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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Me and my mate moe have got 19 confirmed 3somes (So far) set for over the summer. Spit roasting and stuff, i'm not bothered about him bein there like so its all good.

No gay stuff cos neither of us swing that way like.


Sound kind of gay already.

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I dunno if i could do it with another guy.... i dunno.... im a greedy f**k....

and how could you ever look him in the eyes ever again?

Its alright in films but dunno if id want his wapping arround near mine...

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Not doin em now cos i have a gf but i don't see it lastin that long. I wasn't bragging just contributing :P Dave of course your thing owns mine, its like most guys dream.

And yeah i see how sex with 19 girls makes me gay :rolleyes: , doubt i'll be lookin at his face or cock much to be honest...


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Properly ended it with my ex (we was trying to get back together). To longer story to go into but its come down to her not talking to me at all and me deleting her number properly, as in, from sim, phone, last call list, inbox and senbox, blocked her on facebook, msn, so even if i wanted to message her i can't.

Feel so empty inside, like, an actual pain. :(

Annoying thing is, she still has my camera and hoodie and no doubt i'll have to somehow get her number again to remind her of this fact.

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Just written one right bitter letter. :D

Going to hand it over when i get my stuff back, basically tells her what a shit partner she was and the reasons why i'm angry and bitter towards her. Not sure if it is a wise idea to give it to her, but hell, felt good writing it. :lol:

Hm, really not sure whether to give this to her? Not sure if i should paste it here so you can y'all read it, it's a bit harsh reading back over it maybe? Maybe just get my stuff and leave?

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Not sure why i’ve written this, just to get it off my chest i guess, maybe for you to realise i’ve not actually done all this for no reason, hell, maybe so you don’t hurt someone else in the way you have me? Maybe so after this you’ll hate me and we can both go our separate ways properly, don’t know really.

If you want to know why im so bitter, it’s because i hate being lied to about the way people feel and what they want. After telling me you could spend the rest of your life with me and that you do want to be with me, the direct week after saying that, you make no effort to show to us that stuff had changed, after i had said the only reason we wasn’t together was that i was scared nothing would changed, but i guess they did change, just got worse instead. You made no effort to want to be with me, or see me, you ignored my texts asking to do stuff yet somehow managed to organise the pub, bowling, clubbing and so on. No doubt you’ll say you made effort, which i guess is classed as inviting me round at 1am, after everyone else, i was an afterthought.

Then when i first said about not wanting to see you anymore, you had a go at me saying you was busy all week. Busy but not quite busy enough to see everyone else but me? I didn’t expect every night, i never have, but some effort after saying i was scared about nothing changing would of been nice? Every day i tried to do something with you, and not once did you make the effort to organise something with me before the others.

Hell, if you wanted to be with your mates, why not invite me out? All the times i’ve invited you out with my mates, and the times you come out with us places, i’ve never actually been out with your mates except driving round? Don’t know whether you was embarrassed about me or what, but inviting me out with them would of been an option too.

Then of course, the day i wanted you to read my letter. Fair enough you may of been in Portsmouth till 7, then meal till 10, but then again, you managed to organise going out with mates when you got back after i’d told you how important the letter was, or in fact how much i wanted to see you.

Finally, the letter it self. The last line said, from memory, ‘and what i want from you is to tell me what you want, what you feel, now or never’. So basically, the reply i was after is some sort of explanation as to why you’d cast me out and stopped caring, and secondly, if you actually wanted to be with me anymore.

What doesn’t help, is the chances i’ve given you, the times i’ve fought to keep you, the times i’ve made the balls out effort to be with you, yet when the effort is down to you, there is nothing, and thing is, you’ve made effort in the past, so what changed over night from Sunday?

Pretty sure we both know the answer, but if in fact you do want to do be me, you are actually going to have to want to be with me. Ask me to go out somewhere, take me somewhere, show me you actually care in the slightest. I know this won’t happen now but heh, you know me, always giving one last chance.

I love you so much, and i am sorry it has to possible end on these terms, not sure what i’m expecting from this to be honest, guess i do care and just throwing out that last chance, i’m not actually expecting a reply at all, hell, not even sure you’ll read this but there we go.

But heh, you always said how you often wanted me to get mad and stuff at you. 

Spoke to a friend and she's said it's not actually to bad, and explains my situation good enough. No doubt she'll take it wrong way but heh. :)

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Give her it! And her one just one last time :rolleyes:

Haha but joking aside, if thats how you want to end you relationship, then go for it. I personally think she will probably not like you after that, 'cos thats what women do. They read into things a lot more than they should, and I know that all too well!

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