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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Broke up with the girl just before christmas, which is bad enough. But at new year i found out she was getting back with her ex which i was well gutted about! Despite this, we got with eachother that night and then the ex turned up wanting to speak to her. She wasn't in the mood for talking, but he locked her and him in the bathroom and due to something that happened a couple of years ago, she gets major panic attacks everytime she's confined somewhere. I saw her crying, hugged her or whatever, then the ex's mate who had also turned up came over, i told him this wasnt his place or time, and as he walked away, he said 'Kerri, you're a f**king fanny'.

Shit hit the f**king fan! I was livid. Followed him out telling him to turn back round and say it, but he kept walking, so i shoved him out the door, and her ex came over to me who was outside at the time, and started mouthing me off. People had to hold me back because i was going to destroy this bloke, literally so angry!

Basically, relationships are long, going to play to field again.

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Simps, shag Tim. That'll show her.

Yea Tim didn't know me an his ex hooked up, so I'm not gonna say anything to anyone about it. SHLLLLLAG!

Ouch man, sounded like it was going to come to a head that night from what you told me on the 27th..... Monday lets go f**king mental :)

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Met a very hot, really nice australian girl the other day, ended up getting on her, but we were both very drunk.

Do i try and get in for the few weeks she is here and risk feeling shit for a month or so when she leaves, or just leave it?

get on it, then go visit her one day, move there, have a pool, beautiful weather, beautiful girl. LIVE THE DREAM!

note - might be getting ahead of ourselves here

Edited by arw_86
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Broke up with someone, whom at the time it ended I considered the love of my life. To this day, regardless of what she's said and done, I still consider her at that level. Four months ago roughly we broke up, and I still keep getting dreams about her and thinking about her randomly.

I found this new amazing girl, and I've started dating her. The problem is though, the whole time I'm with her, I'm wishing I was with my ex.

My ex has just started dating her best friend, whom before I came in the picture was her f**kbuddy. He's a massive player, and right now has 2 other girls on the books excluding her. He's hated me since day one because I was getting in the way of his 'playing', saw him for what he really was, and made sure that he couldn't stick it in her. How ever, after 4 months away from me, he's convinced her that he's an honest nice bloke that she could a] move in with b] get serious with and c] have a family with.

I think my current girlfriend is amazing, cute and although a little full on at times overall a good person to be with. I can't get my ex out of my head, and I seriously want to trek all the way to Wales and go Lock Stock on him.


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Dont hate the player hate the game.

Ruined things with my FB drunk, she come over and I tryed to get down, she was like "narrr not tonight Mike I don't want to" so "apparently" I said "Well why the f**k did you bother coming round then" and fell asleep straight away. Woke up she was gone, and pissed off DOH.

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