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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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shel here her phone as its on load and im down stairs from hercant be arsed to get get a t-shirt

that spelling was acually so shit help me world and i said im round hers and her phone is on load as i can hear it when i ring it and i want her to bring me a t-shirt

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Hold on...

You got naked upstairs with your girlfriend (or boyfriend, not quite sure at the moment) and then went downstairs..

That's a though, what would a transvestite be classed as? Birlfriend? Goyfriend?

Trisandhisbt...do tell. :P

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That's a though, what would a transvestite be classed as? Birlfriend? Goyfriend?

Trisandhisbt...do tell. :P

LOL girl trust me and no pics thats classed as porn and no i took my shirt off as i had work where im a waiter at whittlebury hall if you dont know what it is google it

Edited by Trisandhisbt
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What the hell does that mean?

And what's a t-shirt got to do with anything!? :blink:

I laughed so much!

but il wake everyone up in her house as her stairs are realy creaky so i want her to throw one down to me so im getting cold for no reason and im missing her and hes only upstairs

I'm presuming that if you can hear her phone from downstairs.. The her parents can hear it.

You've done something wrong somewhere...


Oh my god I think i love you!

right another f**k up on shity f**king willy :@

Dump her..

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