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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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  Fat Pants™ said:
Durex don't have specmicide in them? And i couldn't see which way the roll went kinda thing, i literally just touched it on my bellend and realised it was the wrong way

How is it impossible to do? All i did was not check/couldn't see which was it was gonna roll down, then as soon as i noticed (i hadn't even tried to roll it down) i flipped it over...

First bit was a bit graphic lol. Also if you get it wrong first time and you've already came can't she get pregnant. Not that this matters, a quick punch in the stomach will sort this out.

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  iJed! said:
First bit was a bit graphic lol. Also if you get it wrong first time and you've already came can't she get pregnant. Not that this matters, a quick punch in the stomach will sort this out.

What you mean get it wrong the first time? And already jizzed?

I hadn't jizzed as i hadn't had any penis pleasure yet, and i'm suggesting i got precum on the 'outside' side of the jonny before putting it on...

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  Fat Pants™ said:
What you mean get it wrong the first time? And already jizzed?

I hadn't jizzed as i hadn't had any penis pleasure yet, and i'm suggesting i got precum on the 'outside' side of the jonny before putting it on...

You analyse shit way too much. Just sit it out an i bet she won't be.

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  Fat Pants™ said:
What you mean get it wrong the first time? And already jizzed?

I hadn't jizzed as i hadn't had any penis pleasure yet, and i'm suggesting i got precum on the 'outside' side of the jonny before putting it on...

Right... I was kinda guessing there was some forplay:S. Does 'precum' (lol) even have sperm in it?

Edited by iJed!
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Jesus...do you boys not get taught sex education anymore?!

  • Precum does contain sperm. Not much, but the risk is there.
  • Durex condoms do have spermicide. Pretty much all condoms do. Its what the "liquid" is on the outside

How late is she Glen? Days or weeks?

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if shes only just started having sex recently, or has started having sex alot more recently then theres a high chance her period has been messed about or she may even miss awhole month, my girlfriend hadnthadsex for a few months before we started and she completely missed amonth. just send h4er down the clinic to get a test, its free after all.

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  Fat Pants™ said:

She's just basically said she would tell her dad (who's a policeman) that we had sex if we broke up on a bad note kinda thing.

f**ks sake. That could actually ruin my life.

Why? She's over 16 isn't she?

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  Fat Pants™ said:

She's just basically said she would tell her dad (who's a policeman) that we had sex if we broke up on a bad note kinda thing.

f**ks sake. That could actually ruin my life.

Why's that so bad? I thought you weren't actually 12?

And that's a bit bitchy isn't it? And quite pathetic. 'Don't do anything that'll piss me off, otherwise I'll tell my dad on you.'

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The only thing to do is to ride it out fatty I'm afraid, I was worried for about a day when me and my lady had a scare but then you just sort of get over worrying about it and just hope that she comes on.

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  Fat Pants™ said:
No (she's 15, but only 1 year and 2 months younger than me), as previously stated a few times. (not saying read the thread you tit, but it's not like i've been hiding it)

Oh, she's under 16. I see. That would be a rather large life f**kupper.

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