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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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This is my ex trying to get me to speak to her. f**kin thick f**ker!!

--stuff i couldnt read ---


--stuff i didnt read properly---

Argh I f**kin hate her!

kick her in the tits and tell her she's lucky to be getting any . (Y)


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Whats it called, PMT Annoymous?

im not sure whether to find that funny or not to be honest. Im not really in the right frame of mind to, but you are fairly accurate. theres far too much politics and hate being thrown around, its meant to be fun.

Ok, how do i respond to her, or do i ignore her? she sent me this text message at half one this morning:

"I hate all the poison you put into my mind. My life is finished because of you."


doenst make me feel all that good, as i have a terrible guilty concience. I dont want to totally ignore her as she will see me as ignorant and not caring, but if i respond it will probably provoke another argument.


Edited by nmt_oli
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Try and treat your next boyfriend with a little more respect.


Nah, nice one dude, certainly pwn3d that relationship n00b. Did it in a civil sorta way too, whilst totally destroying her. To be honest, just from the way you both communicated there it doesn't sound like you were 'right'?

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This is if it were me...forget about her and get someone else, for these reasons.

1. She doesn't appriciate you, and sounds as though she never will

2. Do you really want to be with someone, or even friends with someone who talks to you like that?

3. If shes 'fondling' around with you when shes with another lad, if you get with her, she wouldn't think twice about doing it with someone else.

4. It's bad news from the start, and you're not even with her!

5. Shes making you feel bad whether she realises it or not I don't know, but its not your fault she 'fondled' with you, she could have said no...unless of course, you forced her.

Get some freaking self respect, shes a f**k up...AVOID!

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This is if it were me...forget about her and get someone else, for these reasons.

1. She doesn't appriciate you, and sounds as though she never will

2. Do you really want to be with someone, or even friends with someone who talks to you like that?

3. If shes 'fondling' around with you when shes with another lad, if you get with her, she wouldn't think twice about doing it with someone else.

4. It's bad news from the start, and you're not even with her!

5. Shes making you feel bad whether she realises it or not I don't know, but its not your fault she 'fondled' with you, she could have said no...unless of course, you forced her.

Get some freaking self respect, shes a f**k up...AVOID!

I dont want to get involved with her relationship wise, i stated that previously, but i do want to end on good terms.

She is very depressed, and confused which is why shes talking like this, the whole situation has shaken her up big time and i dont like that- yes its 'her problem' but i still care, shes a friend, or at least i regard her as one, even is she doesnt.

In terms of the whole cheating thing, i had talked to her for 2 weeks about her relationship and she wasnt happy and was goign to end it, and she did, we just got a bit carried away.

Im proud to be thought of as a nice guy, im friendly and say what i feel. i dont want her spouting off about how shit i am, as people may believe it- yeah yeah all that about your true friends wont care, i dont know.

I do feel bad about myself as im not hugely confident, and have a TERRIBLE (unbelievably so) guilty conscience. eg, at school if someone did something bad in class and the whole class got told off, i would feel guilty for it!!!! wierd i know, but thats me!

I know its not entirely my fault, but i did convince her to end it with her ex as she wasnt sure. i said if your unhappy, theres no point stayign in it just for routines sake, she said she liked the routine and security, and couldnt be bothered :S .

Oh well.

Its jsut hit me hard, as this is the first time i have had someone going from gettin g along with me really well, confiding in me, bering good friends, to hating my guts! (and going via physical relations doesnt help!)


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The thick bitch is at it again!

i dont know how many time i have apogisent to u now i have send it


off time to u. and no i didnt asked u to cum down to me me the mp3 i


do that so y r u saying that y did u give me another chance if u knew


wouldnt work i dont under stand u and how the f**k was i selfish all


timw i dont know hopw u can call me selfish when i asked u to cum here


always send know but then u always asked me to cum 2 yours and i did my


and dad were reit u were a wast off space after the last time u dumped


for no reason there was no need for that. no i cant talk to my mum

about any

think bc she always tells my dad and he always says every think infront


every one. y the hell did u stay with me then if u knew that our

reletionship was doomed then y? and what i realy did love u but i do


haver feeling for u but i know u have forgot about me bc u hate me now


have u heard wat all your mates r calling u then? why should i till u


was wrong with me you r not my boyfriend any more r u and i am glad


that i just want to be mates with u now that is all but u dont even

want to

be that


Yes you did ask me to bring the mp3 player don't even get me started on that lol. How was you selfish?

Getting me to pay for everything and not even saying thanks or offering to chip in, you never once phoned me even though you knew my bill was going to be over £100 just because it would of cost you maybe £2 in credit. Did you even say thanks for the D500 I gave you? NO.

I came to your house f**kin loads of times in the pissing rain, snow etc slept over and had to walk about outside my work for over an hour because you had to go to college.

Maybe your mum and dad do think I'm a waste of space but I don't give a shit. What have my "mates" been calling me then? I've only got a few people I know that I call mates and you only know 2 of them so the rest can go f**k themselves.

I should of listened to my mum and got rid of you straight away, I'm f**kin glad Abby is one of the nicest people I have ever met and you may think there is something wrong with her being so young but boohoo I don't give a toss.

And can you please type properly, it was a f**kin mission trying to read that.

And it doesn't matter if you've apologised or not, you still treated me badly and nothing can change that.

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The thick bitch is at it again!

i dont know how many time i have apogisent to u now i have send it


off time to u. and no i didnt asked u to cum down to me me the mp3 i


do that so y r u saying that y did u give me another chance if u knew


wouldnt work i dont under stand u and how the f**k was i selfish all


timw i dont know hopw u can call me selfish when i asked u to cum here


always send know but then u always asked me to cum 2 yours and i did my


and dad were reit u were a wast off space after the last time u dumped


for no reason there was no need for that. no i cant talk to my mum

about any

think bc she always tells my dad and he always says every think infront


every one. y the hell did u stay with me then if u knew that our

reletionship was doomed then y? and what i realy did love u but i do


haver feeling for u but i know u have forgot about me bc u hate me now


have u heard wat all your mates r calling u then? why should i till u


was wrong with me you r not my boyfriend any more r u and i am glad


that i just want to be mates with u now that is all but u dont even

want to

be that


Yes you did ask me to bring the mp3 player don't even get me started on that lol. How was you selfish?

Getting me to pay for everything and not even saying thanks or offering to chip in, you never once phoned me even though you knew my bill was going to be over £100 just because it would of cost you maybe £2 in credit. Did you even say thanks for the D500 I gave you? NO.

I came to your house f**kin loads of times in the pissing rain, snow etc slept over and had to walk about outside my work for over an hour because you had to go to college.

Maybe your mum and dad do think I'm a waste of space but I don't give a shit. What have my "mates" been calling me then? I've only got a few people I know that I call mates and you only know 2 of them so the rest can go f**k themselves.

I should of listened to my mum and got rid of you straight away, I'm f**kin glad Abby is one of the nicest people I have ever met and you may think there is something wrong with her being so young but boohoo I don't give a toss.

And can you please type properly, it was a f**kin mission trying to read that.

And it doesn't matter if you've apologised or not, you still treated me badly and nothing can change that.

block and delete the retard...

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Told jade that that was it, byebye because id had enough

Now, she said shes takin paracetamol and gin, told me she would do it if we ever fell out.

Feel really bad now and worried for her.

I f**kin love her man, f**k sake!!!!

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Told jade that that was it, byebye because id had enough

Now, she said shes takin paracetamol and gin, told me she would do it if we ever fell out.

Feel really bad now and worried for her.

I f**kin love her man, f**k sake!!!!

dont do man! its just a ploy to make you feel bad as im sure you know!

if she mentions it again, ask if shes sure shes taken enough to kill her, and not just hospitalise her, as it would be a shame to waste those pills for no good reason.

Oli, i know exactly what your talking about!

she really did sound pretty awesome, and seemed to make you happy, you could tell from the way you spoke about her, and how you were on the phone to her that evening!"

id say dont give up hope just yet..... think of something you can do or say that will really make her see your serious, then perhaps leave it and wait for her to make the next move.... given time, im sure she will, she clearly liked you a LOT, and im sure she still does!

or, if all else goes wrong....

in the words of poopipe:

Kick her in the tits.

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Told jade that that was it, byebye because id had enough

Now, she said shes takin paracetamol and gin, told me she would do it if we ever fell out.

Feel really bad now and worried for her.

I f**kin love her man, f**k sake!!!!

I'd tell her to f**k right off. Give a shit about love, no one should ever say shit like that to anyone, and regardless of how you feel, i'd walk away.

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dont do man! its just a ploy to make you feel bad as im sure you know!

Bloody right - anyone who 'tries' to top themselves using paracetamol and alchohol obviously doesn't mean it, they just want someone to make them feel better.

drain cleaner is for people that mean it .

and what do you mean just ? :P

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Told jade that that was it, byebye because id had enough

Now, she said shes takin paracetamol and gin, told me she would do it if we ever fell out.

Feel really bad now and worried for her.

I f**kin love her man, f**k sake!!!!

She sounds like a Headcase

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