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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Things were going well with this girl I liked, to be honest i'm not really sure what happened..., but last night she was drunk and causing arguments over the smallest things whn after she admitted she was in the wrong, but doing it for the sake of it. Whaaaat the f**k?! We ended up walking home from town, she was with her mate, I was with mine, and, to be honest, just wanted to see her again and sort everything out. When I did see her, she was being pathetic, tring to hide >_<, so I just tell her to her face something along the lines of, "Why are you being like this? I've been trying to talk to you but you just keep arguing, if you carry on i'm just not gonna bother talking to you or meeting you in future". She said "Fine", and walked off...

Screw it, can't be arsed with her now. Neeext!

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She's just looking for attention. I had something like this last year; and she hasn't changed either.

The stupid thing about it is; you can't stop them wanting attention, only run with it. I doubt you want to...

Edited by Hendrix
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She's just looking for attention. I had something like this last year; and she hasn't changed either.

The stupid thing about it is; you can't stop them wanting attention, only run with it. I doubt you want to...

I don't know if she's worth the effort anymore. I know for a fact she'll regret what she's done, 'cus she really likes me, as her mates say and as she's said. In her msn name today was 'F**k. Sad :('. So that shows that she knows she's made a mistake, but I've really gotta stop giving in when this happens! I would usually be like 'yeh it's fine'. Not 'cus I forgive them or anythying, but just because it's easier than arguing and falling out, but being like this will just make people know they can be like this and always get away with it...

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I don't really wanna post this here, but I know how you feel. Found out my girlfriend cheated on me on Saturday night with one of my good friends. They were both drunk and I had noticed how close they had been all night, I messaged him on myspace and he admitted to it and I text her saying I never wanted to speak to her again, but I just couldn't deal with it so we spoke quite a bit Monday, She's been on my mind ever since and last night she text me telling me to completely remove her from my life because it was for the best. The annoying thing is if she turned around to me and said she wants me back, I'd take her back, even though she betrayed me and my trust, I care about her so much that I'd just do anything to get things back to how they were. What's most annoying though is that yesterday after she text me I was all set to completely forget about her, then when I woke up this morning I had dreamt about her.

So yeah, I know how it feels to want to give in, Monday I was doing the aggressive I hate you ex boyfriend role and as soon as she rang me crying down the phone straight away I just felt so f**king guilty. I know its stupid for me to want her back, and I know it wont happen, but I really would take her back. I'm an idiot.

There's no one online to talk to about this at the moment so I'm venting here.

EDIT: I also can't bring myself to delete her number or her msn. I still care about her so much and I just want things to be how they were. She's online right now with the display name "and then there was one" and it just makes me feel f**king horrible. Reading over some of the things she said to me really upsets me. It was only 2 months but for me thats quite a big deal, and it's the happiest I've been in a long time. It really sucks having to get outta the routine of texting her every night when I get into bed and shit. Bad times.

But I'll be okay, I always am, and I don't show my emotion visually so it's all good.

Edited by Mark King
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Best thing to do is give it time. Try not to think about her, I know its very hard. If you stay mates with her, like texting each other, going out for lunch etc etc. all that will do think you can have her back.

That happened to me and my now ex. she done it a few times, I stupidly took her back. We fell out after our prom night, Havent spoken to her since..... I tell you what... I'm better off with out her.

I'm not saying do the same, just see how things pan out

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Yeah I know its for the best that we stay apart, but it's just hard, and like you said, best thing to do is give it time, but I hate waiting. It's my birthday in 13 days and I was really looking forward to spending it with her, I've never had a gf on my birthday before, thought it would be real nice, but that's all f**ked up now. Add to that my nans funeral was last wednesday and the last week hasn't been too great!!

Oh yeah, the dude who she cheated on me with has been one of my good friends for the last two years, on the way back to the station in the car he said I was always welcome back at his and I turned around and said to him "Cheers man, you're such a good friend". I've forgiven him because I don't want it to cause a rift when I go back up to Newport and wanna hang out with everyone else, but I'm so f**king angry with him. I know all the blame isn't on him but he pretty much just split us up. I just wanna blame it all on him.

Instead, I'm just listening to New Found Glory and getting on with things.

Edited by Mark King
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It really sucks having to get outta the routine of texting her every night when I get into bed and shit.

Mate, you should never shit in bed, ever.

Jokes aside, I know what this feels like. It happened to me three years ago, and I found out when she phoned me, unable to keep it from me anymore. I remember feeling like I'd just had my whole life ripped apart. And I had the same problem - I was angry and cross and wanted to tell her how much I hated her, but then I too felt guilty when she was even more upset.

The next week I practically ignored her. Some good mates at the time supported me well, and I went to parties, drank (but not too much that it made things worse) and tried to give my brain a rest. Eventually, against the advice of some good friends, me and her worked it out. She had some issues then, and I could understand why it had happened (it was with her ex). I made it clear - ever do that again, and we're finished.

After that we went on to have over two happy years together, our relationship eventually failing just over a year ago when we wanted different things, and life together was getting strained. We're still friends, which is good, but now and then I remember the good times we had and feel sorry for how things worked out. But ultimately, I have no regrets. We weren't happy - at least, I definitely wasn't, so it had to end.

Probably gone off the point here a bit, but I know how it feels, both to be cheated on, and to lose the person who means the most to you. It's shitluck for sure, and I hope things get better for you. If you feel there's room to talk, then do so. Give it some time, have a clear think. Try and understand why the shit happened, and what it says about her or your relationship. In my case, it was stuff outside the relationship that really caused the problem, and we were able to work things out because we realised we still wanted to be together.

Chin up, son!

Just read your edit... dunno man, I'd be pretty pissed with him myself.

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Oh yeah, the dude who she cheated on me with has been one of my good friends for the last two years, on the way back to the station in the car he said I was always welcome back at his and I turned around and said to him "Cheers man, you're such a good friend". I've forgiven him because I don't want it to cause a rift when I go back up to Newport and wanna hang out with everyone else, but I'm so f**king angry with him. I know all the blame isn't on him but he pretty much just split us up. I just wanna blame it all on him.

Instead, I'm just listening to New Found Glory and getting on with things.

To be fair, i've always said i wouldnt hold it against the guy if i got cheated on.. pretty much until it happened to me. I wanted to blame him too just like you say because its kinda like they know the girl is taken.. they know the concequences of what will happen if they are found out. But then at the same time, who really is the one that hurt you the most.. the guy who wanted to get his dick wet (sorry to be brutal) or the girl who openly let him do it.. At the end of the day they say its a womans perogative, in pretty much anything. When they say its over, it usually is, when you ask them out its their decision to say yes. The same as marriage and all that it always ends up their choice... so, should you really blame him? it was her choice.. and she could have easily said no or.. not even got in to the situation to start with. This thinking is what helped me get over my ex, she f**ked everything by being a selfish fanny at the end of the day and i got no regrets for moving on and being where i am now. A lot better off and a lot happier in the end.

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I disagree on that. A true friend should know that your girlfriend is out of bounds. He should know that no matter how much she flirts and no matter how much he might want it, that his loyalty to you should come first. This is regardless of the influence of drink, drugs or anything else. If I trust someone as my friend, then I know that they wouldn't try it on, let alone do anything.

If I found out that one of my friends had slept with my girlfriend, then I'd most likely never speak to him again. He of all people should be looking out for me, and have my best interests at heart, not doing possibly the one thing that would make me the unhappiest.

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Yeah I know its for the best that we stay apart, but it's just hard, and like you said, best thing to do is give it time, but I hate waiting. It's my birthday in 13 days and I was really looking forward to spending it with her, I've never had a gf on my birthday before, thought it would be real nice, but that's all f**ked up now. Add to that my nans funeral was last wednesday and the last week hasn't been too great!!

Oh yeah, the dude who she cheated on me with has been one of my good friends for the last two years, on the way back to the station in the car he said I was always welcome back at his and I turned around and said to him "Cheers man, you're such a good friend". I've forgiven him because I don't want it to cause a rift when I go back up to Newport and wanna hang out with everyone else, but I'm so f**king angry with him. I know all the blame isn't on him but he pretty much just split us up. I just wanna blame it all on him.

Instead, I'm just listening to New Found Glory and getting on with things.

Forgive, but don't forget? That's what I try to go by with most things like this, sometimes it is too hard though.

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Forgive, but don't forget? That's what I try to go by with most things like this, sometimes it is too hard though.

Yeah man. At times I'm fine with things, you know everything seems to make sense and I think yeah it's for the best. But then I read stuff she said to me or I just stand around thinking about her and it just makes me want her back so much more. It's not easy and I really don't wanna let her go :/

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Yeah man. At times I'm fine with things, you know everything seems to make sense and I think yeah it's for the best. But then I read stuff she said to me or I just stand around thinking about her and it just makes me want her back so much more. It's not easy and I really don't wanna let her go :/

I know how you feel man, same thing happened with me and my girlfriend a while ago, but to be honest, who cares. I'm really laid back with shit like this. But then again I broke up with her like 4 days ago, now I want her again. She'll never accept though due to the fact I've done this before lol. Even worse she is on holiday for 2 weeks.

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Sounds like you just need to call her up and sort everything out man. I know i really wanna call my Ex, but f**k paying the phone bill to another country. It can wait two weeks, then hopefully I'll be over her.

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I don't think that's right. I can't imagine it works like that. Whilst the coldsore is caused by the same virus, I don't think it's as simple as get sucked off and get the genital variant.

It's the oral version, but, it can affect other areas. for example, if around your mouth you DONT have the oral version, just the standard one, you would risk it spreading.

Look up shingles on wikipedia and you'll get a pic of a coldsore on someone's neck.

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Sounds like you just need to call her up and sort everything out man. I know i really wanna call my Ex, but f**k paying the phone bill to another country. It can wait two weeks, then hopefully I'll be over her.

She told me she doesnt wanna speak to me. Basically cos she feels so guilty about what she did, that shes running away from the problem instead of facing it. I wish I could ring her and sort things out but it probably wont help, shes got loads of shit on her mind, cos her sister has just moved to america and shes stressed about it, so i'm just gonna leave it. Maybe we will bump into each other one day and it will bring feelings back. I think she might be going to a gig on the 31st of Aug, plus it's my birthday on the 19th so she may well wish me happy birthday. We'll see.

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I think Hendrix is correct, and if that's the case, then presumably it'd need direct fluid contact to spread.

In fact, f'ck it, I hate discussing these things. Of course, it's stupid to do the deed without adequate protection. In fact, two months ago a girl insisted we both get tested before starting anything. Although it was a bit of a chore, it was good to come out with a clean certificate. In retrospect, I do think if people were more responsible like she was, then it'd make a big difference.

That said, the old oral has always been a mystery to me, disease-wise.

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I thought it was spread through Blood...

That's AIDS.

You might wanna get a check, it's more common in homosexuals.

I think Hendrix is correct

If you can get a coldsore from someone by sharing a drink...

You can get herpes without direct blood contact.

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No it isn't. AIDS isn't spread through the blood, HIV is, which causes AIDS.

And this isn't the only virus to be transferred through the blood. Are you stupid, or trying to be funny? Hep C is another example. And be warned, this ish is on the rise. I dare say that with lazy kids that do txt talk, a rubber is too much effort. See, it's true, txt talk is to blame for everything.

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No it isn't. AIDS isn't spread through the blood, HIV is, which causes AIDS.

And this isn't the only virus to be transferred through the blood. Are you stupid, or trying to be funny? Hep C is another example. And be warned, this ish is on the rise. I dare say that with lazy kids that do txt talk, a rubber is too much effort. See, it's true, txt talk is to blame for everything.

It was indeed a joke I made at Hendrix about AIDS.

I know that HIV is the virus and AIDS is the syndrome, hence the S.

The moral of this story is, use a rubber jonny, it's not much effort and it might save your life.

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I wondered if that was the case!

I agree with your moral. Sitting in the clinic, trying not to look at the posters, I can't imagine what it would be like to be told I had something horrible. In fact, the two week wait for the results was pretty rubbish, despite the fact I've always been sensible and, in the words of the doc, had nothing to worry about.

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