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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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My next input........

Give some other women attention, not too much that she thinks you're cheating, but enough to let her know you have other options, she'll either ditch you if you take it too far or will come sniffing for the attention herself. (I think it might work that way, you can be my guinea Pig if you like as most of my advice will be untested).

For the record Quigley is currently single, so take this with a pinch of salt.

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Couple of nights ago I was in a mate's room chatting when the gf rang, sort of started talking to her and that but was paying more attention to the conversation in hand since it wasn't yet finished and she hung up on me. I finished, went to my room tried to ring back once, she didn't pick up so thought f**k her I'm not groveling over that crap.

Not heard from her since. Whoops...

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If shes trying to hide something she must have something to hide... my gf lets me fiddle with her phone, so i dont feel the need to ever go in anything personal of hers, but if she wouldn't let me within 2 metres of her phone when i would be questioning why not... whats she hiding? Cos its not like shes going out her way to hide nothing

Yea i kinda agree with this, but i never let any girl(or really anyone) start going through my messages, without looking through them first, just to make sure there is nothing incriminating on their(not just in the playing round sense).

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No cos i love her to peices! and if i can just convincer her other wise everything will be perfect :)


Yeah, I hate people going through my phone. Even though I have nothing to hide on there, I just don't like it?

Yeah im the same.

That guy who has been posting alot needs to shift his girlfriend.

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I'd hit the roof if I found out my girlfriend, mates, family or anyone was reading though my texts on my phone...

Its not a matter of 'trust' its a matter of privacy and principle - exactly what right do they have to keep checks on me?

Exactly. My girlfriend has tried reading texts on my phone for ages, and was succeeding until I put a lock to get past the menu. She probably thinks I've done that 'because I'm cheating on her'.

Just say you have some important work related details on there that you would advise she wouldn't read, unless she wanted to die... or something.

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It's got nothing to do with checking up on you.

I go on my g/f's phone, purely to look at pics and stuff - she'd only stop me if she had messages to hide. Likewise she uses mine... it's not like I have anything to hide.

I personally think that in every relationship there has to be some private space, and in mine that is my phone. Not because there's anything I don't want seen - it's just a matter of principle. I want a private space, I've chosen it's my phone, if she doesn't like it she can f**k off for not trusting me. I can see where you're coming from Mike, so I think it's all just swings and roundabouts depending on the relationship people have at the time.

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I just don't see why... If you feel she shouldn't look at it, there must be something you're hiding.

Yea exactly how i see it, when i started going out with my gf i had a few pics of other girls who had sent me "revealing" pictures, but after i deleted them I didn't mind her going near my phone...

Just to say i know my gf's laptop password, myspace password (i think), always got her phone, and never checked her messages once...

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I broke up with my ex for specifically this reason. Well and a few others. I think its just one of them things where some people think one thing, and others think another. If your relationship means that much then try and take a step back and think is it really worth arguing over. Half of breaking up is making up.

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Right, So heres the deal,

I like this chick (Still trying to get the balls to ask her out).

And my mate broke up with his girlfriend yesterday and I think shes been hitting on me.

They broke up because they don't spend enough time together but he says that he might get back together with her next year.

So I'm focusing on trying to get a girl, and another one is hitting on me!

Argh! Girls are annoying!

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I just don't see why... If you feel she shouldn't look at it, there must be something you're hiding.

Well yes, if you value your privacy it means there are things you'd rather keep private, like for instance what's on your phone. There's nothing wrong with that. I hate people going through my phone, even if it's just checking it's functions. Same with the laptop, you don't want people going through everything you've got on it, do you?

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If you've got nothing to hide let her look

Then when she sees that there is nothing there she'll realise what an arse she's acting, and tell her that you don't keep anything from her, as she has seen, but you would respect privacy, tell her you'r mates having a few problems and he asked me not to tell aynone.

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Just a tip from the past for anyone wanting to do it the other way... If you have something to hide just tell them confidently they can look. Look them in the eye and tell them to have a look, they wont. Works every time*.

*I cannot be held responsible for this not working in anyone else's particular situation

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It's got nothing to do with checking up on you.

I go on my g/f's phone, purely to look at pics and stuff - she'd only stop me if she had messages to hide. Likewise she uses mine... it's not like I have anything to hide.

Seems pretty much bang on to me, and as for people saying that some things need to be kept private :S really you should be close enough to the person to share things like that atleast :S

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Cheatings such a strong word... but if your cheating just remember to deleate your fucking texts, then you have no worries :turned:

Im not a big fan of girls reading through my phone, I hated it a little while ago. But what is it with girls looking through your phone, as soon as you tern a blind eye!?

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Well yes, if you value your privacy it means there are things you'd rather keep private, like for instance what's on your phone. There's nothing wrong with that. I hate people going through my phone, even if it's just checking it's functions. Same with the laptop, you don't want people going through everything you've got on it, do you?

I think we should agree to disagree on this occasion... I leave my Hayley alone in my house and she can use anything - phone, pc etc...

Anything I consider to be private I keep in my head (Memories etc...)

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"Have a nice birthday! We'll talk when you get back in the week."

Following an arguement over text.

It's my birthday tomorrow. Gunna be my first one away from home, and now my girlfriend isn't coming either.

I've not had this feeling in my stomach since I was retarded enough to think she might be cheating years ago...

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