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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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The thing that I find is women are insanely shallow, naive and seem to worry about the things that most men don't.

The things women worry about are normally on a more emotional level, for instance. The other day I kinda moaned at Chris for leaving my dog out in the rain for 20 min's. I basically said that now I've got to wash and dry him and it'll take up most of the night, then she went off on one about me being insensitive and that I should be thinking about how the dog might feel about being cold and wet and being left outside before thinking about my evening timetable. Then I reminded her that she shut him out and I had been at work, and that I'd only known he'd been outside that long because thats how long she said it'd been and it could have been all day ! So then it was all my fault and blah blah blah....

Then a few days later we go to the New Forest with the dog, and I say to her. "Don't let him sniff or eat any shit, If he eats horse shit he'll be sick everywhere on the way back and potentially go blind." So about 3 miles along this walk she's walking him and I say, give me two seconds I'm just going for a razz in this bush...I go to resume the walk and whats she doing ? Stood with her arms crossed and the lead hanging off her finger next to a pile of shite that the dogs licking/sniffing. So obviously "f**kin' idiot I told you not to..." ensues and then again she recon's i'm a Nazi at a Synagogue for telling her that she needs to pay more attention because I can't afford him to have any health issues any time soon.

So then we get back and he's foaming at the mouth and he's got bootlaces hanging off his mouth. And she hits him on the f**kin' head for drooling in the back of my car ? Like WTF, he's a dog you stupid bitch ! He's just been in the back of a car after a 10 mile walk for an hour, he's allowed to dribble on my seats. Then she says "You had a go at me for marking your seats" Then I made a joke and said "Yeah, but that was a different kinda dribble..." and she gets al huffy and f**ks off indoors to sulk infront of the TV whilst insisting on everything being "fine".

So I go and play with the dog in the back garden and she says "Not going to spend any time with me today then, rather talk with a f**king dog, maybe you want to sleep with him tonight aswell". So I told her to get f**ked and reminded her it's his birthday and thats why I was being nice to him all day.

Then a few days after that she's unloading the dishwasher and banging all the plates together and slamming cupboard doors and shit, so I go into the kitchen and hug her from behind and say "You alright treacle ?" And she goes "Yeah ?" And I say "Oh ok, JW why you were smashing up the new plates you made me buy a few days ago" and smiled at her. Then she starts saying i'm like an old man !

Then she winged at me for changing my bed covers/sheets every 2 days. Said it was "unnatural"

Then she said that it's unethical for me to use Original Source shower gel because it's picked by underpaid workers or some shit, then she just pours it down the toilet ? I'm like "WTF...So the stuff they worked so hard to produce for me is so unethical you can just throw it away, wasting mine and there time/money ? Oh and what about the 14 thousand mint leaves that were murdered to make it?" And she just shrugged her shoulders and went off to sit on my real fur mat on the floor......What a mindf**k.

So yeah, my Girl Problem is she's incompetent to the max and she seems to want to kill my dog....But then some days she loves me and the dog and were the best thing ever. MONG >_<

*Oh, and she's got the hump because I won't let her move her mastiff/pitbull/f**kinghorriablecunt in. We took the two dogs out and this mastiff/pitbull/f**kinghorriablecunt went for Bronson and bronson took a chunk out of it's neck and showed it who's boss. So I think she's a bit jealous of me being able to her mine but her not have hers. But I mean fair enough I can see why she feels upset because I love my animals too, but the only way that dog would be ok to live in my house with my dog is if it had a metal muzzle on all day and all night. Because it's a really yappy aggressive dog , but Bronson would eat it for breakfast then shit it out and re eat it.

She thinks I love my dog more than her, but what she doesn't realize is I won't get rid of my dog and I don't want her to leave. And my dogs not done anything wrong, it's her being shitty about me not being willing to have her f**king nasty skanky dog in my house taking chunks out of my dog.

GRRRRRR It's REALLY winding me up thinking about it !!! :pirate:

Edited by Pashley26
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seems alot off hassle for the sake off a dog mate,

just try and make her feel as special as the dog althou at this in moment in time i think id rather date a dog than most women atleast the mutt would be reaosnbly loyal haha.

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Thing is, I do. I'm always waiting on her hand and foot, I spend every night with her doing whatever she wants and generally I'm a complete gent.

But she keeps going on about why I won't let her dog live at my house too. And it's getting SO old now, I just wish she'd STFU about it. It only ever causes arguments, and its all we really argue about. The only time we've had a proper "longer than half an hour then it's all fine" argument is over her dog. I tried it for a few days and hey just don't get on ! And I don't see why I should get rid of my perfectly loyal, obedient and good natured dog who's not done any wrong because she doesn't like it. It's not like one day I just turned up with a f**k off great Rottweiler. He was there first so she can get f**ked !


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Good idea Mike !

It's amazing how talking/typing about things make you realize the problems nothing like it was when you first thought about it.

Mikes idea is such a good one, I know my dog's not going to get hurt so WTF have I got to loose !

Cheers guys, texting about it has kinda cheered me up about it all.

Good night !

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

The thought of kicking a dog makes me laugh.

I wouldn't do it unless the dog properly deserved a proper kick.

I saw one of my X girlfriends drop kick her cat from one side of the room to the other... .

she was kinda f**ked up, now she posts myspace bullitens about "being in rehab" LOOLLLLZZZZ

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christmas is coming, if your with someone you have to spend money.. simple fact..

I do hope you're not serious. Personally I love giving people presents, it's so much nicer than receiving them. If someone has the attitude you mentioned and only looks at money, they are rather sorry individuals and aren't really in a proper relationship with their so called "girlfriend".

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haha, i were sellin stuff from my ex so i can buy stuff for my current gf =p im not bitter one bit, i made £180 off those ebays woop. But yea believe it or not some people do dump / wait to go out before / after christmas. Infact, christmas has the highest rate of divorces filed... fact. Holiday season stress coupled with winter = bad times for marriages apparently

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Haha my still close ex was just slating me because I'm seeing a girl I met recently at college.

She was all like "It was nice of you to introduce me to this new girl?"

Then I just came back with the fact she'd been staying round other guys houses, and speaking of them like I was best friends with them.

Crisis averted.

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Ok, what the hell do you say in this situation.

Girl: "I know I'm ugly so usually boys aren't really interested..."

(For the record shes trying to get with my mate - so I don't want to make it sound like I'm coming onto here, yet I don't really want to tell here that she makes small children cry)

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