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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Why is it... the good ones are either taken.. or a best mates ex?!

Also, I don't wanna leave my gf just yet!

Best mates ex's are waayyyy out of bounds, unless you don't value your best mate much...

Also if you already have a gf, then stop being so damn greedy!

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broke up AGAIN its ridic we have like 1 day break ups :S

i dont know if its different this time but im sick of it, i also thinks hes cheating on me anyway.


Wrong thread buddy...

I almost wish I wouldn't have to talk to my girlfriend again until I finish exams next Thursday. She's really hacking me off with her constant moooaaannnning about not seeing me and me not letting her come round and waste my revision time all weekend.

But at the same time I miss her intensely. Wank.

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Wrong thread buddy...

I almost wish I wouldn't have to talk to my girlfriend again until I finish exams next Thursday. She's really hacking me off with her constant moooaaannnning about not seeing me and me not letting her come round and waste my revision time all weekend.

But at the same time I miss her intensely. Wank.

LMAO yeah its a SHE !!!

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"We need to talk"


"Can't see you though, msn?"

"Right :S if you want to talk its either by phone or meeting, sorry :)"

"Ok forget it x"



Women heh, bless them. Think i'm beginning to travel down the not caring path which would be amazing, as at the end of that path is the getting over path, woop.

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I was just having a little spy on my girlfriends email acount and i found loads of emails from a guy that looks like he´s trying to pull her, they met each other in a camp last summer in america by the looks of it. He sends her these really gay emails talking about his feelings look at what he says:

" After our conversation today I felt sad that you didn't know that you are one of my favourite people in the whole world to talk to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't ever forget that Juli."

"I have many friends in many places but I only make the effort with a selected few. I know this may seem arrogant and maybe it is but my Dad once told me that you should be able to count your 'real' friends on one hand....I am a big believer in this. I would hope to count u amongst one of my 'real' friends."

"I know this probably sounds sad, but I think of you nearly everyday."

What a f**king gay lord with all his cheesy emails hes 5 years older than her aswell f**king pedo the bad thing is that she believes everything he says, hes either telling the truth and is f**king gay boy or is just trying to use all these "romantic"or whatever you wanna call it emails to get her knickers down. The good thing is, is that he lives in england far away from here. arrrrr i think this should be in the angry thread!!

I´m not gonna say anything to her at the moment i´ll keep reading the emails and see what happens. Nothing will probablly happen i just get gelous too easily.

i dont usually post these sort of things on here but i just needed to let it out.

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Not a girl problem, but its about a girl and i have a problem so it counts

Anyway, girl im seeing (only for a couple of weeks at the moment though), its her bday on saturday (i swear she said it was march though :- ) anyway, what the hell do i buy her, dont want to go for any of the stuff like flowers, chocolates n all that bollox, plus how much do you spend, as its not as though ive been with her for years and are going to burn a whole in my poor student wallet on her.

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Take her out? Your treat. Nothing fancy

Pizzhut buffet, motherf**ker.

Then tell her if she doesn't "eat a least 5 pizzas she is a greedy bitch", and that you "wish you had just given her the money because theres no f**king point if you dont gourge yourself into a cholesterol induced coma."

Get up, throw the remains of your pizza at her, and walk out. Leaving her to foot the bill.

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