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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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and neither are we which means we arent going to save the pictures and wank over them later

Lets go!

Hahaha excellent!

Quick opinion poll..... I started seeing a girl and for the last four weeks she's been pretty busy and we've not seen each other at all, she's always got pretty good excuses for being busy but do I beleive her or just give up? I'm thinking the latter, i'm a man of principle, and 4 weeks is f**king ages.

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Quick opinion poll..... I started seeing a girl and for the last four weeks she's been pretty busy and we've not seen each other at all, she's always got pretty good excuses for being busy but do I beleive her or just give up? I'm thinking the latter, i'm a man of principle, and 4 weeks is f**king ages.

Happened with a girl recently we had dated for about 8 months when she got a new job and was just working silly hours and tired all the time, within 2 weeks of her taking the job I man'ned up and basically said, either you cut back your hours at work, or I can't keep going on. She said this job was like my uni (in that her auntie ran the business and so was on a fast-track managment scheme) so we ended it. As i see it theres no point seeing each other if you don't see each other. It was a tough break but I don't regret making her chose, because in the long run it was just going to be too painfull getting palmed off.

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Cant think of anything worse my self.

Id rather die alone with many friends very sucessfull passed out over my laura ashly rug with a bottle of crystal over looking central park

Than with a wife i dont really like 3 winey kids in a average house in cheshire, dead in the rain outside with a flymo in my hand

Im not a family man.

Although saying that im only 21 atm, and quite happy being single, that state off affairs may be subject to change.*

Edited by Davetrials
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dead in the rain outside with a flymo in my hand

Haha! That made me do a stupid grunt noise in the office...I diverted it as a fake cough when someone walked through the door.

I agree though, I'd rather have the luxury and the freedom than the family - but as you said in the terms and conditions, you're young...and being lonely sucks, especially as you get older.

Loneliness kills.

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Just took the jump out and asked the girl to the cinema, she seems pretty keen, shame on thursday shes giong Ireland for a week, and then Spain for 2. But was speaking to Stef last night, and she said I should try and leave her thinking about me or something girly!

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bird i was seeing/shagging for quite a while at a pty last night shagged 2 of my mates. and im pretty sure it was to piss me off. i was really angry this morning about it so drove home from the pty at like 5. my mate in the car was owed money by someone so we went round and i watched him kick the shit of of him then left, watched anchorman. he fell asleep and i for some reason decided to write a letter to this bird. and its basically the harshest most horriffic thing ive ever written if she ever saw it her self esteem would just die and she would never leave her house or speak to me again. ive got the letter here, its pretty damn rediculous.

annoying thing is though its not cheating so i dont even have an excuse to get angry even though i am.

dilema. do i show her the letter, she could just die abit inside, or she could actually listen to it? do i burn this letter of pure hate. its all true but sometimes the truth is harsh

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bird i was seeing/shagging for quite a while at a pty last night shagged 2 of my mates. and im pretty sure it was to piss me off. i was really angry this morning about it so drove home from the pty at like 5. my mate in the car was owed money by someone so we went round and i watched him kick the shit of of him then left, watched anchorman. he fell asleep and i for some reason decided to write a letter to this bird. and its basically the harshest most horriffic thing ive ever written if she ever saw it her self esteem would just die and she would never leave her house or speak to me again. ive got the letter here, its pretty damn rediculous.

annoying thing is though its not cheating so i dont even have an excuse to get angry even though i am.

dilema. do i show her the letter, she could just die abit inside, or she could actually listen to it? do i burn this letter of pure hate. its all true but sometimes the truth is harsh

Burn it, that's a whole can of worms that doesn't need to be opened.

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Your were using her because she was a slag, and shes only shown her colours further at the party. Not much you can say or do but to just write her off and leave it out. If you go all emotional on her you'll just end up looking the fool, and she will have won if she was planning to annoy you in the first place.

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hah. do you know me at all? i dont do emotional. but she could potentially be a nice girl. and yeah i will get rid of the letter.

EDIT: simps it wasnt just the sex mate, she has sky at her house too

Edited by Ash-Kennard
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hah. do you know me at all? i dont do emotional. but she could potentially be a nice girl. and yeah i will get rid of the letter.

EDIT: simps it wasnt just the sex mate, she has sky at her house too

OK OK OK even if it wasn't an emotional letter, whatever harsh you say to her your only telling her that shes got under your skin. And sky is a good shout to be honest.

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bird i was seeing/shagging for quite a while at a pty last night shagged 2 of my mates. and im pretty sure it was to piss me off. i was really angry this morning about it so drove home from the pty at like 5. my mate in the car was owed money by someone so we went round and i watched him kick the shit of of him then left, watched anchorman. he fell asleep and i for some reason decided to write a letter to this bird. and its basically the harshest most horriffic thing ive ever written if she ever saw it her self esteem would just die and she would never leave her house or speak to me again. ive got the letter here, its pretty damn rediculous.

annoying thing is though its not cheating so i dont even have an excuse to get angry even though i am.

dilema. do i show her the letter, she could just die abit inside, or she could actually listen to it? do i burn this letter of pure hate. its all true but sometimes the truth is harsh

That sounds pretty harsh in fairness from what ive read.

Did you like the bird? if so did your mates know?

id give her the letter, is shes going partys to get shagged then anything your telling her can only be constructive as she sounds like a dame with no morals. hehe dame

Also is your mate that was owed money in the Sopranos?

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nah hes not. hes like my best mate, who happens to be the main dealer round here lol. hes an angry fanny sometimes beating someone up at 5am hahaha

on current issues did the stupid bitch just have a massive go at me for leaving her at the house in the middle of southampton. YES SHE f**kING DID. seriously. how the f**k could she possibly do that :S i didnt wanna hear them shagging all night, f**k off was i gunna stay. she was complaining i didnt wait for her. REALLY!

drag me to a pty i dont wanna go to, drive her 20 miles there, no thanks, no petty money to come in the door and 5 mins later be in a bed

and shes having a go at me.

god damn she blocked

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nah hes not. hes like my best mate, who happens to be the main dealer round here lol. hes an angry fanny sometimes beating someone up at 5am hahaha

on current issues did the stupid bitch just have a massive go at me for leaving her at the house in the middle of southampton. YES SHE f**kING DID. seriously. how the f**k could she possibly do that :S i didnt wanna hear them shagging all night, f**k off was i gunna stay. she was complaining i didnt wait for her. REALLY!

drag me to a pty i dont wanna go to, drive her 20 miles there, no thanks, no petty money to come in the door and 5 mins later be in a bed

and shes having a go at me.

god damn she blocked

she sounds a proper tosser, id give her the letter and if your mates knew you were involved get your dealer mate to dish them out some justice

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things just got a whole lot worse now im soo up for posting it. was talkin to the guy whos pty it was on msn. he clicks on cam and its her with her middle finger up. she then proceeds to be a fanny for quite a while. rainbird will back me on this shiz. she is 20 miles from home. do i just post the letter and see what happens? maybe her mum will find it first. no one knows.

and yes i know anger is an emotion. it happens to be probably the best one.

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