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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Cheers Simps, I'll leave it a week or so and see if she contacts me. If she doesn't I'll have a word with her bloke, I know he's sound "ish" and he's said and done far worse than I have in the past so hopefully he won't kick my face off ! The worst part of it all is her mum works a few doors down from me and was one of my teachers at school, and she still thinks i'm alright and just said "boys will be boys, and girls will be over dramatic!"


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id possibly take it at face value, then play the dumb card and use the puppy dog eyes when you dont do what she expects.

if you want to do a barbershop quartet serenade to her next week, sure our sweet country yokel voices will help things (if all goes to plan that is)

Failing that, we can go out sniffin hair and slappin ass, if we dont get anything, ill cutch up to you nice and tight, and let you play with my ample C cups. :sick:

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This girl came over yesterday, chilled out, got with her - nothing else. She text me this morning saying that she had a lovely time with me last night, so i said you want to do something again soon. She played the old card - 'Yeah that would be nice. Want to say though babe, i've just come out of a relationship and i don't know whether i'm ready to start anything up again'. People of TF, how do i play it?

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People of TF, how do i play it?

Cold as ice. Depends what you wanna do, do you want a relationship with her? Or f**k her? Because that sounds like prime time Fb material, but if you actually want to do the whole "dating" thing, then you need to give her some space (I mean by not jumping the gun and gettnig things rolling with her straight away) while talking to her as much as you can, try an get her out on loadsa dates and get close, which should kinda put her off getting with anyone else then your in.

My 2p anyways.

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This girl came over yesterday, chilled out, got with her - nothing else. She text me this morning saying that she had a lovely time with me last night, so i said you want to do something again soon. She played the old card - 'Yeah that would be nice. Want to say though babe, i've just come out of a relationship and i don't know whether i'm ready to start anything up again'. People of TF, how do i play it?

Ha, I said something along those lines many a time.

If she enjoyed your company then she obviously enjoys being with you, which implies that she obviously likes you...

If she says she isn't ready, just carry on 'seeing' her, like I guess you did last night, and eventually she'll realise that maybe you're a nice lad and so she'll want to try it with you (providing you don't try it on with her; girl not ready for relationship + guy who likes her trying it on = emotional meltdown for her and a broken heart for you.)

When she's ready, you'll know, (providing she isn't just playing hard to get.) She'll become all flirtatious and what not...

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Ha, I said something along those lines many a time.

If she enjoyed your company then she obviously enjoys being with you, which implies that she obviously likes you...

If she says she isn't ready, just carry on 'seeing' her, like I guess you did last night, and eventually she'll realise that maybe you're a nice lad and so she'll want to try it with you (providing you don't try it on with her; girl not ready for relationship + guy who likes her trying it on = emotional meltdown for her and a broken heart for you.)

When she's ready, you'll know, (providing she isn't just playing hard to get.) She'll become all flirtatious and what not...

Already is! She text me after she said this to me and said 'It's nothing to do with you Hun, i really like you and had an awesome time hanging out with you, but my ex treated me like shit so i don't want anything yet'. So, I'm just going to praise her and keep my cool.

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So, you're in there, just not at this immediate time... :P

Just play it cool, treat her nice, text her, phone her, just DON'T try it on with her, trust meee! (When I say try it on, I mean don't try and bed her...) but be all flirtatious back, just show her what kind of a person you are... she'll come onto you when the time's right. Just, don't let her take you for a fool.


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