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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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I make bombs, need some?

It needs to be more personal than that, i want to feel the life leave her body and hear her beg for her life. I'm thinking strangulation, or some kind of torture before hand and then a throat slitting is in order.Orrr i could bury her alive, that'd be an awful way to die. It needs to be a hateful kill, i plan on showing no mercy.

Thanks for the offer though, i'll bare it in mind in case i'm in this situation again and it's a little less personal.

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It needs to be more personal than that, i want to feel the life leave her body and hear her beg for her life. I'm thinking strangulation, or some kind of torture before hand and then a throat slitting is in order.Orrr i could bury her alive, that'd be an awful way to die. It needs to be a hateful kill, i plan on showing no mercy.

Put her in a room with fat pants, make him think she loves him. Then watch the clingyness ensue?

Where is Glen?

Disclaimer: No offence intended to glen.

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Have had a new gf for last few weeks. All is going well and it is nice and relaxed! Perfect haha.

I realise this sounds like it should be in the happy thread, I just wanted to make all you with problems feel bad :P

Edited by Wrayvon
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Put her in a room with fat pants, make him think she loves him. Then watch the clingyness ensue?

Where is Glen?

Disclaimer: No offence intended to glen.

Thats actually a pretty good idea, although I have a feeling this one might be even too much for him :o

I'm still drawn towards the Murder idea to be honest, It sounds pretty fun.

Edited by Adam-Griffin
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