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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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She is really mature thats the thing. More mature than my ex that is older than her thats why I really like her, trouble is I always said I'd never get with a year 9 when im in year 11 as i thought it was a little wrong... She really is more mature than my ex and all her mates. Meh..

Blud.......That girls 14!

Cmon Adam spill the beans, who is it :P

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f**k sake. :S

So i text her earlier as she has a day off, see if shes any better as she wasn't feeling to good and what she was doing today on her day off, nothing.

Fair enough, i wouldn't of cared in the slightest until my mate comes online and is like "you spoken to her? she wants to do something or she going out with mates".

Er, no, as i've not spoken to her all day, and thought now getting told what she is doing from a mate was just a bit wierd...

Now she saying she doesn't have to tell me every second what she is doing, and i don't at all expect that, i just don't expect to be told what she is doing and what she wants to be doing from a mate when i haven't spoken to her all day.

Why do women always twist stuff? f**ks me right off so i've just given up talking to her.

sounds like she playing you and has you twisted round her finger as she knows you really like her. How about turning it round and making her text you all the time ect that way you will also find out how she really feels. As if she does like you as soon as she senses your looseing interest she'll be trying to get hold of you all time and be with you ect on the other hand if she just lets things die off you know that it would have never lasted long as she never was really into you properly.

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I cba to read the last few pages of crap so im just going to add my stuff on.

Im in a free house at the moment and this girls been round a few times, its been a good laugh etc.

We've got no closer to being a couple which is quite annoying, I get the feeling that she wants to just carry on with this which is good an all, but ive had my fair share of this.

Sounds weird I know haha.

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Women 100% confuse me... no f**kin end.

Stuff with the ex is well and truly over and i like to think i am now 99% over her.. yea theres the odd time i look at her shit on facebook etc.. just more out of curiosity whats going on.. see comments from other guys etc.. nowerdays i dont even care no matter what they say which is good for once. No longer think about her as much maybe once a day randomly but meh i shrug it off.

New girl ... err :blink::S:huh::unsure: they pretty much describe it all

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I have been in a relationship for 3 years now, it's been great, but everything is just getting so stale now.

she comes round, we sit on opposite sides of the room.

we cant seem to have serious converstaions, always seems to be silly, light hearted all the time.

she is 3 years younger than me. im 21 she is just turning 18.

im moving to durham in september, she is goin to uni in leeds.

when i go out with my friends, i just feel bogged down, that i can't fully let go and have fun, that someone, somewhere is always watching me and reporting back.

we have separate friends, i know them but never really hang out with any of them.

she goes to college all week, works all weekend, i play rugby on weekends, train through the week, travel to uni.

we either get friday night, saturday night, or sometimes both together.

i have become friends with all her family and they are all really nice, like aunties, uncles, grandma, granddad, cousins etc etc and she has become best mates with my younger sister.

i text her quite a lot, but recently she never texts me back. i know she texts her mates back straight away if they ever text her. but she always seems to forget about me.

we have had ups and downs in the 3 years, we have even spoke about what we want to do later on in life, like spoke bout houses, babies, marriage etc etc. but i just feel so 'meh' bout the whole thing now.

i have never ended a relationship before. i have always been the one who has been dumped.

she has just had all her a level exams so is worrying about them.

i still really care about her, but i just want to go out and have fun and not have to worry about anything.

i just feel like if i ended it, everyone would hate me, all her family would never speak to me agen, friends etc would think i was horrible and stuff.

i wud love to just be friends with her, hang out and hav a laugh and stuff.

i know the grass is always greener and stuff but i really dont know what to do.

we said we going to go to new york to gether this christmas... its nearly valentines day, we we;re going to plan a holiday in cornwall.

she has been asked to go on a girls holiday to kavos, if we broke up then it would be great for her to get away with her mates.

i have literally started to cry as i have been writing this because i just dont know what to do, or how i really feel.

never thought i would be writing in the girl trouble thread.


cheers for all the advice guys......

we split up tonight....


but we both agreed it was right. and the best thing is we now both have a best friend for life.

: :king: =]

shit a brick..........


i have been seeing this girl, she is mighty fine, we like each other etc etc etc.

but i really dont wanna upset my ex.

we have met up a couple of times and talked about stuff...

she is seeing someone else aswell kinda.....

i keep feeling one of three or four emotions all the time!!

1/ i really like the new girl (jessica)

2/ i dont want emma but i dont want anyone else to have her

3/ i dont 'love' jessica, she is just a fling and i wanna get back and try again with emma, 3 years is tto long to just end it forever.

4/ i dont want anyone right now

valentines days is coming up

do i get jessica something (she will be happy but emma will be upset)

get emma something (jessica will be upset)

get both of them something (jessica will think i wanna get back with emma so will be upset, emma will be upset i got something for jessica)

get none of them anything (both pissed off)

hahah i hate been this confused, i cant concentrate on anything else at all!

for reference, here are the two girls in question......

the ex (emma) on the left


The new girl (jessica) on the right


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I think any is a win situation! :o

But seriously, there isn't always a perfect outcome (obviously) so you might just have to let one of them down. Usually best to go with the flow, do you know what the others' feelings are towards you? Also, would they both find out if you got both or them something...? :shifty:

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Never been in a relationship that long, but from what I've experienced moving on is the best thing to do. As you say she is 'kinda' seeing another guy, so what do you need to worry? If that makes sense...

Do you think it would go back to normal if you got back with her, or would it be like when you two finished?

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