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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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  TheCircus said:
Alot could depend on the other half of her face.

Thankfully it is the same..... She is on the right Neil (Y) and i am third from the left if anyone has nto seen me yet ;)

That was after a 6.5 mile run up and down hill in the Welsh countryside with me beastin them ;) So yeh (Y)


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cheers for your help lads. i know all i can do is wait and be there for her, its not her fault shes ill and i dont hold it against her that us being together was making things more difficult; so i totally understand why she did what she did.

she went into hospital today for a mini rehab sesh til tuesday, get her body the nutrients and minerals etc its missing. she called me because shes still feels like im the only one that can make her smile and see sence.

its way too early to get my hopes up, but i miss her like mad already. just hope shes ok, thats all that matters to me.

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  nichols_sam said:
I have girl trouble.

The trouble is, I think I want to be a girl.

Wouldnt be supprised

i remember when you told us all you liked kissing men. Was that actually true? one part of my mind tels me it wasnt, but the other half was very convinced.

Good luck with whatever you chose to do, we will always love you Mr Nicolas

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  Matthew_Gibson said:
Tring to move on. Been texting this chick I met on a night out, Know her from school. I don't know if shes that into me, I mean she texts back. She's a nice lass, How to "take it to the next stage"??

On that story! I was out saturday nite, amd we met up in a club, was just having a general chat. about random stuff. one thing led to another. etc etc. NO SEX! just the bits before!!!

well I saw her today at 6th form and I wanted to talk to her, I saw her for like 30 seconds and said "hi, the hands okay now" and all she said was "awww bless" and walked off. Its really odd talkin to her. as most of her mates don't like me, as they are mates with the ex! and I would feel uncomfortable sitting with then in the common room, but when there is just the 2 of us, we get on.

Guna ask her if shes buys Thursday and we'll go pics or sumat. whats the worst that could happen??

And the ex has been asking whats going on between us! I wish she would get hr nose out of my business!!!! PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH!!!!! im just angry and confused!!!

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  Fat Pants™ said:
Tomorrow. Almost guaranteed.

Proof is needed my friend. An we dont mean a jizz filled jonny, we want videos. I wanna see these F tits in action.

Lmao, good luck my son!!

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He's kind of like him, being all naive, but on a much bigger scale bless him.

  iJed! said:
Is it THAT bad getting back with someone after them cheating on you? I feel like a pussy...

Don't do it, from personal experience.

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  Mr Fish said:
Doubt it'll be mr floppy, I can imagine him having a lob on texting her.

LOL, Not laughed like that for a while hahahah

  Fat Pants™ said:
Naa i reckon i'll be fine.

She's got jonnys ready n everything, so as i said, almost guaranteed.

Aww, losing it to a slag..

Will be like sticking you dick inside wembley stadium hahah. Got no chance of touch the sides :P

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  JoeMaher™ said:
Will be like sticking you dick inside wembley stadium hahah. Got no chance of touch the sides :P

oh my god. I just fell off my seat laughing.Ha ha ha ha!!!!!


I like a girl, who likes me back, but I'm not 100% sure if I'm ready for another relationship yet, as they are bound to end up going tits up...

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