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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Good on you.

It wasn't harsh at all. Other than the worrying double use of 'obviously' there was nothing wrong. It sounded a touch like a wounded dog, I probably would have been a bit more forthright but the essence of what you said is perfectly acceptable and not at all aggressive, and certainly not damaging.

Hopefully she'll have a good miserable couple of weeks now, however from what you've written she'll make it all about her and how "she's so f**ked up" so probably still won't consider how you feel. Some people are just that way inclined...

Edited by Matthew62
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P.S. If I were to be pedantic when she writes "I was breaking up with you", and "we were on a BREAK", well they are contradictory terms. One is very much, as the French say "finalment", whereas the latter suggests a temporary period of reflection with the possibility of resolution, i.e. it is open ended. Once again what she say and does seem at odds with one another.

Possibly point that out to her.

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Difference between the friends break and this one is that you had an implicit agreement not to get with anyone else.


I replied with

So we didn't promise each other we wouldn't do anything with anyone else then or is that something else you made up in your messed up head afterwards? You are a cheater and always always will be. I asked you over and over that evening at yours if you were breaking up with me and you said no. Don't twist this around like you always do. f**k off and never try to contact me or my family again. My life is incredible without you.

And i've just registered her number as a spam number so she can't contact me :)

Edited by dann2707
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Not she's sorry for being a slut, sorry that YOU'VE got a problem, nice :P

I wouldn't have even text her that last one*, although it gave her one last chance to show you what a willy she is I guess, if proof were ever needed!

*I probably would have, I'm like that.

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My sister always said she wanted a drama, could never be just happy.

I think its because of her up bringing, I was going to send it on my original text to her but it wasn't really fair to her parents. But basically her mum and dad have never actually been "together" properly. They had her when they were 44 and 46 and she's an only child and they only stayed together 3 months after having her. Her mum has always been "independant and single" and rejected 3 proposals etc so it all does seem normal to her, this drama. Whereas my parents have been together since they were 15 and 17 and are still happily together at 55 and 58.

It's actually just made me happy to be rid of her, a few examples of the shit that went down last year. It was my friends 21st birthday party at this pubby thing and it was the first chance for her to meet my school friends which she was already dreading for some reason, she then f**ked up the whole evening making a twat of herself because... my friend didn't look her in the eye whilst talking to her. Hahahaha! So she stormed off and rang her friend including a guy that fancied her to try to piss me off, she then continued to ruin the whole evening and wanted to come home early etc

Also she always said that she would get massively pissed off if I ever got tagged in pics on Facebook with girls in like clubs, even if i'm just standing next to them. And I always felt a bit kind of nervous to tell her I was going out with my friends?

Looking at that now you guys might be thinking why were you even with her, but it seems like I always convinced myself the positives outweighed the negatives if that makes sense? Like we did reallllly get on and our humour levels were the same and we could just talk for hours!

Sorry for rambling but it's making me feel a bit better after feeling a bit shit after the text messages haha.

Edited by dann2707
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Like we did reallllly get on and our humour levels were the same and we could just talk for hours!

Everyone's been in the same relationship like I said before, you'll find someone better, who is easier to talk to, and enjoys/endures (:P) your humor more, chin up! :D

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Also she always said that she would get massively pissed off if I ever got tagged in pics on Facebook with girls in like clubs, even if i'm just standing next to them. And I always felt a bit kind of nervous to tell her I was going out with my friends?

Thats f**ked up. If she had total trust in you and belief that you where ok as a couple that wouldn't ever have been an issue. I've been with Jenny for years now that's never once crossed my mind, it'd never cross hers as I'm punching WELL above my weight (without blowing my horn too much). When Jenny goes to the pub or down town with mates my only concern is the twats around her, not her acting a fool.

I'm sorry to say it but it sounds your better off without her man, sticking with her would have crushed you for years till you lacked any sort of life outside the relationship.

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Completely agree mate. It's weird but at the time you just don't see it as it becomes the norm.

I remember going to another friends 21st on my own this time and as I left the house my mum went "You do know Grace is probably going to get pissed off at you?" and she did she went f**king mental because I didn't answer her call as I lost my phone in the club and now I just think to myself, like, that isn't normal, that wasn't normal what so ever. eek its all coming out now haha

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