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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

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Why are girls pure trouble?!


I'v known this girl (we'll call this girl miss X)for a year or so and we'v always been quite flirty and close but she has a boy friend so nothing has ever happened. Recently she broke up with him and we got chatting and i was acting and being really nice towards her for comfort but her mates have taken this as a sign of me showing my intent on moving in on her! which may i add i am not thinking about! ( yet :shifty: ) But a day later they patched things up and got back togeather! Sooo miss X's friend who happens to like me just had a pop at me because APARTENTLY me and miss X where planing on meeting up whilst they we're apart to do stuff which is totally untrue and pure bullshit and also her best boy mate has thretned me with "ur gunna get fukd up mate for the shit u'v done!" which has stumped me because "i aint done no shit" now her friend has told her boy friend about this bullshit and he has reacted quite calmly because normally he goes mad! but this could land miss X in hot water because i don't think they trust each other! :ermm: i really don't know what to do? I'm not bovered about her friend i just don't want miss X gettin in trouble over nothing and because i really care for her (aww)

(if you don't understand i can see why! my explanation technique is poor to say the least haha)

What should i do about miss X?

What should i do about her friend?

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What should i do about miss X?

What should i do about her friend?

if you stick by 'miss X' and let her know that your there for her, try help her out with her ex-boyfriend or boyfriend situation. I couldn't quite catch on about her friend? if your talking about that guy who said 'your guna get dashed up bruva' then next time you see him, just ask him over to one side and explain the situation? if he is a chavvy mofo, which sounds like it 'tell him that your cousins have got your back, and you'll be looking forward to breaking his nose?' if your chatting about her girlfriend then meh?! I dont know girls are icky.

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MY ex gf is crazy. OK we broke up official last october because she left me for this fat bmxer who i had a fight wit ha few weeks ago in waitrose shop where my mom works lol. Made him cry so funny anyways. She use to say she shagged him and stuff and get me all upset because i was with her for a year and a half and worshiped her like i do my bike. And she was just a bitch lieing making me sad. And then she dumped him to et back with me. was going great again for about 2 months then she kissed his mate at rock cafe ( this twat place where all emo fags go get pissd on lemonade and kiss sweaty fat people). And i was gutted. And lost it and punched the shit out of some random shutters shattering one knuckle and dislocating the middle one. And i just lost it and i went depressed i didn't want to go out didn't want to ride, see my mates do anything. Then because if this girl who made me depressed and upset my family i had counselling and anger managment. And this bmxer she kissed was scared i was going to kick him which i wasn't going to and was saying they didn't like each other. but a few weeks later she txt me saying she was getting with him and i smashed up a class room and got upset yet again. This girl was getting me in trouble because i loved her so much i let her walk all over me. Then i got a new gf and she wouldn't stop ringing me asking me out crying begging. and then she started on my gf. making my life hell and i was happy with this girl i was with but i couldn't be happy unless i didn't have a phone so she couldn't ring me. She come after me and her bf come after me lol which i kicked shit into. and its all crazy. Now i'm single and she still rings me. I've changed my number twice and she got it from somewhere but i dunno where. I need help. My advice is don't get into a serious relation ship unless your over 20 or summate lol. Most girls are f**k ups

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MY ex gf is crazy. OK we broke up official last october because she left me for this fat bmxer who i had a fight wit ha few weeks ago in waitrose shop where my mom works lol. Made him cry so funny anyways. She use to say she shagged him and stuff and get me all upset because i was with her for a year and a half and worshiped her like i do my bike. And she was just a bitch lieing making me sad. And then she dumped him to et back with me. was going great again for about 2 months then she kissed his mate at rock cafe ( this twat place where all emo fags go get pissd on lemonade and kiss sweaty fat people). And i was gutted. And lost it and punched the shit out of some random shutters shattering one knuckle and dislocating the middle one. And i just lost it and i went depressed i didn't want to go out didn't want to ride, see my mates do anything. Then because if this girl who made me depressed and upset my family i had counselling and anger managment. And this bmxer she kissed was scared i was going to kick him which i wasn't going to and was saying they didn't like each other. but a few weeks later she txt me saying she was getting with him and i smashed up a class room and got upset yet again. This girl was getting me in trouble because i loved her so much i let her walk all over me. Then i got a new gf and she wouldn't stop ringing me asking me out crying begging. and then she started on my gf. making my life hell and i was happy with this girl i was with but i couldn't be happy unless i didn't have a phone so she couldn't ring me. She come after me and her bf come after me lol which i kicked shit into. and its all crazy. Now i'm single and she still rings me. I've changed my number twice and she got it from somewhere but i dunno where. I need help. My advice is don't get into a serious relation ship unless your over 20 or summate lol. Most girls are f**k ups

Just tell her mum that she is pregnant.

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Also posted in the Angry Thread.

I've just been dumped by my girlfriend of 1 year, 1 month and 11 days. She didn't even give me much of a reason other than 'were so snappy with each other the last few days' and she said she'd been thinking about it for a couple of days, which means she thinks about it and makes everything seem 100 times worse than it actually is. I'm so f**king pissed off about it, and the 'hurting' part will start soon enough...

My words on here can't even f**king describe what it feels like, unless said reader has gone through something like this him/herself.


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I did tell ehr momshe was preg dent work. she got her down the docs. Her dad rang the otehr day at 7.30 in the fecking mornin gand asked who it was n i said beau and he said ow hi beau you ok etc. just phoning because steph ( ex gf) has rung a 220 pound phone bill on your numebr and we are blocking the phoine and they never did. she still rings, its killing me. i may stab her

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I did tell ehr momshe was preg dent work. she got her down the docs. Her dad rang the otehr day at 7.30 in the fecking mornin gand asked who it was n i said beau and he said ow hi beau you ok etc. just phoning because steph ( ex gf) has rung a 220 pound phone bill on your numebr and we are blocking the phoine and they never did. she still rings, its killing me. i may stab her

:lol: Soounds like she learnt her lesson, then managed to miss the point. Somehow

Anyway, guess its my turn.

Right, known this girl for like years, bout 4 now, anyway, we've been going out since jan, finished two weeks ago, she went on holiday straight after which made me think, she finished me just so she could do what she wants out there. Not amused, end of her holiday, she leaves tomorrow to come home, she also turned up on msn thins morn asking me to go to her birthday thingy and goes of loads with a "seeyaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" at the end and basically sounds like she's trying to get back with me, do I...

A).Tell her to go f**k herself

B ).Go and make is shit for her

C).Go and try start things and pretend this didnt happen

Im over us now, I don't even think I fancy her that much anymore so option A seems bout right.

whats your views?

EDIT: Remove the smiley that have created its self out of option b (long story, some will undrstand) (B].) = B)

Edited by onza kieron
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well being shite with women i need youre help

what is the best way to ask a girl i already know out

i know she likes me and weve spent sometime together but im screwed for ideas

i want to ask her out asap because im going on holiday in just less than 2 weeks and i dont want someone else to get there whilst im away

also what do women like to do on dates.

all help appreciated


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well being shite with women i need youre help

what is the best way to ask a girl i already know out

i know she likes me and weve spent sometime together but im screwed for ideas

i want to ask her out asap because im going on holiday in just less than 2 weeks and i dont want someone else to get there whilst im away

also what do women like to do on dates.

all help appreciated


just ask her out. find out a time and place to meet up, then just go for a walk and talk :) easiest thing to do. then ask her what she wants to do if she agrees to going out again :)

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Dont make it shit though or she'll just be like this bites and next time you call she'll be washing her hair :P

Go out and get a coffee or ice cream or whatever with her. Don't just walk for several hours aimlessly with her. Rememberto be happy, jokey, calm, dont be loud or shy, unless she digs she guys, then use it to your advantage with limits, dont over do it. (Y) Good Luck

Edited by onza kieron
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Dont make it shit though or she'll just be like this bites and next time you call she'll be washing her hair :P

Go out and get a coffee or ice cream or whatever you fancy, don't just walk for several hours with her, be happy, jokey, calm, dont be loud or shy, unless she digs she guys, then use it to your advantage with limits, dont over do it. (Y) Good Luck

i didnt get any of that oh my god how crap is my brain. Dude go on a f**k fest i would

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well being shite with women i need youre help

what is the best way to ask a girl i already know out

i know she likes me and weve spent sometime together but im screwed for ideas

i want to ask her out asap because im going on holiday in just less than 2 weeks and i dont want someone else to get there whilst im away

also what do women like to do on dates.

all help appreciated


Tell her what you think:

'Hey [insert hot females name here], I find you incredibly attractive'

Or something less ive only just met you and more weve been friends for a while orientated (ie more talk about you two having laughs and what not) (Y)

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