don't pounce just play it cool. And if she doe's contact you then she almost certainly thinks your a massive stalker.

On a sidenote: The girl I've been seeing is stunning, funny, cute etc. and we both go uni tommorow, so decided to have an open relationship during uni... which could prove to be vair confussing!

this you will find difficult to cope with, if this girl is anything like my missus

and on that note, she is off to uni today, and im stuck here in guernsey, 51 days till seeing her again, WTF

hard times (N)

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I texted her 3 or so hours ago, because she didn't reply an hour before i sent that message, saying " or don't text back then". She replied going "was busy + on london eye now" me being me "Nothing new there then." To which i get this back "Yes, its a busy weekend. Look you wanna smoke. I dont like it.. I was late, had to run through ldn, then was having tea. Text you and your dropping comments like that. You know my predicament + I know its got nothing to do with it but i'd expect a little more sensitivity."

Er what?

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I texted her 3 or so hours ago, because she didn't reply an hour before i sent that message, saying " or don't text back then". She replied going "was busy + on london eye now" me being me "Nothing new there then." To which i get this back "Yes, its a busy weekend. Look you wanna smoke. I dont like it.. I was late, had to run through ldn, then was having tea. Text you and your dropping comments like that. You know my predicament + I know its got nothing to do with it but i'd expect a little more sensitivity."

Er what?

In short 'f**k off with the bitchy comments'

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In short 'f**k off with the bitchy comments'

Yeah I gathered that much, I just don't see why it doesn't work both ways?

I never see her anymore, she's always doing school work, or working in the pub.

Just tried to ring her and her phones off.

I guess if i said "Good one for turning your phone off that's really gonna sort this out" i'd sound more bitchy?

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