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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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  TheScientist said:
I know what it's like though, I was in a relationship when I was 17, up to when I was 20 - all 3 years was f**king crap but at the time I was madly in love and did everything for her.

Never again, they take advantage of it. I'm not saying be a complete tosser, I'm just saying don't be a servant. They WILL abuse you.

This is true,this is true.........

I was in the same place as you, i did everything for her, everything she asked i did it and tryed to better myslef for her. However in the end it still wasn't enough and she left me :( , people like this will never be happy and it is true that 'Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen', after she was a complete twat to me for like over a year for me, she left me when i was still sooo in love with her, and she was just like 'we're not compatible'

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  /JD said:
Any of the rest of you feel like there's just one thing that you keep telling the missus over and over again, and it's like telling a goldfish?

Emily and me have pretty much the same argument, about how I "prove" my love to her, all the time. It all boils down to money, i.e. her mates bfs do random acts of buying their gfs things every now and then. I can see how that would piss Emily off, because it pisses me off too, but we're in completely different circumstances.

These other couples are either at the same uni or at least both at uni, and the rest of the time they live at home. With us, we've got Emily in Soton and me up here - working my nuts off and paying for a flat I can't afford. Every month I have about £30 less coming in that going out, and that's with as many cutbacks as I can think of without being a complete recluse. This all means I don't have the money for random acts like other guys, but as far as I'm concerned I've bought her half of a f**king flat so surely that's an investment into our future?

We have this over and over, and every time she ends up saying that she understands and she's sorry and blah blah blah. Then a week later (or less sometimes) it's exactly the same story... I'm losing my f**king mind.

It wouldn't be so bad if the sex was good frequent...

if my gf moans i havn't bougth her anything recently i just ask her when was the last time she bought me anything.

Just turn it around and say how does she prove her love when did she buy you something last.

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  basher said:
if my gf moans i havn't bougth her anything recently i just ask her when was the last time she bought me anything.

Just turn it around and say how does she prove her love when did she buy you something last.

Hhhmm, sounds a bit too argumentative to fly with most girls to be honest :P Stupid phrases like 'that's not the point' and 'this is about you stop trying to change the subject' spring to mind.

Edited by Max Quinn
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  Sam Doman said:
No. If she actually is, it's falcon-punch time.

Lmao that gets me everytime i rarely acctully LOL to stuff i read but this has to be one of those times haha girls don't like it when you say "well if you are preggers im gunna push you down a flight of stairs" my gf defo didn't see a funny side to it. Wasted in my opinion.

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  basher said:
if my gf moans i havn't bougth her anything recently i just ask her when was the last time she bought me anything.

Just turn it around and say how does she prove her love when did she buy you something last.

It's preety whack if the only way of expressing your love to someone is buying them gifts thou

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To put a long story short...

I like this lass, she liked me... All good but she has a boyfriend. she keeps saying she hates him doesnt want to be with him etc but she cant leave him, but the other day they split up and she said she wanted to be with me which i thought was good.

Until tonight on msn she says that she has got back with him becuase she feels sorry for him? WTF!!

So now i get, you hate me now all that bullshit. Rather pissed me off, so i thought i'd tell you guys.

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  Liam Zoo! said:
To put a long story short...

I like this lass, she liked me... All good but she has a boyfriend. she keeps saying she hates him doesnt want to be with him etc but she cant leave him, but the other day they split up and she said she wanted to be with me which i thought was good.

Until tonight on msn she says that she has got back with him becuase she feels sorry for him? WTF!!

So now i get, you hate me now all that bullshit. Rather pissed me off, so i thought i'd tell you guys.

How old are you/her?

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Girlfriend has cheated on me. :( I am truely GUTTED! I treated her like the f*cking queen. :angry: She insists she didnt do it. But my friends of 12 years wouldnt lie to me. She was the first to say I Love You. She said she could keep me forever. She was always upset when i even went an talked to other girls. She said I was her f*cking world.


Thanks for letting me share x

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I know it's not what you want to hear at this moment in time matey, but..

She was preety good if I'm honest


Nah, your 16 man, theres plenty more girls left for you to go through. Get busy. Plus if she cheated on you, she'll preety much be scum eitherway and not worth being in your future?

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She said she would pay Friday...

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

Hey JT, I'm just about to post that money into your account if those pads are still available? Sorry about the Friday, I was called away straight from school to London for a job for the weekend and since I had no internet connection I was unable to access paypal or verify that with you.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

i'm in machester and will be flying out to the USA tomorrow morning

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:


jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

well u said friday

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

I know! I couldn't contact you.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

i dunno what to tell u i sent u a message

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

Seriously, you think my agents gunna bum me off on a job, if I say no to a weekender because I need to pay someone £12.50 ¬_¬

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

hang on

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

I got the email relating to the TF message, I'm currently suspended on there.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

it's you're fault

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

I'm not saying it bloody well isnt.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

what am i suposed to do, not fly out to the USA because i need to send some pads off

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

I cant refuse a job and planned to put it in via my blackberry.

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

However, my contracts just fallen through.

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

So i couldn't use that either.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

i can't help that

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

Neither could I!

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

I'm not f**king aware of you flying out!

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:


hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

I've just said to you, sorry.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

well it sounds like you're having a go at me

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:


jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:


hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

I'm having a pop now, because I've given you a perfectly legit reason as to why I was unable to pay the money into your account, and you get sarcy with me.

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

Brb anyway.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

ok, u need to go back and read what i wrote

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

yes i'm a little irritated that u promiced friday and broke it but i'm not really botherd

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

i still have 6 pairs left

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

I promised, because I believed I would have been able to pay you the money, i'm not the kind of person to break that kinda thing, I have the money here, in my bank account, ready to pay, however I was called Friday morning and told I had an out of the blue modelling job, I got paid big money for it, and I wasn't about to turn it down, now, I believed I could paypal the money over to you via my

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

blackberry, however my contract has fallen through,.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

ok i understand

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

I don't promise things I don't intend to keep.

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

Not only that, it's not for my benifit, it's for someone else.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

yeah i understand it's a perfectly good reason, never said it wasn't

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

like i said i've still got 6 pairs left so it's not like i missed out on a sale

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

It's just the fact that you seem to be getting pretty sarcastic with me.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:


hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

JT says (16:50):

what am i suposed to do, not fly out to the USA because i need to send some pads off

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

yeah that was after u said....

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

Seriously, you think my agents gunna bum me off on a job, if I say no to a weekender because I need to pay someone £12.50 ¬_¬

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

plus it was £15 we agreed on, not 12.50

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

I don't know, I don't care, I've just been paid over £500, £15 is hardly going to burn a hole in my purse.

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

It's not for me anyway, it's for Danny, so I'd happily pay that.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

i'd sell u a pair if i could

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:


jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

lol, what's wrong with u

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

i'm the one who should be pissed

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

not u

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

yeah, and I've f**king apologised, I shouldn't have to listen to you get so f**king aggrivated because I couldn't pay it into your account because I was sat on a train with no internet access

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

u don't need to apologise really

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

but i couldn't have done anything more for you

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

well, I do, because it was my fault.

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

What do you mean?

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

well ty

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

i couldn't have done anything else to get those pads to u befor i left

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

there's nothing more i could have done

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

I accept that, yeah, but there's nothing more I could have done either.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

i never said there was

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

anyway, i'm back at the very end of jan

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:

if u still want a pair let me know

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

Meh, they were part of an early present like

hannahxshucksmith@hotmail.co.uk says:

Doesnt matter.

jonathantrillo@hotmail.com says:


Good Luck DK!

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