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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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My own, i was more thinking of stealing someone elses while i'm there, then i don't have to pay for 2 flights. :P

aaw, bless..

you don't have to go to poland to shag somebody else's sister - unless you're being rotten. in which case you probably want to go to Somalia - or somewhere that ends in 'stan where they don't let women learn to read.

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yay for you (Y) am i the 1st person to put a yay post? yay i am lol god i'm bored

I was typing one out at 5:40pm lol, but got rushed out...

Anyways, glad to hear it Tom :) Hope you/she look(s) after her/you.

Bring her to heanor one day, I wanna see.

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Thia is really anoying me now. and upsetting me my ex gf steph will not leaveme alone no matetr what she rings me n i gt a new number 2 times now., she keeps txtin me dirty txts that are ment to go to her bf and im getin pissd off, what happens if i tell the polie about her. it upsets me in a way and i just get sik of it and i want her dead

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beau you tried telling her to f**k off?

you said her dad rang you about a phone bill? why not ring him and explain, make it sound liek her fault more than it was you split up or whatevere and say if he cant stop her ringing you'll be getting the police involved for harassment?

or give her my number if shes a hottty?

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beau you tried telling her to f**k off?

you said her dad rang you about a phone bill? why not ring him and explain, make it sound liek her fault more than it was you split up or whatevere and say if he cant stop her ringing you'll be getting the police involved for harassment?

or give her my number if shes a hottty?

she aint that hot. i ring her house see if her dad answers n she takes the phone off the hook.

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last time i pulled a girl who had a boyfriend i ended up getting headbutted and punched a few days later, so dont get with girls who tell the truth a lot! he was like oh tell me who it was, and she did! silly bint! thing is she invited me to the party because she wanted to get with me! so i didnt really mind! but shes still with him now, and hes an arse!!

george, i dunno what to say man, i know exactly how you feel, you just wanna be like, look, im here, hes all the way over there, just break up with him, we can carry on hanging out, and then see what happens, if youve already kissed and stuff its pretty obvious she likes you, but you just gotta be careful you dont get too attatched and get hurt, she could end up making her relationship with him stronger cos of you... i know its weird, so you've kinda gotta prepare for the worst, but good luck with it all, just be yourself and if things dont work out, dont let it ruin your friendship! just carry on seeing her if she wants to see you and just support her decision to stick with him, it will make her like you more than if you get all pissy and pathetic because she chooses him. just make sure you dont make it blatantly obvious that you want them to break up, i tend to just forget about the boyfriend when im with the girl and then if she stops then say fair enough, but if she makes a move again, go for it, until she stops you again, its a pretty simple process really, just know your limits and dont make a move when you shouldnt. i know youre not stupid george and it sounds like youre doing everything right so just stick with it and ill keep my fingers crossed for you.

a note about meeting people parents, i'm just always myself, just say a polite hello, the girl is usually like oh lets go up to my room my parents are annoying/stupid/ugly/fat/embarasing or whatever, but if you do have to hold a converstion with them, just be yourself as if you were speaking to any other adult, its not hard talking to someone, just because its your girlfriends parents doesnt make it any different. i've met loads of peoples parents, girlfriends or just a friend who is a girl, theyre just parents, they know whats going on when a guy comes to the house [assuming youre about 15+] and as long as theyre cool then theyll leave you alone. i just find being completely natural with peoples parents works best, theres no point acting like something your not, just act the same way around them as you would around her, after all she likes you and they should respect that, youve just gotta not come across as a dick, so i guess just watch your language and thats about it, apart from that its plain sailing.

girls arent that hard to understand most of the time. i seem to have more female friends than male friends so i must be doing something right!! you just gotta act yourself and not be something youre not! and there's no point lying about anything, they will always find out, so if youre f**king her best mate behind her back, probably just best to tell her if youre not with her, if youre with her and it seems to be working alright, then milk it, get twice the action for as long as you can ;)

Edited by MonsterJ
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Right. Never thought I'd be posting in here, 'Cus I'm bassically shit with girls, so I just didnt bother trying :turned:

Heeres the jist of whats up. Broke up from college 2/3 weeks ago, told a girl i like her, I got the whole 'where to good'er mates to mess it up'. I was preety gutted and another girl off my college course (who I sorta liked, Zoe) was there to just help me out abit, just doing what a mate does.

After that, I spent some time with Zoe, cinema, shopping, round at my house and round at hers and we grew preety damn close. Holding hands, arms round each other and stuff. But as with everything, theres a catch. She's sorta seeing this other lad, I knew about it and was cool with it, until last night when we where at my house.

We where just lying on my bed, listenin to music, having a laugh. When it just dawned on me, I f**king love her. so we where messing about abit more, nothing sexual just lying there, telling jokes. She sorrta clicked on that my middle leg was sorta half mast (saw her breasts, somehow :S ) and she kept messing about trying to get it full on. She kissed my neck, and sooooooorta went down with her hand, but stopped up abit and tickled above it. As you'd expect, he was in full swing then.

So I asked 'What does it for you then?' as a joke, and she told me, Kissing her neck, a spot on her lower back being played with/tickled. We started messing about agin, kissing her neck and her tickling me. When she put her leg over mine (lying on our sides facing) pulled me in and we just lay kissing and shizzle, Not joking this time. Then she stops and just sorta jumps up and thinks shes cheating on this lad. But if she was'nt with him, she'd of carried on going with me.

What do I do, I can't stop thinking about her, she likes me (I didnt know until like....last night? My mates joked about it, but I did'nt think they where being serious) But theres the thing of that other lad. When she got up I asked her what she was going to do? and she did'nt know. I told her to stay with him and see how that pans out (which I regret to f**k now) but last night can't just be forgotten, I wer'nt that intermate with my last GF and I'm not even seeing Zoe.

I just wanted to get it out of me. Its bugging me and will do for ages.

And Matt (Anzo) I'm adaquatley hung thank you.

I know thats an old post, but glad things sorted themselves out fella..

You dont know how close to what Ive been through recently that is <_<

I'd been out with my last gf for 2 and a half years, and the last 6 months from Xmas were absolutely shite. I was in my final term of uni, she was at uni in surrey, suffering from depression and generally hating things. We finally broke up the end of may, and one of the things that made me realise it didnt have to all be that shite with women was another girl in the town that I'd met before but never really talked to. We chatted one rock night at the student union (she's a hot lil alt chick!), got on really well and she was pretty supportive when we broke up. A few weeks down the line after lots of talkin on msn etc, we were gettin on really well and spent an entire day together before going out in the evening. We shopped, chatted had a laugh, had loads of fun and really enjoyed just hangin out together.

In the evening she was out with her mates at another club, but left to come and find me....one problem that the club we were in had stopped lettin people in about 5 mins before! Long story short, ended up walking home with her to mine holding hands etc, then chilling out chattin and snuggling up and messing about about while watching a film. I had the most perfect opportunity to kiss her but bottled it cos I have zero confidence with women =/

Ended up walking her home at bout half 5 in the morning, with arm round her as the sun was coming up.

Was the single best day I'd had in the last year/year and a half, and was so f**kin stoked the next day!

We didnt chat much then for a week or so, I paniced thinking I'd f**ked up, but she said nothing was wrong.

Ended up gettin drunk and speaking my mind, and her gettin really funny with me cos aparently I'd "got the wrong idea about us". Figure that one????

Even her best mate told me and my mates that she really liked me.

Yep, thats right, I hate women too (N) will never ever try to understand them!

We dont really talk much now, shame cos got on so well and she's hot! Just annoying as hell, and not exactly the biggest confidence booster :(

Glad all worked out for you anyway Tom, look after her :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Arghh, hate being old lol

Had a 'thing' for this girl for a while, thought she was in year 11, turned out shes just going into year 11...

She just told me shes fallin for me an argh f**k sake.

What to do?? don't fancy prison (im almost 19 you see!)

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