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women = mental beautifulness

I guess that's oxymoronic and perhaps they would lose some of their beauty if they weren't so incomprehensibly mental. Perhaps though I've just been a bit unlucky with my choice of women. Alas. Anyone met women who don't try and impose their will onto you and change you into what they "know" you "should" be?

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women = mental beautifulness

I guess that's oxymoronic and perhaps they would lose some of their beauty if they weren't so incomprehensibly mental. Perhaps though I've just been a bit unlucky with my choice of women. Alas. Anyone met women who don't try and impose their will onto you and change you into what they "know" you "should" be?


I have actually. Well this girl has been one of my best mates for well over two years now, so we totally know eachother and what we're like, so I guess we've grown to like eachother the way we are. We ain't going out ('cus we both know what eachother can be like...) But yeh...We're just casual n stuff, you know how it is...

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I have actually. Well this girl has been one of my best mates for well over two years now, so we totally know eachother and what we're like, so I guess we've grown to like eachother the way we are. We ain't going out ('cus we both know what eachother can be like...) But yeh...We're just casual n stuff, you know how it is...

Ah but the question is, if you ended up in a relationship would perhaps another (unseen in the context of friendship) side of her 'pop' out? Like a bad fart in an enclosed, unventilated space? I think for a lot of women, relationships are their hobby like trials is ours. Once the game has commenced, the moulding and shaping of you into an ideal man begins. She will right your wrongs.

Of course I'm playing a stereotype for amusments sake but I'm sure there's some truth to what I'm saying :P

Buggar I'm starting to sound like a cynic.

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Haha, yeh I do think that's true actually, 'cus it has happened to me before. It's all good hanging out occasionally, but when you're always out together, always round eachother's, doing things with her you would usually just do with your mates, it all turns ugly...

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Ahh mate, i no how you feel. TRy and go out, itl take your mind of it..

yeah the cast on my foot kinda limits that, but im going to nass next weekend. was going to be spending the week with her and then going to a part with her all weekend. inconsiderate cow, messed up my weeks plans and the copius amounts of sex i was going to have. b*****d

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Women are f**king idiots

Mine has decided to go in a rather shit mood with me because a girl I know told one of her friends im going out with her for the hell of it. She wouldnt tell me to my face and expected me to find out telepathically.

Bint also put the phone down on me then. f**king women!

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Quite amazing what music can do..

I'm listening to the sweeny todd soundtrack, the movie which I watched with my ex in the cinema before we got together. Lisntened to the album alot because it reminded me of that evening, which was amazing. That whole period of my life was just amazing, don't think I ever was so happy in my life.

Whenever I hear it now I really get into the atmosphere of that great period, but I also know that the great period in my life will never return..and neither will my ex. Quite painfull :(

Meh don't know why I wrote it here, but I was amazed about the amount of emotions music can awaken.

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Ah man, I'm pretty gutted.

I don't know if it's worth it, although she's like the complete exact version of me mentally, but as a women, and she's f**king so hot, so win/win.


Does that mean shes 4?

im gettin seriously annoyed with women now.

texting some fit girl, and shes up for a bit of fun, but it makes awkwardness for me between a couple of my mates, but shes well hot, but itll never be more than a few shags and a couple of films. and i feel like inside im only doing it, because id be mad to throw away that chance, when i look like me, i dont really find her that easy to talk too.

Also started chatting to my ex over the last few days a couple of times, and shes being really nice and almost suggesting we go for a drink at some point. and again shes really fit, difference being, i actually enjoy talking to her, and have a laugh with her, but shes like wayyyyyyyyyy older than me, and thats not good if we want to make something serious of it, as shes like 28 now, and i really feel that its just pushing the boundaries of how old she can go, before she settles down and wants something serious, i still live with me mum FFS.

i dont want the hastle of a full time relationship, but the whole casual sex/feck buddy things getting tired on me. and being singles really starting to suck, spesh as im not going out so much no more, i just find meself not doing anything at all.All the no strings attached stuffs lost its appeal, and im starting to think i need a proper relationship, but well scared about getting into anything too serious, as i see it as being kind of hassle.

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