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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Kissed the new fit girl after work today, after that she then decides to say she has a bf...turns out to be someone i know...she wants to tell him but thing is i didn't know :(

hahaha what a megabitch. if he gives you grief, try and be reasonable but if he doesnt have any of it, you're aloud to punch him.

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Meeting a new girl tomorrow. Not date, just hanging out. Only started speaking to her today haha.

same happened to me last week, now were going out with eachother

thumbs up for you man (Y)

Edited by Josh PWND
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My ex is up her self. She think shes gods gift, spoilt little bitch.

Anyway! been texting this las for a bit, was texting her before the ex got involved. (as there mates, she found it rong that i was trying in her words to get in her pants.) well i'd like to take it a bit further, thinking of asking her if she wants to go pics or sumat.... good choice? she did say that she was tired and on her lonely bed. but as she lives about 10 miles away, bit far to walk. shame!

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My ex is up her self. She think shes gods gift, spoilt little bitch.

Anyway! been texting this las for a bit, was texting her before the ex got involved. (as there mates, she found it rong that i was trying in her words to get in her pants.) well i'd like to take it a bit further, thinking of asking her if she wants to go pics or sumat.... good choice? she did say that she was tired and on her lonely bed. but as she lives about 10 miles away, bit far to walk. shame!

aye she dropped the massive hint there for u..

had argument with my gf today sigh! basically i feel a tad neglected and shit the last few weeks but meh.. she said she is doing everything she can (obviously she cant do loads since she is working at a summer camp in america at the mo) but meh.. felt i needed to say something even though everyone has been like.. dont say shit else she will get all guilty and say your wrecking her time there etc. In the end if got in trouble with her for not saying anything and waiting this long.. cant win eh? oh well.. shes sorta not speaking to me now lol.. that worked out well =[ but meh.. stuffs been said now cant change it sent her a epic big message on facebook explaining everything.. hopefully she will understand how its just as shit for me with her being so far away as it is for her. 11 days to go though!

Edited by munkee
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Ive been with my girlfriend 5 months, since i met her i knew i liked her alot, but recently i was having all these extreamly strong over whelming feelings, the sort stuff i only ever felt with my ex who i loved, to some up that part, i went to see her confused by these feelings, and ended up kissing her, only to relise it felt wrong, this wasnt what i wanted at all, but me of course being an idiot didnt say anything at the time, cos i knew id hurt her, so i dugg my self in this massive hole.

anyway i kissed her and it felt wrong, the feelings wernt there i felt nothing at all, i was so conufsed i was convinced these feelsing i had must be for her, i couldnt begin to think id fallen in love again with my new girlfriend in such a short amount of time, i just couldnt, but thats what had happend, i had all these feelings of love and all sorts of emoticons running though my body, i felt like shit, the worst i have ever felt in my entire life like boarder line suicidle, id f**ked up big time.

i told the girl i thort i had feelings for that i didnt want to do anything, and made up some lame ass excuse about distance or sumthing, so again digging my self in a hole,

a few days later i finally plucked up the courage to say to my girlfriend that i loved her, but oh no wait, i didnt say that i said "im falling for her" she reacted reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally bad, to that, i dont know why, what i really wanted to say to her was that i loved her, and she makes me feel like no one else ever has. but i fagged out and couldnt say it.

the day after *today* she was lying next to me and she said it to me "i love you" i was so f**king happy, my whole perception of our relationship changed suddenly i wanted to do so much more with her, i wanted us to go away i was seeing my self with her in the future just because she utterted those 3 words.

then, it was bound to happen she found about my f**k up, the girl in question who if i was straight with probly would have understood, but cos im a fool i made it worse for my self.

she dumped me, she said she hated me, i couldnt do or say anything everything she said about me was true. i am an awful human being and ive got to change, i dont wanna be like this who the f**k does, seriosly.

so im currently sat here.

wishing i was alone

a little part of me wants to end it

shaking cos im so utterly heart broken

ridiculosly angry with my self, like more angry than ive ever been for being such a fool.

confused as to why i seem to insist on f**king my own life up, and why i did what i did to the girl i love.

ive spoken to friends, theve all said the same thing, dont give up and im not going to, i love this girl even if i have f**ked up i still made her feeling amazing for the time we were together, and i can do it again, i no she loves me, just no at the moment.

sorry for the rant ive had a bit more time to type

Edited by Hugh Hefner
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Got dumped by girlfriend a day after i told her i love her.

to some up, thort i loved another girl, kissed the other girl, felt wrong, made me relise the feelings i had were for my girlfriend. not the other girl.

i actually want to kill my self, ive never been so distrort in my life, im not gonna give up though, cos she said she feels the same way about me last nite, i no theres feelings there sumwere.

No offence.. well.. infact. f**kit.. u can. You deserved to get dumped. IF you really loved your girlfriend you wouldnt have to test your feelings out on some other girl. What goes around comes around style eh?

Edited by munkee
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No offence.. well.. infact. f**kit.. u can. You deserved to get dumped. IF you really loved your girlfriend you wouldnt have to test your feelings out on some other girl. What goes around comes around style eh?

no offence taken i deserve every bit of it.

ive put up a more in depth reply, i copied from my blogspot thing.

Edited by Hugh Hefner
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Where were ur words of wisdom a while ago!


Me, personally, I don't like risks, so I like to make them as much in my favour as possible.

So I'd sit on my feelings until I knew that when I let on, it would cause as many positive results as possible, and as little negative ones.


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Me, personally, I don't like risks, so I like to make them as much in my favour as possible.

So I'd sit on my feelings until I knew that when I let on, it would cause as many positive results as possible, and as little negative ones.


i need to take that option from now on.

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RIghty o, well ive manged to land my self in the biggest f**king hole everr!!!

right to cut a long story short, i was with my for 1 year and 8 months. it started going shit a few months back.

she went away for 2 weeks, we decide to see how things goes while shes away.

but i started to get close to one of her best friends (which is also the singer of my band)

we spent a few days together, hit it off big time! was amazing time, never felt so happy with some one

then my misses comes back and we broke up, nothing more was said.

so me and the singer carried on seeing each other, was going really good! ended up in bed together one evening

then my ex goes round the singers house with a load of mates, and ends up in tears because of the rumours going around about me and the singer.

so then the ex comes round to day begging me to take her back, sayin she will change and stuff. we then end up having sex together,

and that now brings me to now! completely f**ked up......

i can only laugh at the situation, but i really do like the singer. but its going to be hard and harsh on many people.

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