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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Been seeing the hottest girl recently, but saturday shes going away for 2 weeks, then 5 days later i go to Zante for a week, then 7 days after i go back im going on a Med. cruise for a week. Great timing simps! oh well shes fit!

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Split up with the girlfriend of nearly two years, pretty much sucks.

I know how that feels. Were you just not getting along? I broke up my girl 5 months ago. She and I are still friends and talk on a regular basis but it is hard knowing that I can't see her. I miss her.

Split up with my gf yesterday :( ...wish things could have been different.i already miss her

Dave x

Why the split? Don't become to depressed. Focus on the now and not the past. It helped me a ton.

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I know how that feels. Were you just not getting along? I broke up my girl 5 months ago. She and I are still friends and talk on a regular basis but it is hard knowing that I can't see her. I miss her.

It ended because towards the end all I was really doing was making her cry and upsetting her, oh that and she was texting two of her exs' whilst pretty much ignoring my texts, but more because of the first thing, I miss her so much and I wish I could have her back but It just wouldn't happen due to her going in the RAF soon. Time heals all and that jazz. I'm not sure if I could be friends with her now though it'd just be too awkward.

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Been seeing the hottest girl recently, but saturday shes going away for 2 weeks, then 5 days later i go to Zante for a week, then 7 days after i go back im going on a Med. cruise for a week. Great timing simps! oh well shes fit!

Pics or it didnt happen.

In other news, my gf is hot, I win.

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Pics or it didnt happen.

Damm it didn't happen :P

No im gonna force some pictures out of her soon, only got joint photos atm damm!

On the upside i cant count weeks, shes only going away for a week an im only away for 2 score? least we will have the summer if i haven't f**ked it up by then!

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lets not turn this into another 'post a picture of your girlfriend' thread lads. We all know what happened to the last one.

And gosh i'd just hate for all the heartbroken people here not be able to come onto this thread and vent.

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If someone happened to put a photo of a lady friend up here, in this very thread, just to get a general decision on whether shes physically worth pursuing..Does that brake a rule? :P

Wouldn't say so but think how you'd feel if she posted a pic of you on talkgirlyshit.com asking all her e-hoes if they thought you were worth sucking off?

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In my experience girls don't want their dirty laundry aired in public.

I'd imagine that if she found out that the decision would be made for you, swiftly.

EDIT: not that I expect the pics are of her dirty laundry (that would be nice I guess) but you know what I mean i'm sure.....)

Edited by Jakers
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