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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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  Ben Cox said:
phoned her, she flatly denied it, people always seem to be walking in at the "wrong" time... so i told her that she was a lying slut and told her to f**k off. good times :(

How old is she dude, IIRC 16? If so and she's a typical girl (which she sounds like) she'll be naive as f**k and expect to be able to get away with murder. You've done the right thing by telling her to f**k off man, I know it's never easy but it's gotta be done.

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got up at half past f**king 7 this morning to go get my missus a sketch book thing for her course at college, get down there and they only a certain type left, i buy it and then make the 2 mile walk to college from town. Get there and she goes mental cos it's the wrong type and she wanted a different type....then tells me she wants a break or split up with me because shes fed up with me? WTF!!! told her i'll save the effort....BYE!

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  Ryan. said:
got up at half past f**king 7 this morning to go get my missus a sketch book thing for her course at college, get down there and they only a certain type left, i buy it and then make the 2 mile walk to college from town. Get there and she goes mental cos it's the wrong type and she wanted a different type....then tells me she wants a break or split up with me because shes fed up with me? WTF!!! told her i'll save the effort....BYE!

She sounds like a bit of a helmet, especially after you went out of your way for her. Let someone else endure her wrath! She'll be the one regretting the fact she was taking someone who cared for her for granted.

On a different note, I found out last night that my best friend is sleeping with my ex of two years. (Y)

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  Ryan. said:
got up at half past f**king 7 this morning to go get my missus a sketch book thing for her course at college, get down there and they only a certain type left, i buy it and then make the 2 mile walk to college from town. Get there and she goes mental cos it's the wrong type and she wanted a different type....then tells me she wants a break or split up with me because shes fed up with me? WTF!!! told her i'll save the effort....BYE!

good man, its amazing how ungrateful women can be

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We were together for two years and we've been split up two years.

EDIT: And yeah, it bothers me a fair bit. I don't even go out with girls any more (preferences have kinda changed) but the fact we were so close for two years really gets my goat. It breaks the unwritten rule of f**king friends gfs and exs.

Would that not bother you?

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  BikeGuernsey said:
We were together for two years and we've been split up two years.

EDIT: And yeah, it bothers me a fair bit. I don't even go out with girls any more (preferences have kinda changed) but the fact we were so close for two years really gets my goat. It breaks the unwritten rule of f**king friends gfs and exs.

Would that not bother you?

You may be better off talking to your ex about this than your mate...you may find (that being male) he'll not take the situation seriously at all and you'll just find yourself getting stressed out infront of him. Your ex however may feel bad about all this, and be a lot more understanding of your problem - maybe.

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It's not something I think I could bring myself to talk to my ex about. Thing is, me and the guy in question are like brothers. It really f**king sucks because I know he didn't go out with the intention of doing this, he's just weak. I asked him last night how he'd feel if I slept with his ex (he was with her for five years) and he said that he wouldn't care as he's over her. I know he’s over her but it WOULD bother him a great deal.

He says that at the mo they're just seeing each other and not after a relationship (ie just screwing) but I can see that it will grow. It's not the sex thing that bothers me that much as I'd never even dream of wanting to sleep with her again (or any girls for that matter). She's had another bf since we split up and it didn't bother me in the slightest. I even invited the both of them to my 21st. Thing is I know it's going to be sooo awkward if my friend starts seeing her on a regular basis and she starts coming out with my group of friends, and it’s an inevitability.

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  Hugh Hefner said:
I dont get how ur annoyed if your gay jon?

EDIT: that was serious question i pressume u are gay the way u keep going on about not sleeping with any girls and what not..

What difference does my sexuality make? If your best friend is seeing your ex it's as simple as that. It's just not on.

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I dont agree on your way of thinking really. Youve been split up a while now its not like hes just jumped in after youve broke up. Its not really for you to say who they should see what if they ended up life partners, its not for you to denie someone that chance. Sounds a little like jelousey. It shouldnt be awquard if she came out as you invited her to your 21st with her bf.

thats just my view anyway, i can see your point but it has been 2years.

Edited by basher
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The guy she came to my birthday with was another bloke (who she was with for just over a year). I got on fine with him and I did truely feel for her when he messed her about (and then broke up with her very harshly). Anyway, never mind, I guess I will just have to deal with it. I can see how you may think that, but it's not jealousy (I'm pretty sure!) as I've never felt like I want to be back with her or anything similar. I guess I am maybe being a little over-sensitive as she used use my friends against me in arguments, especially a couple of them including my best mate. I was accused of being led astray by them, not seeing her enough because of them, bad influence on me etc. ARGH I guess might not be thinking logically...I don't know :S. It's odd how she's been out of my life for two years and then comes crashing back in, but for such an unexpected reason. I just need to think about it perceptively I suppose. After hearing peoples opinions it seems that it's entirely my problem and they should just be left to it. Still, headf**k.

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Been f**ked off by too many girls recently. The whole 'friend zone' bollocks I never thought was true, seemed to turn out true tonight. A party is coming up, and a mate asked 'Chelsea' (a good mate of mine, who I have liked for a long while, but never shown it in the slightest way), who she was after at the party (in a round about way), he said 'James?' (me), she said ''nooo, I've known him as a mate too long, it'd be weird''. F**king owned comes to mind. To be fair, I would much rather have her as a decent mate than just someone to, say, be with a little while, shag, argue with, break up, not be mates, the rest of what comes with some relationships, so I should be grateful of what i've got really!

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  BikeGuernsey said:
Ok, it's just me then.

Nah, I've got to agree with you on this; it would annoy me quite a lot. I can't exactly say why it is, afterall they can both do what they like as you're not with her anymore. However I think its just that you've been with her for 2 years and shared quite a lot, and you still do now if you're still talking to her. For your best mate to slide in it just feels like whatever you had is ruined....its hard to explain but I'm sure you understand.

I don't agree with the 'its over now so he can do what he wants', at the end of the day its your best mate. It seems rather ignorant for him to just get in with her without even talking to you or asking how you'd feel about it - but what can you do?

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Exactly. Nothing I can do, and I guess it's not really anything to do with me anymore. No point in letting it bother me I suppose. Good luck to my mate having to put up with her :giggle: .


Not in the slightest and I'm sorry if I came across that way. Talking about sexuality is probably one of the last things that'd wind me up. I just didn't see how it had anything to do with what I was moaning about. Anyway, it's Friiiiiday :D.

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