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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Josh - How can you tell that it's specifically a swedish one?

Johny - you worry me more and more every day man!

I got girl trouble, I want at least 3 girls for my personal birthday celebrations tonight and I only got 2. They need to be good on their knees, but swallowing isn't a must, they can just dribble it out onto themselves if they like, I'm easy. Any suggestions?


Davey... he is an animal

Just try going out on the piss with him. One night we were getting a taxi "BACK" into town (Johny had already been out) and he just sat swaying in the back telling the boot of a taxi driver how he wanted to "Touch her inappropriately" I tried to stop him giving his number to her... but he insisted he just dropped his phone in her lap and she stole it!

Ypur girl trouble is settling down.... don’t change though Johny, I love you.... + its so entertaining!

Johny do you remember Donna!? HAHAHA

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Davey... he is an animal

Just try going out on the piss with him. One night we were getting a taxi "BACK" into town (Johny had already been out) and he just sat swaying in the back telling the boot of a taxi driver how he wanted to "Touch her inappropriately" I tried to stop him giving his number to her... but he insisted he just dropped his phone in her lap and she stole it!

Ypur girl trouble is settling down.... don’t change though Johny, I love you.... + its so entertaining!

Johny do you remember Donna!? HAHAHA

is that donna tha minga

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Josh - How can you tell that it's specifically a swedish one?

Johny - you worry me more and more every day man!

I got girl trouble, I want at least 3 girls for my personal birthday celebrations tonight and I only got 2. They need to be good on their knees, but swallowing isn't a must, they can just dribble it out onto themselves if they like, I'm easy. Any suggestions?


Transexual prostitute?

Don´t know if they exist in england but in Barcelona there all over the bloody place.

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Transexual prostitute?

Don´t know if they exist in england but in Barcelona there all over the bloody place.

Oooooooooooooookay.............. not sure how that's meant to solve my problem, or where you just thinking about transexual prostitutes at the time?

Basically I need a girl who likes taking it in the face, I got 2, I need another, I know that's being selfish but it's my birthday god dam it, and if a guy can't spaff in 3 girls faces on his birthday then what is the world coming to huh?


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Oooooooooooooookay.............. not sure how that's meant to solve my problem, or where you just thinking about transexual prostitutes at the time?

Basically I need a girl who likes taking it in the face, I got 2, I need another, I know that's being selfish but it's my birthday god dam it, and if a guy can't spaff in 3 girls faces on his birthday then what is the world coming to huh?


Yea i did understand it you said you wanted a girl that was good on her knees, a tranny must be good as it/she/he has a willy it/he/she understands what a man wants better than a girl because it/he/she is a he but looks like a she so, all you need to do is tell it/he/she to keep her knickers on and your problems solved! a girl thats good on her knees.

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Taxi driver from stoney! AYE!

Johny’s behaviour was disgusting that night!

Towler...you had to tell that story...of all the stories you told that one...

Well the truth is...I do like all types of women...even the porkers...;)

Davey, I think we need to have a night out...just so i can get you a women for your birthday!

Edited by JohnyMilton
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I haven't been posting on here much recently, but it's funny how when girls do certain things they make you hit rock bottom :(

Essentially I've been seeing a girl for about 6 months now in first year of Uni. Gorgeous girl who I get on with so much. Spending time with her is amazing and we've been acting pretty much like a couple (her staying at mine, seeing each other in free time etc) quite a lot. I've been traveling for a month and during that we talked a little about where we stood, and I got her to put what she thought about us in to an email, to find out if she wanted a relationship - as I sure did.

Her feeling were pretty clear, she didn't want a boyfriend of any sort at the moment, as her and her previous had rushed stuff too fast. She liked me a lot and didn't want to talk about it previous as she didn't want anything to change between us, because we get on so well.

Last night I was out at a nightclub with friends (not very drunk) and in the corner of the room saw her kissing another guy. I know that I've no ownership or her and we're not going out, but it made my heart sink. I told her straight away that 'I hoped he was worth it' and just left to get my friends. Seconds later she burst in to tears with her friend and I left on my own due to my anger.

She rang me a few times, I ignored then just got angry down the phone. Ended up her trying to get from her house to my place later but she didn't make it. I've been thinking about it all day at work and it's awful. I really don't know what to do, maybe I should just de-tach myself completely from her because I'm already too close if we're never going to have a relationship. I would miss seeing her a huge amount and I know it would be pretty unbearable - especially over summer.

I've said we need to talk and replied to her email with some of my thoughts. I just feel like shit :(

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My advice would be just to talk to her dude!

Tell her exactly how you feel about it n all, judging by what she di afterwards shows that she must like you a fair bit, so it should be worth it :)

If that fails, go for the davetrials "be a man" approach (Y)

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I haven't been posting on here much recently, but it's funny how when girls do certain things they make you hit rock bottom :(

Essentially I've been seeing a girl for about 6 months now in first year of Uni. Gorgeous girl who I get on with so much. Spending time with her is amazing and we've been acting pretty much like a couple (her staying at mine, seeing each other in free time etc) quite a lot. I've been traveling for a month and during that we talked a little about where we stood, and I got her to put what she thought about us in to an email, to find out if she wanted a relationship - as I sure did.

Her feeling were pretty clear, she didn't want a boyfriend of any sort at the moment, as her and her previous had rushed stuff too fast. She liked me a lot and didn't want to talk about it previous as she didn't want anything to change between us, because we get on so well.

Last night I was out at a nightclub with friends (not very drunk) and in the corner of the room saw her kissing another guy. I know that I've no ownership or her and we're not going out, but it made my heart sink. I told her straight away that 'I hoped he was worth it' and just left to get my friends. Seconds later she burst in to tears with her friend and I left on my own due to my anger.

She rang me a few times, I ignored then just got angry down the phone. Ended up her trying to get from her house to my place later but she didn't make it. I've been thinking about it all day at work and it's awful. I really don't know what to do, maybe I should just de-tach myself completely from her because I'm already too close if we're never going to have a relationship. I would miss seeing her a huge amount and I know it would be pretty unbearable - especially over summer.

I've said we need to talk and replied to her email with some of my thoughts. I just feel like shit :(

end of the day if you hadnt have gone over there etc where could it have gone with her and that lad? if you hadnt have caught her then whats to say it wouldnt have happened another time etc. Yes she isnt your gf but at the same time.. feelings were clear right? you liked her.

I had a similar situation with my current gf, we were really good friends and started getting feelings for eachother we decided valentines day would be our first real date.. a few days before she goes and sleeps with one of her ex's from when she was 16 (20 now). I felt f**king destroyed, she knew how i felt etc and she said blah blah it was a mistake we both realised we shudnt have done it i was being a idiot its totally not like me ( she even had some of her best friends say to her " we dont know who u are now thats so not like u" etc etc). I wasnt going out with her, similar to your situation but it just royally pissed me off because i thought we meant something? Anyway, it took me a couple of weeks to sort out what i wanted and a lot of her realising what she had done. Like i said she is my gf now, coming up to 6 months we dont talk about what happened really because it doesnt matter now, yes she was a f**king idiot but at the same time she was still single there was nothing to say we would have worked out and what owner ship did i really have over her? If it happened again ofcourse, thats when shit hits the fan but there really feels no chance of it happening, its just not like her as everyone said to me when it happened. She realised she made a big mistake and was a idiot for doing it so lesson learnt. What you have to do though now is take some time off, be a friend but nothing more for a while till you can gauge her true feelings for you, say your piece to her and make sure the problem doesnt get turned back on you (like.. you dont own me etc) always go back to the "i thought it was pretty obvious how we both felt" etc. However, problem is she said in this email she doesnt want to rush etc (incidentally like mine lol) which to be fair, is a chance for her to play the field see her options and pick the best one (thankfully i was my gf's best option). it sounds stupid but.. if say ,.. she is 20 or whatever, she is looking for a long term bloke (even if a lot of people on this forum would say otherwise) so she will still be playing the field checking her options to make sure theres nothing better out there before putting everything in to you. LIke she said she rushed her last realtionship and clearly it f**ked up (once again like my gf did lol). But at the end of the day, shes still in the wrong. So take some time out and think it over yourself, remember what you decide is the end. If you decide to go with her then you can never ever hold it against her because technically she did nothing wrong but be inconsiderate and selfish, which everyone is!

end of bollocks advice, but ive been there

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Met this girl over the weekend, spent all day with her today again, really lush lass. Get on a treat when we are together.

She is quite a flirt and is close to alot of guys. Know today when we were together we met some of my mates, one of which she has met before, got his number, and seemed to be rubbing it in my face after she left he was texting her. Dont know what she texts him but know the guy will attempt for sex with anyone he can no matter the situation. I know we aren't properly together but she says she likes me not him but im not sure....

Also she is going away on some 2 week cruise, said doesnt want anything serious til she gets back. This mean so she is single for holiday or see if i am interested in more than just sex..... Ekk

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Been pretty much a week since all the shit happened with me (few pages back) to be honest things are really good at the moment, i know that the guy hasn't been talking to her vice versa, meeting up etc. The guy's coming to my college next year and i wanna work out a way to piss my gf off about what happened. Do i, act really friendly around the guy when shes there and when she leaves been a fanny to him? or do i just go kick the shit out of him? anyway things are pretty much where they were before this happened which kinda sets my mind at peace. people learn from their mistakes?

Edited by Ryan.
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i think you should slam ur head in the door, cos your an idiot for taking her back.

and im gonna keep telling you that everytime you come on here and talk about her

and she didnt "mistakenly" cheat on you, how the f**k does that work?

Edited by Hugh Hefner
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Been pretty much a week since all the shit happened with me (few pages back) to be honest things are really good at the moment, i know that the guy hasn't been talking to her vice versa, meeting up etc. The guy's coming to my college next year and i wanna work out a way to piss my gf off about what happened. Do i, act really friendly around the guy when shes there and when she leaves been a fanny to him? or do i just go kick the shit out of him? anyway things are pretty much where they were before this happened which kinda sets my mind at peace. people learn from their mistakes?

I'd argue if you're trying to find ways of pissing your girlfriend off about what happened then things aren't fine or back to how they were before it happened. Clearly you're still harbouring a great amount of ill feeling and mistrust towards her and that's not healthy for any relationship.

I'm not going to say either way whether you should or shouldn't have taken her back, frankly only you can decide that, but if you have taken her back you have to forgive what she did and not harbour resentment towards her or it'll never work long term. If you can't forgive then you need to split up, or it'll just end in tears further down the line anyway.

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Talked to her and stuff is slowly working out. I explainde what I thought in the email and it went good. Met her tonight for a quick drink and walked her down to work and she's coming to mine after (3am) for a bit more talking then sleep.

Explained to her that we should set some ground rules and see how it goes with us because if we don't then we should just see less of each other 'cos I'm not getting attached to her and have her f**k me about. Suggested that we don't go with anyone else and if she does or I do then it's game over, which I guess is pretty much bf/gf.

We'll see how tonight goes I guess.

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I'm single and ain't had sex in 3/4 weeks and it sucks arse...

Apparently birds don't like being used as objects, slags. I'm not happy.

That's just a stone cold lie, you silly boy, that's just what they tell you so they don't get labelled a slag (girls don't like being called slags, however they do like being slags, fact!)

I know plenty of girls that love being used as objects, just don't go telling everyone about it and you'll be sorted!


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