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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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To the guy who said 'What do women like to do on dates?'

1.Women is a no no, its a 'girl'...a girl is someone you shag, a woman is your mum.

what happens if there both the same people :P.

meh, i got issues atm, when i was with my ex almost 2 years ago, she had a hot mate who i got on real with. spoke to her ever since, went through periods of seeing/texting each other, nothing serious, bout 3 weeks ago, she was in a piss cos her twat of a bf whos shes been with for time, but never really got on that well with.(me an her have flirted the whole time) almost hit her, an she cudnt trust him etc. she was gunna dump him, but now hes fcked off on holiday for a month, with them still"together" issue is, now im off work, and shes on holiday from college, do i make a move, knowing that she planned to dump him when he got back. or do i wait in case shes actually started missing him, an waitng him for him to come back

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Lol...amatures. Get used to it. Keep persisting, they might give in! :lol:

My dilema. I like this girl. Don't really know her that well, but talk to her on MSN loads, and we make each other laugh loads. Met up with her once before, but she was with her boyfriend. He lives a loooong way away from her.

She is hot, he is practically gay.

I really want to make a move, but don't want to be too harsh to this guy, cos he seems alright. What should I doooooo?

Put yourself in his shoes, if you where that guy with this girl and he was after her. Basically, what I've learnt is that only THE decent of decent guys but the girls boyfriend before themselves...theres always going to be someone prepared to f**k your relationship up...

...so, basically, bang her!

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Put yourself in his shoes, if you where that guy with this girl and he was after her. Basically, what I've learnt is that only THE decent of decent guys but PUT the girls boyfriend before themselves...theres always going to be someone prepared to f**k your relationship up...

...so, basically, bang her!

That confused the f**k out of me.

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saturday night, i have a free house all weekend, and my gf is having her birthday meal on saturday night, her friends are there (ok, i know them) but her parents are going to be there...

bearing in mind i haven't met them yet, i have been warned by my mum that it will prob be akward as a mofo meeting her parents for the first at her birthday meal

therefore i am stupidly nervous for a few reasons (not to be disclosed) but moreso about her dad, dunno why but the farthers are always the hard ones to get on with, so not entirely sure if i am going

but i don't want to disapoint george over my nerves,

SHIT !!!!!!!!!

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saturday night, i have a free house all weekend, and my gf is having her birthday meal on saturday night, her friends are there (ok, i know them) but her parents are going to be there...

bearing in mind i haven't met them yet, i have been warned by my mum that it will prob be akward as a mofo meeting her parents for the first at her birthday meal

therefore i am stupidly nervous for a few reasons (not to be disclosed) but moreso about her dad, dunno why but the farthers are always the hard ones to get on with, so not entirely sure if i am going

but i don't want to disapoint george over my nerves,

SHIT !!!!!!!!!

Don't be such a bloody idiot! It'll be fine, they're just people. I've never had a problem meeting anyone's parents particularly girlfriends'. Just be natural and don't act like an asshole, also probably best not to take the piss with ass grabbing and such ;)

Edited by Shaun H
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Unless her dad has just got out the slammer for mudering her previous boyfriend then your testicles shouldn't be shrinking. Don't think about whats the worse that could happen, because the worst rarely happens, if it does you still got your five finger lover right? Just chill winston.

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Iv got this girl we're really really close and only one step away from seeing each other, but ever time i ask her, she come keeps saying "oh i'm not ready for a relationship yet" (N). Is there anything i can do, that will make her ready for a relationship?

Cheers guys,


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My gf's dad 'knows what lads my age are after' I ain't really got a problem...but how do you convince there parents to go out for a few hours? (A) lol and stefan good luck matey (Y)

zoo baby!

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My chick's dad over heard a convo with her and her cousin. He heard sex and protection in the same sentence, got the wrong end of the stick(not that I have! :angel:) So I'm trying to avoid going up... going to be hard... its her b/day tomorrow and she's having a hot tub party! Apart from that, its all good!

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My gf's dad 'knows what lads my age are after' I ain't really got a problem...but how do you convince there parents to go out for a few hours? (A) lol and stefan good luck matey (Y)

zoo baby!

Be really camp around him, maybe he'll get confused and asume your her gay freind. or you could get your parents to go out for a few hours?

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offer to pay for them to go out to a meal...

or just stay there whilst their in, and gag her (Y)

LMAO.....you legend !,and 'ogre' how camp are we talking? Will young camp? or Dale winton camp? lol

zoo baby!

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and 'ogre' how camp are we talking? Will young camp? or Dale winton camp? lol

zoo baby!

don't "" my name please and as for being camp, camp enough to confuse her dad, but not to much so your gf takes you shopping more and your nob stays dry.

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don't "" my name please and as for being camp, camp enough to confuse her dad, but not to much so your gf takes you shopping more and your nob stays dry.

Alright sorry mate,won't do it again (Y).

zoo baby!

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