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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Sounds better than being caught up in an emotional shit-storm to be fair.


Read up to what i posted, might of been a page before. I was in almost the same situation except we wasn't engaged and wasn't living together. I just didn't feel for her anymore and in the end decided to end it.

I felt like shit and it ended shittly too in a big storm of anger and hate, but she's calmed down and is just happy i told her how i felt. :)

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I know full well why she suggested I stayed. Because she want's me to get back with her, so obviously if I stayed with her, then eventually I'd decide to get back with her. Though I knew what she was thinking when she said that. But now she seems to have it in her head that things are gonna happen between us. I just feel abit guilty, as she has 1 friend from work and that's it. Another reason why I think she doesn't want t loose me.

Purely based on what you are saying; if you got back with her then you'd soon feel exactly the same as you did.

Also, as cruel as it sounds, you cannot base your actions on any sympathy you feel for her because as well as it not being fair on you, it isn't fair on her either as you wouldn't be with her for the right reasons.

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Read up to what i posted, might of been a page before. I was in almost the same situation except we wasn't engaged and wasn't living together. I just didn't feel for her anymore and in the end decided to end it.

I felt like shit and it ended shittly too in a big storm of anger and hate, but she's calmed down and is just happy i told her how i felt. :)

I had a read through your problem, that's how I feel, like a complete unt and selfish. That's why I've stayed with her for so long. I've like this for sometime, we went to a wedding fayre back in Feb/March, not long after I started feeling like this.

Purely based on what you are saying; if you got back with her then you'd soon feel exactly the same as you did.

Also, as cruel as it sounds, you cannot base your actions on any sympathy you feel for her because as well as it not being fair on you, it isn't fair on her as you aren't with her for the right reasons.

Like you say you seems so cruel, but it's unfair on both of us if I stay.

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Also, as cruel as it sounds, you cannot base your actions on any sympathy you feel for her because as well as it not being fair on you, it isn't fair on her either as you wouldn't be with her for the right reasons.

Agreed. I felt like such a dick when i eventually picked my bollocks up of the floor and told her it was over, but after the initial campaign of hate which even involved her mum getting involved, she's now supremely sorry for what happened and the way she ended up, but can also side my decision and is thankful i didn't keep up our relationship based on sympathy.

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Agreed. I felt like such a dick when i eventually picked my bollocks up of the floor and told her it was over, but after the initial campaign of hate which even involved her mum getting involved, she's now supremely sorry for what happened and the way she ended up, but can also side my decision and is thankful i didn't keep up our relationship based on sympathy.

Thats a slight concern of mine. As I live with her parent's and her step dad is retired and mum was made redundant, there both currently home and will be at 6:30pm when Sian get's home from work. I get on with them both really well, but her mum does annoy the hell out of me at time's, and I've seen this in Sian. Think she's slowly turning into her mum, attitude wise.

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How do you resist the urge to rail female friends?

I have a really good friend, we would never work in a relationship and I enjoy her as a friend, couldn't imagine and wouldn't want anything more. I just get the urge to ram it in her every now and again..

ahh this is a good one. and i like to get round this problem by ramming her. this is the best way to get a f**k buddy. no stress, she wont want more, you definately dont want more, but it allows lots of easy sex all the time :)

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ahh this is a good one. and i like to get round this problem by ramming her. this is the best way to get a f**k buddy. no stress, she wont want more, you definately dont want more, but it allows lots of easy sex all the time :)

You can't just ask for casual sex? What if they say no and go all weird? Like I said, don't want to mess up the friendship. We're going camping next week, just us two and myyyyy god I get the feeling she's asking for a fanny slamming every now and again.

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You can't just ask for casual sex? What if they say no and go all weird? Like I said, don't want to mess up the friendship. We're going camping next week, just us two and myyyyy god I get the feeling she's asking for a fanny slamming every now and again.

Simple answer here.

Just do her.

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You can't just ask for casual sex? What if they say no and go all weird? Like I said, don't want to mess up the friendship. We're going camping next week, just us two and myyyyy god I get the feeling she's asking for a fanny slamming every now and again.

On average girls are far more comfortable talking about sex in general and theoretical scenarios, it's also usually us guys that end up getting emotionally attached too fast and to things we shouldn't. She'll be fine with discussing it.

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You can't just ask for casual sex? What if they say no and go all weird? Like I said, don't want to mess up the friendship. We're going camping next week, just us two and myyyyy god I get the feeling she's asking for a fanny slamming every now and again.

what krisboats said is true. but i didnt mean talk to her. get a few drinks in the two of you, let nature take its course to the bedroom. after the first one, it will basically be expected from you. which is good, if you enjoy your shags

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I get what your saying Krisboats, I do care for her as a friend and as a friend only and I know that the feeling is mutual. We talk about sex thoughly and it's never awkward or weird

perhaps I'm just thinking with my dick?

She's going to uni in September anyway, I should stop talking until something (if anything) happens. I'm goin to Liverpool with her tommorow to see a mates band then sleeping at her sisters empty house in Liverpool as there all on holiday.

We'll see..

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