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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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jonnie broke on my some girl ages ago

recently she started thowing up in the morn

she hadnt had her period for 2 months

i was shitttttttttttttttttttttttting it

i made her take 4 pregnancy test each said no, then i sent her to the doc he said no

and today she finally came on

yay :D

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I have an ex that just wants to be friends even though I'm not over the fact she the only girl I've ever bin in love with, gee this sucks. <_< I'm not sure what to say? I need to find me a casual girlf me thinks! aha :-


I know exactly how you feel. I still get twinges after 8 months but i'd be alot worse if i didnt get her out my life i.e. deleting her from phone, myspace etc etc. everything and trust me....i havent regretted doing it.

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I know exactly how you feel. I still get twinges after 8 months but i'd be alot worse if i didnt get her out my life i.e. deleting her from phone, myspace etc etc. everything and trust me....i havent regretted doing it.

Dont think I quite have the heart to do that though. Shes really messing me about to be honest. By being friends its only making it harder for me, yet she tells me we should be close just not in a boyf/girlf way. I dont want to forget about her because if she wasnt in my life at all anymore it would kill me yet when ever I look at finding another girl to take her off my mind I feel almost guilty because its not fair on the new mrs cause shes in the dark about the way I really feel :(


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Seriously, stop talking to her, stop making any contact with her. Believe you me, i wont lie, there will be days you'll want to tear yourself apart and contact her again, but in no way shape or form can you. Until you are 100% sure you are over her.

I've not spoken to my ex in like 6 weeks now, no contact at all, and every time i see a car which i believe is her, my heart just drops. Until shit like that stops happening i'm not over her, but rest assured, it's 100x easier without any contact.

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i still love my ex, but were the best of mates and neither of us want that to change, be too much of a waste. its hard, there are days i wish she was still mine, but shes not. i know that and still having her around to talk to about everything actually makes it easier. she's my best friend and i'd never want to lose that.

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i still love my ex, but were the best of mates and neither of us want that to change, be too much of a waste. its hard, there are days i wish she was still mine, but shes not. i know that and still having her around to talk to about everything actually makes it easier. she's my best friend and i'd never want to lose that.

same here! I get along with my Ex so well! think my girlfriend a bit pissed that were like always on the phone to each other. There always been something there between me and sara (the ex) gues if the current chick dont like it, she can leave!

SHe did say she didnt mind but that was al lies!

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I have the tendancy to call my girlfreinds names and since i dont think girls like being called fat twats i normally get dumped and they dont normal want to talk again, i have perfected how to get rid off the annoying ex's!

but this one girl i went out with for like two years when we broke up, as soon as my best mate said he liked her, me and her did stuff, then we like proper fell out, adn she started spreading rumors that i took cock n stuff i got well pissed off and i came to two conclusions try and make friends with her again, or put on a hoodie grab a bassball bat and smash her face in, were now mates again and now my other best mate admitted to liking her and we did stuff again, i feel mean, like uber mean, she wants to go further, like the stuff you cant do in a well walked forest, but if my mates ever found out he'd hate me forever, is it worth the risk, minge or mates?!

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