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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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I talked to her across the tills.

So, near when she was going home, I asked for it.

Aaaand... she wrote it on my hand. lol.

u asked for her msn..

lucky she didnt laugh and walk off lol.

uve lost kool points

but gained them for plucking pup the courage to do it,

so ur at the same place.

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This goes out to the guy getting f**ked around by a girl he isn't even going out with...

I can name about a million girls that say 'i cant trust you 'because of a bad relationship', mainly through different mates Ex's but I have had a case of it myself a few times. It's not only cringy, but attention seeking and pathetic.

I can't actually believe you want to/or are contemplating, going out with a nut-job like that it makes me almost angry at you for being so stupid, but as it's obviously your 1st experience with such a bint i'll excuse your ignorance.

Now please dump her before she starts making random excuses to be in a mood with you etc etc.


and breath.

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Arghhhh, ended up shagging my ex over the weekend when she stayed at mine; now we're a bit stuck and she doesn't like the idea of being together due to the distance (shes in Sheffield uni). I explained it wouldn't really be a problem but how to you convince her without sounding like a tit - end of the day its only about a 45 minute drive, if that!


Meh, nice while it lasted :(

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I'm in a really weird situation atm...I've been with my missus for about 10 months now, and these past couple of months haven't been the greatest, we argued shit loads, and just generally didn't get on. Lately things have been getting better but i still feel like i missing out...I've been hiding that i smoke for 7 months now and among loads of things i keep from her like when i go out etc, as she just goes mental if i do calling me up when I'm out with my mates in tears asking me to go home. And lately it's left me thinking am i happier with her or without? i mean i don't ride anymore cos I'm always with her, and she HATES biking of any kind....I'm supposed to be going to Ireland for Xmas this year then Paris for new years and our year anniversary, then off to Spain for a holiday in February...all this money i could have spent on a new bike etc...I'm just stuck. She gets protective if i say hello to another girl at college...I've lost so many good friends because of her. but i have some amazing times with her, i just cant see if I'd be happier with her or without? :( i don't think i have it in me to hurt her :( i really don't know what to do.

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Well, it seems you're in a restrictive relationship, which is never a good thing.

And hiding that you smoke pretty hard going.

Maybe suggest a break, if you can

or try to part on good terms.

After all, the whole point of a relationship is for both people to be happy, and if you're not, it's not working.

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Not trouble, but maybe some hope for some people, from the most miserable, unlucky, and clumsy person with women on here, ignoring the ignorance of Glen towards the other sex.

Basically, the last few weeks of my life have been pretty much the worst of my 21 years. Pretty much everything that could go wrong, has. Entirely because of the decisions i've made, and shit way i take life for granted.

Then on Friday night, after going through some of my darkest evenings i got a random text out of the blue from my ex from about 3 months ago. After that long apart, however hard it was to say, i still wasn't over her. Every one of my mates relationships i compared to her and mine, and everything i put past another girl for doing that me and my ex did was looked at like i was some kind of alien. Just little stuff like going for a random drive at 1am to 24 hour Tesco to get some ice cream, then go to a beach somewhere and munch away watching the world go by.

Even little stuff like how i'd act around her in the evening, how comfortable i was with her.

It's just amazing that after everything that has happened in my life over the 3 months (which after being back with her for the weekend is actually a f**king huge amount), that we both feel as we do, and both are willing to accept that things are different. It's a weird sensation knowing that after 3 months she has come back, that there is someone out their that likes you enough to do that. Cliché, but kind of like a movie story line, which i guess is why i'm so amazingly happy with what happened over the weekend.

Just re-read that all, and it sounds shit. Basically what i'm saying, is to never lose hope, sometimes, just sometimes, life throws you a bone, up to you on how you bite. :)

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Not trouble, but maybe some hope for some people, from the most miserable, unlucky, and clumsy person with women on here, ignoring the ignorance of Glen towards the other sex.

Basically, the last few weeks of my life have been pretty much the worst of my 21 years. Pretty much everything that could go wrong, has. Entirely because of the decisions i've made, and shit way i take life for granted.

Then on Friday night, after going through some of my darkest evenings i got a random text out of the blue from my ex from about 3 months ago. After that long apart, however hard it was to say, i still wasn't over her. Every one of my mates relationships i compared to her and mine, and everything i put past another girl for doing that me and my ex did was looked at like i was some kind of alien. Just little stuff like going for a random drive at 1am to 24 hour Tesco to get some ice cream, then go to a beach somewhere and munch away watching the world go by.

Even little stuff like how i'd act around her in the evening, how comfortable i was with her.

It's just amazing that after everything that has happened in my life over the 3 months (which after being back with her for the weekend is actually a f**king huge amount), that we both feel as we do, and both are willing to accept that things are different. It's a weird sensation knowing that after 3 months she has come back, that there is someone out their that likes you enough to do that. Cliché, but kind of like a movie story line, which i guess is why i'm so amazingly happy with what happened over the weekend.

Just re-read that all, and it sounds shit. Basically what i'm saying, is to never lose hope, sometimes, just sometimes, life throws you a bone, up to you on how you bite. :)

..... women are nice, but can be devious, just relax & enjoy as many as you can :P

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3 years now.

First girl I slept with, never cheated on her, never come particularly close.

Getting pretty heavy, it's sort of do or die time, do I make a go for life with her... or not.

Curiosity is a big part of it, can't help seeing all the fanny about (for want of a better phrase) and wondering what it'd be like to be "free".

I'm finding it really hard to make sense of what's going on in my head. I think I do want to stay with her, since I do actually love her. However there's other voices in my head screaming out that I could be making a mistake and asking wether I'm missing out on being single at this point in my life (Uni).

Another factor is how comfortable I've become in our relationship. Whenever I think about leaving her I feel scared shitless about never being able to go back and even more so the thought of her with other guys...

Writing this has actually got me feeling pretty emotional about it, my head is really mixed up at the moment. I feel like I'd rather stay with her but like I said, there's doubt up there...

EDIT: I guess I didn't really ask a question but I don't really know how or what to add.

Edited by Shaun H
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its better to have love then lost, than to never loved at all

sorry i cant be much help but ive never been in the situation,

who knows what the future will bring and take it as it comes

Your words are an inspiration to all of us.

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Personally, id stick with relationship. People always look outside of what they've got and think its better on the other side (like the water over there is flavoured or something). Anyway, what im trying to say is oppourtunities to get laid come and go, sure some chicks are amazingly hot, but the majority of the time they are the most boring f**k heads that you'd never want to go out with. What it sounds to me that you've got is something that people aim their whole life for (not kidding, how many people look into the future and dont see themselves 'settleing down with someone'). If you seriously are considering spending the rest of your life with this girl and the only reason you can think of for not wanting to go through with that is 'other fanny' then you need your head screwing on if you take what I would consider the wrong decision.

If you dont mind me asking, are you living/have you lived together on your own (ie paying bills and stuff)?

Edited by Has anyone seen my shoe?
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3 years now.

First girl I slept with, never cheated on her, never come particularly close.

Getting pretty heavy, it's sort of do or die time, do I make a go for life with her... or not.

Curiosity is a big part of it, can't help seeing all the fanny about (for want of a better phrase) and wondering what it'd be like to be "free".

I'm finding it really hard to make sense of what's going on in my head. I think I do want to stay with her, since I do actually love her. However there's other voices in my head screaming out that I could be making a mistake and asking wether I'm missing out on being single at this point in my life (Uni).

Another factor is how comfortable I've become in our relationship. Whenever I think about leaving her I feel scared shitless about never being able to go back and even more so the thought of her with other guys...

Writing this has actually got me feeling pretty emotional about it, my head is really mixed up at the moment. I feel like I'd rather stay with her but like I said, there's doubt up there...

EDIT: I guess I didn't really ask a question but I don't really know how or what to add.

I was thinking the exact same thoughts as you 8 months ago. I was also in the same situation in terms of having sex & relationship length. I wondered a lot about what it would be like to be with someone else. I decided to end it but didn't like my choice a day latter. She made the decision final to end it for good. It is very hard to put 2+ years of history behind you & move on.

I would say stay with her if you truly love her and you two get along well. If you were fighting a lot it might be a sign to move on. Who knows she might want a 3some some day. ;)

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I was thinking the exact same thoughts as you 8 months ago. I was also in the same situation in terms of having sex & relationship length. I wondered a lot about what it would be like to be with someone else. I decided to end it but didn't like my choice a day latter. She made the decision final to end it for good. It is very hard to put 2+ years of history behind you & move on.

I would say stay with her if you truly love her and you two get along well. If you were fighting a lot it might be a sign to move on. Who knows she might want a 3some some day. ;)

same thing with me and my ex-girl. After 2 years she felt that we couldn't last forever anbd left me :( . f**king hard to get over her because after two years she was my best mate and girl, i used to know everything about her and now i havent spoken to her since (and shes moved further away)

Tell you what though....i want her sister so sooo bad atm :P hopefully i will have her soon....kinda f**ked up though.....

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same thing with me and my ex-girl. After 2 years she felt that we couldn't last forever anbd left me :( . f**king hard to get over her because after two years she was my best mate and girl, i used to know everything about her and now i havent spoken to her since (and shes moved further away)

Tell you what though....i want her sister so sooo bad atm :P hopefully i will have her soon....kinda f**ked up though.....

Yeah you really have to think breakups through. You have to be willing to never be close to that girl again and maybe never even see her. It is a pretty large choice.

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