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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Now thats romance

(*) Wide angle lense?

they are probably really shit with girls and cant get one their own age. just give them a slap

Probably not, everyone knows that young girls are really easy to get, they are so immature and easily impressed.

Lack of girl trouble for me, got a girl I've always known and liked coming over tomorrow, to watch a movie and whatnot.

Whether it leads to something or not, its still nice to spend some time with her.


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My girlfriend started an argument with me for not showing enough concern, which I did show plenty. In the end she apologised cos she said she suddenly had that empty feeling and that I would leave her. As usual, girls need those type of assurance right? I told her that her past relationships might be bad, and her ex wasn't faithful to her, but I'm not as bad as her ex. (She's my first girlfriend, we've been together for almost 5 months already)

And then she said that she was the one who was unfaithful cos her ex was always busy with his friends, so she felt really lonely and had an affair with someone 6 years older than her for 2-3 weeks. She felt it was wrong so she confessed to her ex and left that guy. 2 weeks later her ex dumped her for another girl. Her ex was a total wimpy bas**** though.

Though it was the past, I still feel very disturbed by what she told me. I wonder why am I worrying so much about the past.

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Though it was the past, I still feel very disturbed by what she told me. I wonder why am I worrying so much about the past.

Yeah, Been there before. Simply accept people for how they have grown from their decisions. Sometimes there is regret as we think about what we have done wrong before. Repeating bad decisons is a problem. Learning and moving on is healthy. That's the way I see it. Good luck to you :)

I am currently dealing with a troubled GF that has issues with trust. I'm a pretty laid back and honest guy with a knack for keeping things simple and worry-free, but somehow cannot help her realize that I am (and have been) friends with other girls that I knew before her. Sure... a universal problem, I know. Mostly former friends from my workplace, but I do go bike riding with some occasioanly - as I tend to lean towards people who like bike riding and whatnot. I won't deny that there were a few that piqued my interest at one point, but that was the past and never acted on it. Anyway, it's been a bit taxing lately. No need to fix it, just saying for the sake of getting it out there.

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Wtf? Gf is in the shittiest mood with me. She was in a good mood at the start of college, i went home for 3 hours while she had lessons, soon as she see's me when i get back her face just dropped, makes me really feel wanted. Oh and also she rang my during break asking where i was? as if she wanted to make sure i wasn't walking back to college? hmmm makes me a bit suspicious.

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The woman is off on one AGAIN yesterday i said no to riding my new bike no to work just because i havnt seen her in a while she was saying dont leave yet leave in a few hours meaning i miss my dinner i said like iv canceld all this and ill only see you for a little bit and ill have to go as i have collage and she came out with "oh dont come then" it was like all that and you dont care? so we had a little scream off i didn't go anyway and went for a ride with a friend. Carlmed down abit after i ignored many of her calls/texts finnaly spoke when i got in and things chilled a little. Today she called me to inform me she can come stright round after collage on friday and i was like i have work on friday so i can have sat off and she went ape shit and hung up as she busy on sat lol so i called it off and put us on a break i duno if i wana stay with her or not at the mo as i really miss her when were not together buy i well cant be botherd to carry on with all this shit were she gets to let off at me for the smallest of things. Her time of the month every f**kin day :(

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blah blah blah

Jack you too are both f**k up's, all i ever get on my myspace bulletin space is

Jack Headline - "I love" Content "char"

"Char i f**king" "love you"

Damm just be more harsh an give her a backhander, you keep going though this with her, just cut it lose and stop going back just to get your ends wet

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Jack you too are both f**k up's, all i ever get on my myspace bulletin space is

Jack Headline - "I love" Content "char"

"Char i f**king" "love you"

Damm just be more harsh an give her a backhander, you keep going though this with her, just cut it lose and stop going back just to get your ends wet

that was like two years ago i rarely post any bullitens now lol

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Women...Jesus Christ.

I have a female friend I've known for about 5-6 years now, we're pretty close and all that but nothing has happened - the annoying thing is that it seems impossible for a male to have a female friend unless, of course, they're shagging.

So, because pathetic retarded people have anothing better to do in their own crappy lives, they make shit up about me and her, which then gets to her boyfriend and then he freaks out at her. However at the weekend he forced her to send me a text saying 'please don't talk to me anymore' - which was completely out of the blue and I assumed he was behind it. That was confirmed about 45 minutes later with a text saying that he forced her to send that text and she was sorry, so we're still talking, but behind his back.

So this raises two questions - Why did she put up with that? I don't know any girl that would allow their boyfriends to do that. Secondly, I do really mean that little to her that she wasn't prepared to fight for it? Fair enough I'm still friends with her and we're still talking on a regular basis, but I hate all this 'secret friend' bullshit...its just turning us into the bad guys and making them, effectively, correct about the whole situation.

I really don't know what to say to her - the only words I can think of are 'Its either me or him, I can't be talking to you behind his back because its making me look like a twat', but I know she'll probably take that the wrong way. Afterall, I'd rather talk to her in secret than not at all?

Apparently I've already been threatened by him according to her, something I'm yet to see anything off - not that I'm bothered about that twat, but it'll all just come back to her.

It just seems like I'm stuck at the minute and whatever option I do take will have some pretty crappy outcome in the end...

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Just tell her your not happy, it doesn't seem right that you have to go around someone to talk to a friend. The boyfriend is clearly a full on tool and needs a good slap. The fact that she sent the text, then 45 minutes later said it wasnt her is stupid too, she should have enough about her to stand up to him. Basically what i'd do is still talk to her, but if the efforts needed to talk to her are not worth the result then I wouldnt bother

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Just tell her your not happy, it doesn't seem right that you have to go around someone to talk to a friend. The boyfriend is clearly a full on tool and needs a good slap. The fact that she sent the text, then 45 minutes later said it wasnt her is stupid too, she should have enough about her to stand up to him. Basically what i'd do is still talk to her, but if the efforts needed to talk to her are not worth the result then I wouldnt bother

Ah, its worth talking to her, shes lovely and all that - usually it isn't a problem. You see they broke up near on every weekend (it's like they're 12) and she misses him too much and then takes him back regardless of what he's done...so in reality she is the tool, and he's just working the system because he knows whatever happens she'll aways take him back.

However it seems now he's trying to push his luck of having her under his thumb that its starting to effect me - which is not on. Although she 'loves' him so what the hell can I say? I've asked to talk to her tonight and she said ok...but god knows what I'm going to say. Arghhh.

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