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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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I'm with you skoze. Personally I have balls big enough to cum in a dump truck, and once I've fired down a birds gullet, no way would there be smoochies. Not until she's had a beer and brushed her teeth any way

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  On 1/15/2013 at 1:52 PM, bing said:

I'm with you skoze. Personally I have balls big enough to cum in a dump truck, and once I've fired down a birds gullet, no way would there be smoochies. Not until she's had a beer and brushed her teeth any way

I'm not sure that the size of your balls would help or hinder your ability to cum in a dump truck...

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  On 1/15/2013 at 1:52 PM, bing said:

I'm with you skoze. Personally I have balls big enough to cum in a dump truck, and once I've fired down a birds gullet, no way would there be smoochies. Not until she's had a beer and brushed her teeth any way

Anyone can cum in a dump truck.

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  On 1/15/2013 at 12:06 AM, dann2707 said:

What's classed as too far?

If I hadn't been dating her for so long I could tell some stories........ But basically we have banter for example her last status:

"Michael Simpson: 'You're like Arsenal babe, you may be 3rd or 4th, but you're my number 1'............."

Which we laugh about at the time but when we argue she makes me sound like a bad person.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...

Right this is probably gonna be some massive ramble of a post (and a bit of a thread bump by the looks of it), but I really need to get it out.

Was with a girl called Lily for 3 years and a few months until this August, a few of my close riding mates will have probably met her at least once. I really did think she was that person I'd spend the rest of my life with, or a good portion for that matter. Makes me well up a bit writing that, I'm a right wuss haha. I met her in year 10, at school, when I was 14. I had just started GCSE's and went to a different school to do an Engineering Diploma there 2 days a week, I was the class clown and got on pretty well with one lad (still meet him regularly now) and got involved with his friend group. In that friend group happened to be Lily which is how we met.

A month or so into this Engineering course I was building some good friendships, I'd started talking to Lily in particular on MSN. Eventually this would turn into night long chats where I'd cycle home as fast as my legs would allow just to do the 10 minute start up on my shitty little box PC, and I'd wait until she got home from school and would chat with her from 4 in the evening until my internet was cut off at 10pm. That 10pm cutoff killed me, I actually installed a keylogger in my Dads PC and pleaded to add half an hour, and when he did give in I would crap my pants hoping he wouldn't notice the flashing key symbol in the taskbar... I always did it when he was super tired so he wouldn't notice, and he never noticed so it must have worked haha! He changed the password a fair few times so I had to keep doing it, which always discomforted me as I felt like it was betrayal. I'd change the time zones to New Zealand or something daft then change it back just before I went to sleep so there was no box thing that had the previously changed time numbers!

I can't even remember what we would talk about, or how we even managed to talk for that long. The longest must have been 4pm until 7am the next day, the sun had set and risen in that time which is mental. She started telling me bits about her feeling depressed and sad all the time, about the recent death of a family member. Fair enough, family members come and go. But she seemed to be suffering pretty badly from it and I always strived to do my best to make her feel better. And every time I made her smile I felt like a f**king king, all I cared about was her feeling good. A good 4 months or so of these chats ensued, I'd written poems for her, got her books, presents, and feeling that little bit better every time there was a smile upon her face because I knew that I was the only one who probably made her smile from the heart that day. If you've ever had the pleasure to do this for someone, it's a f**king amazing feeling that money cannot buy.

She invited me round her house one day, she was 15 now, I was 14. We were both still very young. By now we had enormous amounts of trust for each other and a lot of people thought we were together already. That first time I was at her house she was decorating her room. It was a mess. I didn't care, I thought it was one of the most beautiful rooms I'd ever seen. She had paint all over her, and I remember laughing at that and seeing her blush up and giving her a hug. She was wearing socks which she managed to get paint on, she still wore those socks towards the end of our relationship and we'd laugh every time we saw them. They were one of those things you could not simply throw away. On that day we made out, and I'm pretty sure we did it for a good 2 hours. We were both new to everything and we did it all together within a pretty short period of time (and at a pretty young age!).

When my Dad came to pick me up that day he asked me in the car home, "How are you two not together yet?" and I'd simply reply with "I don't know". At this stage I was trying my hardest to get us into a relationship but there was a guy called "Mikey" who had f**ked her over a fair bit and she'd lost trust in any relationships, she didn't want to officially be in one with me just yet due to fear of me leaving her. So the next time I was round hers, I let my heart out to her telling her how she could trust me, that I would never hurt her and that we were practically in a relationship already. She still said no.

My Dad said "Still?" I simply nodded back. We were approaching a part of the drive home where the sun always looks so beautiful it didn't seem like grey old England, I got a message from her. "I've changed my mind, I do want to be with you Jake, I want to be with you for the rest of our lives. I love you". I must have cried there and then, it was the 14th of May 2010. That date and image of that view is probably chiseled in my mind forever now. It's probably one of the happiest moments in my life. I'm balling my eyes out typing this and I really wish I could be 14 again right now.

This girl also got me over the fear of talking on the phone, my own Mother had tried to get me to speak on the phone and I couldn't. Lily would tell me on MSN what she was saying, this turned into hour-long phone calls which was amazing for someone who had never used a phone for something other than texting before. My Mum was so happy and jealous at the same time, she was amazed that Lily had managed to get me to understand someone without lipreading for the first time in my life. I slowly did this with my Mum, then my Dad and that then stretched out to friends and now I can almost talk on the phone to anyone without too much problem. We helped each other out so much, I hadn't even realised how big a thing that was until I stopped to look back at it. Everyone needs to stop and look back every now and then, otherwise you will miss amazing things.

It didn't take long until I cycled to her house most days, I rode a fixed gear bike on track ratio straight after I finished school at 3:15pm, I'd wait all day for that moment I could grab the clip's out of the locker, chucked the leather schoolshoes in my book filled rucksack which weighed a tonne, and I mean a tonne. I would then ride the 10 miles to hers in school clothes and aim to be there before her schoolbus dropped her off at 3:40pm. Every time I rode there there was this one mile straight stretch where I didn't really have to focus on the road, and on that stretch I'd sing my heart out about how much I loved her and that the pain in my legs was nothing compared to the pain I'd feel if she was sad. At first it took me an hour which got me there at 4:15, that turned into 4:00... 3:50... I got to the point where I'd arrive there at the same time as her and the funny thing is, I had to cycle past her school at one point on the route. People waiting outside the front for buses would start smiling and waving to me because they knew who I was and exactly what I was doing, a real highlight would be seeing her as I went past! Knowing that she would probably be going past me on a bus in the next few minutes.

I got to the point where I was doing 10 miles in 26 minutes or so, at the age of 15. On a track bike. I know a few people who ride fully carbon time trial bikes kitted in TT gear who aim to do under 30 so in theory I was doing f**king amazing. I did some practise track riding towards the end of Summer 2010 and got a good idea of how to race. Come 2011 track season I won the first 7 races consecutively, everyone in the under 16 category hated me. There was a team of 10 riders who all worked together to try beat me. About 8 weeks into that 16 week season I quit, Lily would cry her eyes out after every track session because I "changed". I blanked people out, I became a different person. I never realised this until I was in the car home. I quit racing, I wasn't going to let the girl I loved the most in the world be upset through that. Because I only won to see her smile, that's all I wanted anyway. At the end of that season I still had enough points to come 3rd or 4th I think, and everyone else raced all season too. Every velodrome I went to, I was told I had clear potential at being a world class rider if I kept at it. I didn't care. That's where trials comes in, I'd been doing trials about a year and a half by then, summer 2011. The guy that I met on the first trials group ride I did was introduced to Lily around then, Mr. Harmer. she loved the atmosphere of the sport much more. Everything was much more chilled, it was all in one spot, We could walk to different spots, and so on. She had been a real milestone in a lot of things and a large play in my decisions.

Summer 2011 marked the end of our time at Secondary school, I had a helper at school due to being deaf. She would write notes and help me do work since I f**ked about a lot, looking back she actually did a massive heap of work for me. Without this woman I probably wouldn't have even stayed on the course much longer than half a year, she helped me evade "black marks" by speaking to the school heads and she didn't even work at that school!! I would get in shit for not being to lessons on time, one time I was caught on the roof of the school (my idea of showing off somehow), and many many more things. One very memorable time was when I was in the corridor outside my lesson with Lily, I would spend a good 5-10 minutes every lesson/break saying bye because we both never wanted to let one another go. Val dragged me in by my tie pretty harshly but nicely at the same time, and Lily remembered that forever. Val was protecting us. Almost one week after I had finished year 11 Val died. It wasn't expected at all, I cried on the spot when I heard the news and I'm crying now just thinking about it. This woman was one of my biggest heroes I've ever met, she did so much and expected nothing in return. At her funeral I cried my eyes out again, they played Paolo Nutini, Lay Down Beside Me. Back then I would make lyric videos with images matching the lyrics, these were often pretty shit. But the fact they played a song from a lyric video I made that this woman asked me to just made the tears go on forever. It didn't feel real and it still doesn't. "Grant my last request and just let me hold you" are one of the truest lyrics I've heard in my life. I actually saw a couple of my teachers there, and I saw them in a new light. Lily didn't happen to be here for this but she sure helped a lot at the time.

Not sure if I'm comfortable writing about this but, since I've said so much already it probably doesn't matter. Lily's Grandpa was suffering. We all knew he was slowly dying and this was horrible for him, and their family. There was often a lot of arguments and I was in the middle of it all. I became very much a member of their family. By then they had taken me on as one of their own, or that's what they told me anyway. I would walk around their house in just boxers in front of their entire family, that's when you know you feel comfortable. But yeah, we started visiting her Grandpas a lot. I became very involved in their family issues. The time had come and he died, I daren't go into much detail because I would hate to think how much upset it would cause to their family if they were to read this. I was there when they spread his ashes, and at his Funeral. All this time I felt it was important to do what was best to keep Lily happy, and by now just being there for her kept her happy.

I'm getting a bit lost with what to put here now, I'm not sure why but the winter of 2011 to our breakup is one massive blur. But I'll try my best.

That winter was a tough one, Winter 2011. I was starting college at a different one to Lily. I still saw her heaps though, everything just felt quite abnormal. Normality slowly came back in Spring of 2012 though. I didn't cycle to hers as much anymore, I no longer felt as much motivation or need to feel her which was shit. We had been together nearly 2 years now and I felt like we were beginning to settle. She had met most of my family and I had met most of hers. And everyone would comment on how tight we seemed together. But behind the scenes it was all really different.

She started driving by now, felt like we both started to grow up so she would start her driving lessons at mine sometimes and it felt like we were growing up massively, all this time she had a job on Saturday mornings working at a pub 8am-12am which netted her £20 every Saturday for a good year or so. One downside was she smelt of chip fat every Saturday! i can only imagine that's what she thought of how I smelt every time I arrived at hers after cycle to hers ha! She insisted on the fact that whatever she earnt was mine, what was hers was mine, what was mine was hers etc. I told her I really appreciated this but couldn't accept it. I told her to put the money to one side and keep it for something special. She took a year and a bit to pass her test, I passed mine in 6 months. So she was road legit about 3 months after me but it was a good feeling when we were both on the road.

It was all slowly fading before my eyes, we didn't talk on MSN anymore either because we saw each other so much we basically spoke about everything we'd talk about on MSN in person. She went to a different college, and was there 9am-5pm every day. My days were a bit shorter than hers, I would spend a lot of time just hanging about waiting for her to finish so I could see her. I'd actually built up such a good relationship with her family I'd just go round hers and spend the afternoon with her brother (he's about 4 years younger than me). And we got on pretty well, her Brother loved a lot of alone time and didn't like to be that social but me and him got on pretty well. And I always tried to cheer him up too since he was the youngest of the siblings and the only boy, he has 3 sisters all older than him. The eldest about 8 years older. I would play CoD Zombies with him until silly hours, I didn't feel like I was spending time with a lad who was that much younger than me. I just felt like I was spending time with a Brother I never had, I always tried to protect him if any of his Sisters, even Lily, were angry at him. And we often did silly little things that I feel like Brothers would do. I had also started getting pretty close to her Dad too, whom was very hard to get close to. Lily is his youngest Daughter and he had a hard time letting me go to her. He's quite a character and often felt like he had to act the boss. He woke up for work at 6am and would go to bed at 9pm, so he was angry if you ever woke him up and we always had to be pretty careful and quiet. Once I got caught on the Ps3 with her Brother at 1am and I got a massive bollocking about how I was the adult figure and how that shouldn't happen. I didn't care, we did it time and time again. I often spent time with her Brother if Lily was asleep, or if she was watching some TV show I hated (TOWIE etc). I would often spend that little too much time with her Brother and she would get pretty upset about how I was meant to be there to see her, not her Brother. Ah well.

Lily had recently come up with a new love. Pugs. She adored them, spoke of them every day. We started going to pug meet ups in Brighton which happened once a month, she loved them that much. She reviewed them, breeders, where to get one, prices, food they eat, life span, everything. She had her heart set on one, and she already had £200 of that pub money to go towards that! She had found a pug and it turned out to be £1200 for a KC registered pure breed pug, we went to see them around September, and pretty swiftly she had decided who she wanted of the 4 pugs in the litter. Her Sister fell in love with the runt, her Brother fell in love with some random one, and I loved whichever one was on my lap! But the one she had chosen, when we put him on my chest he would crawl up my jumper and start licking me with his fingernail sized tongue. We put a deposit down and put a red collar on him. We would be back in 2 weeks to pick up our baby boy Snuggles.

I put down £600 for the pug and she put down £600 too, I think I used some of my Birthday money and a large part of it was money from work. This was going to be our "baby", before we got a baby. To see how we coped. I ended up moving from my childhood bedroom to the downstairs front room of the house which was sort of a junk room with a pc, some bikes etc. With the lounge in kitchen in other downstairs rooms. We had to refurbish the ENTIRE room, because my Mum hated animals and the only way for her to accept an animal in the house would be to have it only in my room and only in my room. Eventually my Mum actually let Snuggles on her near-new sofa! Which is a MASSIVE thing to her, it felt like everything was pretty much falling into place. It felt like moving out, having a house together, and having kids wasn't a very far off dream.

In November 2012 a MASSIVE thing happened, we were at that stage of relationship where she would just chill in my bed playing animal games on her phone, or whatnot while I played Ps3, or watched TV with her while browsing the internet. You know, we just got so used to each other we enjoyed being in each others company but didn't have to say or do anything really. But one night she was on the laptop while I was playing Ps3. I noticed she was laughing, I look to see what she's laughing at and it turns out to be a guy. The guy that was the "other choice" at the start of the relationship, since she was trying to make me feel better or something by saying I was the one that got chosen. But basically she turned out to be speaking to him a lot, I would notice she'd get texts from him at times, nothing special tha . But one night I decided to look at her Skype conversation with him. Bad move. Very bad move. I started reading these messages at 11pm and it was about 5pm by the time I'd finished, she had been speaking to him LOADS. And I genuinely felt like I had been cheated on, I took about 60 screenshots of the most important part of the conversation so she couldn't just delete the conversation and that be that. But yeah at 5am I had to vent my anger. Not having had any sleep, I got the road bike out. I cycled in the direction of wherever the f**k I felt like I wanted to go. I ended up going cross country, I noticed at 7am I was near a mates house. A mate I trusted quite well, I explained everything to him and showed the screenshots too. He was sure she had cheated too, and his Dad was pretty reassuring about it also saying there was many women out there haha. But yeah, I was due to meet Lily after she finished work at 12. It was a Saturday, she woke up and I wasn't there before she went to work. I didn't speak to anyone until about 2pm or so. She was crying her eyes out at home wondering where I was, and how horrible it was for her when she woke up to me not being there. I simply explained I'd been on a bike ride and I ended up crying with her too because I felt so shit that I'd just left her there regardless of the situation that just happened...

That next week at college was life changing, I asked a couple of mates what they thought of the screenshots. EVERYONE thought she had cheated from the context of the messages, and that to me was good enough to leave her. I asked her to come round mine, I got everything together and told her we were no more. I was dying inside when I did this, she was begging me, she was clutching at the straws of everything. I somehow kept it all in with a straight face and didn't cry, she said "So you want me to go then, tell me to go and I'll go." I told her to go, she ran out of the house, slammed the door and ran down the street with her nails digging into her head. I asked my Sister to make sure she didn't kill herself, she ended up coming back to the house and we made up. I don't know how the f**k this happened but it did. Things were shit. VERY shit for the next 3-4 months, everyone was asking if I'd left her yet, and why I hadn't etc. My best mate had lost all his mates simply due to backing me up, Lily lost all her mates. I didn't really have any mates but Lily, but it was one f**ked up situation. And I'd hurt a few people pretty badly.

Every valentines day we ever had was special, she always poured her hearts out into hand crafted cards. All this while I felt like I was never putting in as much effort as I did at the start, but I still loved her just as much as the 14th of May, 2010. I just felt like she needed me less and less, which was good but at the same time I felt horrible because of this feeling that was just slowly disappearing. We had both broken a couple of promises that made us loose trust in eachother. The way she described this I will remember forever, "Me and you, we were like a fresh elastic band, but I feel like you've been pulling at that elastic band, and recently you've been pulling so much when we stop pulling it never goes back to its original size, it's that extra little bit stretched, with cracks along it." this was so true and she only quoted that a few times but made me realise how important trust is.

That coming valentine was rough, I tried my best to make it special. I actually put this video together, which has all the pictures from the start of our relation to the present time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUYZbmWAhYE

She cried when she watched it, and I'm crying watching it again now, I haven't actually watched it since March and I can see exactly why I loved her, you can see our relationship build and get strong in that video. We had gone to so many places together, and spent so much time together. We knew each other inside and out. We knew every fear, love and hate. I knew exactly how to make her smile when I wanted to, we felt fully at ease with each other. She was amazing. And I still wish we were together at times. At around 4:00 in that video when she first turned her hair blue is when things started changing because of that guy. She told me she felt like that rubber band was getting tight again. And that we had overcome our problems, we cried together and felt happy for what felt the first time in a while. All this time I still felt a niggling feel at the back of my head though.

All this while I would check her phone every time she got a message, I always felt paranoid that she was still talking to that guy although she promised me she'd stopped. Every now and then I would see a message but ignored her. I knew she was still talking to him but I didn't know what to do, I loved her so much. I'd also wronged her a few times too, since I was open to her I wasn't afraid to admit I watched porn occasionally although I'd have great sex with her I'd still watch it on the side. Dunno why but I did, and she'd tell me all the guys she knew and spoke to all think its disgusting and it's only done for selfishness and self pleasure (yeah that's the point of it). I'd argue that it's okay because there's no interaction with them, as soon as I'm done with whatever I'm watching I'll probably never watch that video again. Her Dad would back me up and say that it was normal, but yeah the arguments over it were pretty bad. She nearly left me over it, so she felt pretty strongly. I still kept to my word and said it was normal, I'd even researched online and every single answer I'd found in the couples category said it was healthy and normal. So we'd actually come to an agreement on how much I'd watch it, which is f**king stupid, was something like once a week or a fortnight but it made her feel a bit better so I agreed.

By now I was driving everywhere, I drove to Leeds to do trials, stayed at Jacks, I drove to the alps with my dad to do DH biking, then went to radfest the next week. I was everywhere. I got to a point where I was trying to forget about mine and Lily's problems by physically being away from her. I thought about her a LOT over July and August. I thought about the fact we had a dog together, we'd seen most of our families, we spent a weekend in France together. We went to school together, we survived a near breakup, we only had one another to support at times, I had her families trust, their respect as she had mine. We had our cracks and errors but I felt like we had both grown up.

So that was it, I told her by text we should go on a break and talk in a weeks time. Get some space.

She drove round mine straightaway, still smelling freshly of our dog. Dressed as if she'd ran straight from bed to her car to mine, I was sat in my car about to get away from the house for the day to see a mate to tell him everything that had happened. Lily was at my car window as I was about to drive away. She was at my car window crying, the love of my life was stood there and begged for me to open the door. I did. She sat on my lap and hugged me, we both cried for an hour and I poured my heart out explaining everything. She told me we just needed to go somewhere away from everyone with our dog and get some alone time and work it all out.

I told her we would do that but I still wanted a break just to think about my feelings, another hour passed before I managed to get her to sit in her car. She was shaking as if she was sat on a washing machine. This was a girl I'd loved, and still loved. I wanted what was best for her and I felt like we both weren't the same people we'd fallen in love with.

I told her to drive home, to be safe and that I loved her. Those were the last words I ever said to her, she told me to never leave her and that she loved me too. Only now I realise she said this on the first day we were together too. I went back to my house and saw from the window that she sat there for 10-15 minutes or so, my neighbour invited her to the house for a drink. Eventually her family turned up at my doorstep and I blankly told them she was next door... That was the last I saw of them too. And for one week after that we sent a couple of texts saying we'd fix this and sort it out, and that we loved eachother. But then suddenly we both stopped texting.

A week went by, a month went by. 2 months. I removed our relationship status on Facebook, took stuff down from my walls and put them under the bed.

It's been 6 months since, I've been sat here for 3 hours typing this out. Crying every now and then. Still not heard a thing from her. Her Brother did send me a message on the Ps3 saying that he hadn't seen me in a while which upset me quite a bit, I didn't know what to say so I briefly explained to him that me and Lily were finished and that I hope his family were all doing okay and that I hope he's looking after Snuggles. I saw Lilys sister once with her new boyfriend and we both exchanged a smile but that was it.

I don't understand how this has happened, how could we just suddenly stop talking. And I also wonder what would have happened if she didn't turn up and had left it a week.

Eventually she got a new boyfriend, it happens. Fair enough. I genuinely didn't feel upset for some reason, I was just happier someone was looking after her and making her happy. She was with a guy that was exactly what she liked so I was pleased for her. But one thing that killed me inside, was a picture that I saw uploaded by her sister. It was my dog and her new boyfriend kissing Snuggles, the caption was "Daddy giving Snuggles kisses" or something along the lines of that, and god knows how guys who have children who they spend their entire childhood with, then happen to not be able to be with their kids and see another guy bond with them I just couldn't imagine how much that must kill inside.

But it's come to a point where it's nearly Christmas again. Me and Lily would spend a lot of time together shopping for both our families, and I feel so strange just buying presents from Amazon or whatnot when I used to spend a few days in town with her sorting it all out. Decorating her house and all. I've pretty much told you my life story and I doubt very many of you will read past the first paragraph or two, I'm not really looking for an opinion from anyone but it feels better putting it out there. If you want to comment then comment on how we could just suddenly stop talking like that after all we'd been through? Because that's what confuses me the most...

Edited by Jake.
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Jesus, that was quite a read, but I'm afraid what you've described is every first love story ever... Shit happens, move on, don't get hung up on what she's doing now it's not your business anymore, it'll cripple you.

Easier said than done of course but the truth. Start by getting rid of that video :mellow:

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You drifted apart so much because it kicked off at 14/15 and got serious. No kid knows what they want from life at 14, not enough to commit to one person. It's a sad read thou man.

I did the same with my first gal. We got together at 15 or so, shit got too serious then you loose your mates after not speaking with them because your too involved with this girl. I broke up with her at 19. I probably could have spent my life with her but doubtful it would have been happy. What I wanted from life changed through age and experiences.

I always wonder with your first 'love' what would happen if you got back together 5 or so years later when your much more stable, sure in what you both want.

I've not much to put in here to be honest, Jenny and I bought a house in February and moved in 4 months ago after renovating and it's going good :). Christimas is gonna be a shit as Jenny's really family orientated so she'll want to spend a lot of time with hers which is no problem but it'll be hard to find time together to enjoy it. Cross that bridge when it comes thou I guess..

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Hell no. I'm incredibly happy I'm not with my 'first love', which is actually a very similar story to yours.

The weird thing about these relationships is that 14/15 year olds love the idea of being in love. So they go with anything that feels good, and then it stagnates just like this. Everyone moves on, it's tough, but then you look back (like you've done a lot in this post) and realise it was for the best.

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Oh, and also. She's just spent 6 months getting over you, finding someone new and getting happy again. Going round there will either f**k her up again, or you'll see that she actually feels better without you. That's a whole sort of pain you want to try to avoid if possible!

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Yeah man, we've all been there - it's total bullshit but it is just a very shitty part of life.
Thought I could've easily been with my first forever and ever (again, 15ish through to 18 or whatever it was) but as said; shit gets too serious and it all falls apart. It's a shame, but it happens.

I'm with Jason though, as much as you could go get her back you should really weigh up whether or not it's worth it. My ex is happy now, I know that much. I'd like to be friends with her at some point and we do check in with each other very infrequently (or bump into each other in town, that's great... not.) but i'd never dream of f**king up what she's got at the minute. Similarly, i'm perfectly happy doing what i'm doing.

Had a great time, didn't work out, both of us are now happy doing things more suited to ourselves.

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I had a weird drift apart from my first love, I saw her after about a month and tried to talk to her... all I got out of her was the loudest slap round the face you could imagine, while various onlookers gasped. I never got a reason :(

Moral is I guess, these things happen in youth, they build character and life experience that you'll use when you do meet 'the one'

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