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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Like 13 I think, fridgid as f**k. No point to be honest.

Oh f**king come on, if there's grass on the wicket lets play cricket.

In second hand news -

I'm really f**king lonely, I've had enough of being "single". First few months it owned, going out all the time and getting whatever I want like but now I just feel no passion.

It's as though it's boring for me now, just going out and getting my nob wet doesn't cut it. I want something a bit more serious, somebody to look after and a reason to stay in at night or whatever.

Downside is I'm hopeless with women, and I get really f**ked off because I know some really nice girls but they're all with guys who are complete f**king tools.

Like "insert girls name here" is going out with a guy who's getting her into drugs and stuff in quite a big way, so she's got really pale skin and she's looking f**king rough. As well as loosing all of her personality and turning into a f**king pain in the ass, and whenever she sees me she's always going on about having no money and how she's not going anywhere in life and she wants to move out and stuff like that. Well why not f**k "insert his name" off out the picture, get with the guy you've known for 16 years and then you can have as much anything you want and your own flat, and whatever other shit you want.

I just don't see why women find me so unattractive, I'm pretty funny, a complete gentleman, well educated, a hard worker with high aspirations, I earn loads of money and I'm not exactly ugly or deformed or anything. Yet some f**king willy who walks round in some Pyjama-esque tracksuit saying things like "Wat" and "Bruv" who does f**k all but sit round at your mums house drinking beer she's bought for him and smoking weed that his gf's EMA has paid for is marriage material (Y)

f**king grrr :(

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*couldn't be arsed to read it all*

You're probably lying somewhere about someone being interested in you. If she is then she's probably rather podgy like the "great girl" you posted the other day. Just stick it in and be bother later. If you can't get her, put it in Hendrix, I saw a page lately which said he was gay.

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*couldn't be arsed to read it all*

Which means you haven't got a clue what I'm on about ?

I'm querying the fact that women have no interest in me on any level higher than "friends" or "drinking buddies", yet they'll happily get into a long term relationship with a complete f**king tool who's gong nowhere in life.

I haven't got a problem picking up the munters from outside liquids to get my nob wet, even Steven Hawkings could do that. I have a problem in that I want something more than just a quick shag and then forget about it, but I can't seem to find the right woman for me who is interested in me aswell. I don't think I'm setting my sights to high, I'm just looking for the female equivalent of me.

If you fancy replying with some advice please do, I'd appreciate it...

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I just don't see why women find me so unattractive, I'm pretty funny, a complete gentleman, well educated, a hard worker with high aspirations, I earn loads of money and I'm not exactly ugly or deformed or anything. Yet some f**king willy who walks round in some Pyjama-esque tracksuit saying things like "Wat" and "Bruv" who does f**k all but sit round at your mums house drinking beer she's bought for him and smoking weed that his gf's EMA has paid for is marriage material (Y)

add to that list your massive ego and your onto a sure winner?

not wanting to slam down on your oh so fine ass(As youd put it) but... you earn loadsa money? dont you work in a bikeshop? surely that cant pay that well, and neither can doing a bit of logging on the side.

if your trying to win women over with your bank balance, you may as well go get a hooker?

as for being educated, a gentleman, a hard worker with high aspirations, to be honest, its not the 1930's no more, women arent really into that.

also, i suspect you rarely meet women(due to the fact you dont go to college, dont go clubbing, a lot of your mates are older people into cars and shiz, so its not like there birds are gunna introduce you to their mates etc).

and.. you say you still get your knob wet, so surely the problem actually lies in your ability to hold a women down(and im not talking obtain the upper position and control her with your body weight till you can get the gaffa tape ready) which, if your anything like me, is down to the fact, that actually having someone hanging off your arm, costing you money, making you go and watch sh*t films you dont want to go and see and introducing you to her stuck up their own ass wannabe middle class penge minge scummy mates who think their the real deal because theyve practically got a sponsorship from boots for the amount of make up they buy and in turn their dressed by topman,ripped by dianabol,wankered by tea time, hated by everyone boyfriends. Sits below going out clubbing, riding your motorbike and flossing with razor wire on your list of priorities.

either that, or once you get past the first date niceness, your actually a jeb end.

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add to that list your massive ego and your onto a sure winner?

not wanting to slam down on your oh so fine ass(As youd put it) but... you earn loadsa money? dont you work in a bikeshop? surely that cant pay that well, and neither can doing a bit of logging on the side.

if your trying to win women over with your bank balance, you may as well go get a hooker?

as for being educated, a gentleman, a hard worker with high aspirations, to be honest, its not the 1930's no more, women arent really into that.

also, i suspect you rarely meet women(due to the fact you dont go to college, dont go clubbing, a lot of your mates are older people into cars and shiz, so its not like there birds are gunna introduce you to their mates etc).

and.. you say you still get your knob wet, so surely the problem actually lies in your ability to hold a women down(and im not talking obtain the upper position and control her with your body weight till you can get the gaffa tape ready) which, if your anything like me, is down to the fact, that actually having someone hanging off your arm, costing you money, making you go and watch sh*t films you dont want to go and see and introducing you to her stuck up their own ass wannabe middle class penge minge scummy mates who think their the real deal because theyve practically got a sponsorship from boots for the amount of make up they buy and in turn their dressed by topman,ripped by dianabol,wankered by tea time, hated by everyone boyfriends. Sits below going out clubbing, riding your motorbike and flossing with razor wire on your list of priorities.

either that, or once you get past the first date niceness, your actually a jeb end.

I haven't got a massive ego at akk, I just don't like people who are shit/stupid/worth f**k all. You know the type I mean ? The other day a friend of mines BF filled his car with creosote instead of oil because it was in a GTX can (despite the fact it stank of creosote, had a paint brush on top of the can and had creosote written on it), that sort of a person....

I don't meet women that often, but I'd say I meet and chat/have a drink with 10/15 women a week. So surely a high percentage of them are potential dates/relationships/more than friends in the right circumstances ?

But yeah, like you I don't want a f**king barbie doll I want a proper woman. How hard is it to find a *proper* woman, really ? Because all the ones I meet are either 30+ and married off or aren't interested in 18 year old lads.

And going to your "money" thing, money isn't everything to me and I'm just not that shallow and I wouldn't want a woman who was either. I was simply mentioning the fact that it's another thing thats in my favor, surely having £290 a week after my car insurance and saving fund is something positive ?

Anyway, I'm after advice not pisstaking. I know your not taking the piss, but your the kinda' person who could offer proper advice (Y)

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You would know.

I'm jumping out of my own ass/self pity to say please f**k off.

Your not in the TF circle enough to make immature, and just plain f**king stupid comments. Mike is sound as f**k, and says things as plain as they can be.


Sku, Match.com can eat my ass.

If I'm going to meet the right woman it will be in my natural enviroment., a pub or a car show. If they're in the place I am they've *got* to have an interest in the same things as me, I just need to get out more and try to tie them down to a date and try and move things on. I can do it, I'm super confident and who cares if it goes wrong a few times. I might say something random to someone one day and it all go to plan, I'd rather have someone accept me for who I am than put up a facade.

Moan over, I've manned the f**k up about it all.

Edited by Pashley26
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