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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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  JT! said:
Never understood why people spilt becuase of distence. I mean feelings can't be that strong in a few miles would make you spilt up.

in my case it had a lot to do with the natural paranoia that distance gives you. also the thoughts that only seeing each other a couple of times a month puts strain even a strong bond. everyones different and some people can deal with not having the companionship that comes with living with or close to your partner... I found it harder. I think that was mainly because she was meant to move in on 23rd June last year and once she decided against that there was no real saving it, although I obviously tried for 6 months or so..

I would give almost anything to go back to may/june time and be a good enough boyfriend for her to actually join me full time in my flat because everytime I look around I can only see what we did. We decorated, we furnished it, we cleaned it, we messed it up, we spent almost all of our nights together in there. Might have to sell it...

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  JT! said:
Never understood why people spilt becuase of distence. I mean feelings can't be that strong in a few miles would make you spilt up.

Super easy.

Not being there when they are down, when they have an argument, to just go round on a whim, hug them and comfort them. When going to pub with mates to not just swing by her place, pick her up and introduce her to all your mates, to ask her out on a random visit to Portsmouth at the weekend.

Then there is of course the paranoia that is greatly enhanced by all the thoughts above, for example, when they are down and depressed and you aren't around for that much needed hug, someone else will take your place, sure, as a friend, but if this happens frequently then they will naturally draw to them over you as they are there for them, you are there on a set date every other month or week.

I would never, ever get into a long distance relationship ever again, i genuinely believe that unless you have been together for a very, very long time that it can't work. People need their contact and physical attractions and to just be there for each other on demand, and not have to save everything for a date in 3 months time when you've finally managed to save for train ticket, got time of work, what ever.

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  James-M said:
I have liked girls when they don't like me. Just takes the p!ss after a while. However, at the moment i don't know how she feels, but I don't want anything more than just to hang out with her 'cus she is such a legend it's unbelievable. Really funny, easy to get along with, and the rest :lol: It's not so much trouble, just things never really go my way, and I hope it starts to...

I read that as "I like shaved girls" . I was about to agree, but after a re-read realised it's just the onset of senile dislexia

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Everytime we meet i'm left confused as to what she actually wants.

We went to pub the other day with mates and it was amazing, was holding hands, hugging each other properly, usual couple stuff although we not actually a couple.

Then she's just come round before going to a mates and she was so distance, just didn't throw back anything i did, then she text me like a few minutes after leaving saying "was that really awkward?".

I get the feeling i'm going to get another "i can't see us together" talk later, and she keeps saying how she wants me to fight for her, but like, no offence but if you keep f**king saying it i wont bother, stop playing with my f**king emotions and make up your mind as to what the f**k you want to do, or f**k off.

Just wish she'd accept that i f**king like her and just let it happen, roar.

Argh, i wanted this for so, so long, and at times its the most amazing feeling ever, like at the weekend i felt like i'd been on holiday for a week or something being with her, and now shes being stupid again, argh!

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  future orange 660 said:
gcse's are a tough time for anyone dude

she will be fine

You know what's funny. I'm seeing someone whos going through their GCSEs in a few months and AFAIK I'm the same age as Simon.


But it's okay cos i fancy her mate 8-)

Edited by JonMack
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Ok, lets post it in the girl trouble thread, it might make me feel better ha!

I was going out with this girl for about 2 years, (and for about 3 months a year before that) in the end she was such a mardy, selfish, cheating, inconsiderate bitch I had to end it before she destroyed me, this was November 2006. We were kinda still 'seeing' each other til September 2007 :lol: at which point she got another boyfriend, fair enough. We still spoke, txt and saw each other occasionally - as friends. Now she barely talks to me at all, which kinda breaks me, especially when the rare occasion she does txt me it's to tell me she misses me, and her new man is a dick and such...

Now, it's not like I can't get another girl, I have been with other girls since, but I'm not so bothered about anyone else, it's my ex I really want, and when she tells me she misses me and stuff it makes me think that maybe it could be fun again and we could be good, but then she just straight f**ks me off every time and doesn't speak to me again for months, and I know that's what will happen but I still go for it ;)

I know I should just forget her, I know she's a bitch, but it just makes me want her more :blink:

God damn!

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  Jolfa said:
Ok, lets post it in the girl trouble thread, it might make me feel better ha!

I was going out with this girl for about 2 years, (and for about 3 months a year before that) in the end she was such a mardy, selfish, cheating, inconsiderate bitch I had to end it before she destroyed me, this was November 2006. We were kinda still 'seeing' each other til September 2007 :lol: at which point she got another boyfriend, fair enough. We still spoke, txt and saw each other occasionally - as friends. Now she barely talks to me at all, which kinda breaks me, especially when the rare occasion she does txt me it's to tell me she misses me, and her new man is a dick and such...

Now, it's not like I can't get another girl, I have been with other girls since, but I'm not so bothered about anyone else, it's my ex I really want, and when she tells me she misses me and stuff it makes me think that maybe it could be fun again and we could be good, but then she just straight f**ks me off every time and doesn't speak to me again for months, and I know that's what will happen but I still go for it ;)

I know I should just forget her, I know she's a bitch, but it just makes me want her more :blink:

God damn!

bit of a b*****d that, it sounds like you should forget it, but sometimes to know fire burns you have to touch it


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  JT! said:
Never understood why people spilt becuase of distence. I mean feelings can't be that strong in a few miles would make you spilt up.

Having a girlfriend who you love, live in the same town as you, always having her there for you. Then have her move away is a lot different to having a long term relationship from the beginning. I know because I've been in both. Which I guess is your point. Regardless of how much I trust her, like pocketrocket said it has a lot to do with the natural paranoia that distance gives you. Generally it's just going to f**king suck.

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  Simon said:
Everytime we meet i'm left confused as to what she actually wants.

We went to pub the other day with mates and it was amazing, was holding hands, hugging each other properly, usual couple stuff although we not actually a couple.

Then she's just come round before going to a mates and she was so distance, just didn't throw back anything i did, then she text me like a few minutes after leaving saying "was that really awkward?".

I get the feeling i'm going to get another "i can't see us together" talk later, and she keeps saying how she wants me to fight for her, but like, no offence but if you keep f**king saying it i wont bother, stop playing with my f**king emotions and make up your mind as to what the f**k you want to do, or f**k off.

Just wish she'd accept that i f**king like her and just let it happen, roar.

Argh, i wanted this for so, so long, and at times its the most amazing feeling ever, like at the weekend i felt like i'd been on holiday for a week or something being with her, and now shes being stupid again, argh!

Can you just go up to her and say "Look, do you like me or am i wasting my time?". Hate it when girls piss people about like that, wish they'd just say how they feel.

  froggy said:
Having a girlfriend who you love, live in the same town as you, always having her there for you. Then have her move away is a lot different to having a long term relationship from the beginning.

Never thought about it like that.

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