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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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apparently shona is still seeing walker (Y)

not what she said last night when she was riding me ;)

oopsie shudnt have said that walkers read this an having a go at shona now......



BHAHA i love buck.

i just been dumped. after 4 years

shit doesnt begin to desribe my feeling

what append shitter?

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I've never had to post in here, hoping I never would have to but it seems like this is the one thread where people actually get serious and give out some good advice (from what i've read, excludes davetrials posts, love you)


Most lunchtimes I go to this place to get me sarnies and what not, on a saturday theres 2 proper nice girls that work there. Always have a chat with em in there as a bit of a regular. One day when I was the only one in there and there both really cool. Can kinda tell theres a bit of chemistry there you know.

On new years eve I was boogin away in this club and I saw the blonde one that works there, I was pretty drunk but still, I remembered her name so thats a bonus, huged and had a little kiss you know. I said can I have your no.? She said i'll give it to you on saturday (when shes working)

So Saturday comes round, go in, shes working. All looking good, I was next to be served but then another lady came from out the back and served me :angry: So I didn't get to talk to her, forgot all about it.

Then at about 5 o'clock I was at work upstairs and someone shouts up "rob theres someone here to see you" so I go down expecting it to be a mate and its her!! I was in shock haha. So she gave me her number and have been talking ever since. Shes quite tall, blonde, pretty and a body to kill for.

Now this is all looking very good, and it's not too often that a girl comes to work to give me her number :turned:

theres just one major problem (this is where I need help).....shes.............15 :mellow:

I couldn't believe my f*****g luck. All was looking so good until then, I was so shocked because she looks at least 17 if not more like 18, and im 19!

Christ, what the hell do I do. Thats young man, real young. But she looks so damm nice, and is probably a lovely person, is age the be all and end all? It sucks cus when your younger it matters so much more but I bet most peoples parents have maybe 3-6 years between them and that dosen't matter at all. What a crapper

Any Thoughts?

Then theres this other bird, who i've met up with quite a few times and we get on REALLY well. It dosen't seem to be anything more than that though, she told me she was interested at first but that was after she split up with her bf, then after a kiss she went all funny but says it wasn't that. How can you suddenly change your mind?

So left that for ages. and now it's all kicking back up again, meeting up etc and it's going well but I have no idea where I stand and what she wants. May just have to come out and ask her, apply some pressure (good song)

ahh I dunno hey chaps, girls are a bloody nightmare.

Appreciate any help (Y)

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woah, just split up with my girl friend for 4 months properly. man that was hard, i feel like a c.u.n.t she was crying and stuff and telling me she dont want any one else.

shame iv found some one else, i did love sarah but i fell out of love with her i think :unsure:

i said that i wouldn't stop loving her, which is true but i just need to see what other girls are like before i settle down :(

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When's she 16? Theres 4 years between myself and my girlfriend and it causes no problems whatsoever...

May. Yeah but like I said, when your older it's not so bad (sorry your not an old man but you know what I mean :P )


Dave- Yeah I see what your saying. Like I said to Joe when you think 15 yr old you automatically think little gay immature chav. This is quite the opposite though I think, like when she came into work everyone was like woahh whos that, shes nice. But the fact shes still in skool somewhat puts me off.

Smo- Yeah again, fair enough. Such a hard decision

Thanks for all the replies so far, quality!

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Rob, i feel your pain.

A girl added me off myspace the other day...15 years...im 19...same age diffrence as you rob.

I was asking her what road she lives on in southend...and it only happens to be the road im bloody moving to dont it hahahah.

But yer..been chatting to her..she would blatenly get it..and on friday..im going down southend...and i reckon im gonna meet up with her, just see whats she's like :)

Then friday afternoon im taking this other girl to the cinema ( shes 19 those...and im ive fancied her forever lol ) should end up back at hers...then at about 1am, ill have to drive to canvey...then go on holiday :D

So...looks like 2 bits of action for me in 1 day and holiday to top it off.

Banging :D

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Having the "age discussion" with the folks today about them, 10 years difference between them, but they didnt get together until there were 25+. At such a young age it is weird and she and you will get stick for it, but if you both like each other and shes 16 soon there aint no harm... For god sake wait until shes 16, you can be so screwed over if your not careful....


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ARGH, just did a really long arse post and my mouse fell off my bed and clicked off it somehow :angry:

Basically, in my eyes no young relationship lasts any longer than 2 years and for the stick you'll get (see pic for scale of stick) is it really worth it? And if she's only 15 you can't just really have a relationship for sex...

Good luck an'al, but be careful...


Good ol' ChaCha...

(Probably shit advice, but it's just my idea)

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May. Yeah but like I said, when your older it's not so bad (sorry your not an old man but you know what I mean :P )

Yeah, that's very true, and I am an old man :P We got together when I was 20, sounded like a big age gap back then, but not so much now... I know what you mean about her seeming much older than she is. Maybe wait and see what happens, as soon as she finishes school that'll be a large mental barrier out of the way!

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Meh, how would her parents take it and all that? It won't be long till shes 16? I was recently in a simular situtation to yourself, and you don't really want that kind of attention...Wait til shes 16 and you dont have to justify yourself with anything.

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Word (Y)

Yeah, good advice, take it slow, real slow. Like 4 months slow :-

By then there will probably be a new kid on the block. meh


Got her pregnant? :P

(I know it doesn't take 4 months...spur of the moment joke....ermmm....ba da tish)

Edit: Shit. Late again.

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Meh, how would her parents take it and all that? It won't be long till shes 16? I was recently in a simular situtation to yourself, and you don't really want that kind of attention...Wait til shes 16 and you dont have to justify yourself with anything.


I'm just 18 and my ex gf is 15. In year 11 at school. We split up a bit back after like 3 and a half months or something. She is a nice girl when she wants to be but the immature side of her does come out quite a lot, I mean when I introduced her to the rents and stuff.

Plus they weren't happy about her sleeping over in my room 'cos of the age gap, which is fair do's. Didn't stop us like but meh.

I'd give her a pass mate, thats my honest opinion.

I'd go for 16-18, much more totty plus you dont have to teach them first blow jobs (Y):P

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When I was 16 I was with a girl who was 15, her dad f**king rang my mum up and starting moaning about how he didn't agree with us having sex...shock horror. and then tried to ban her from stopping over...Yes, becuase we only have sex at night.

Edit: wow, can't believe I forgot about this. Basically her dad got my home number by looking in the phone book...however, we're not in the phone book. My granparents however, are. Therefore he rang my granma (believing her to be my mum) and started off on one :P f**king funny as hell if you ask me.

By the way, the whole 'get with her, but no sex until shes 16' thing wont work...no matter how much you want to. You'll either bust your balls or she'll start thing you're one of those queers.

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When I was 16 I was with a girl who was 15, her dad f**king rang my mum up and starting moaning about how he didn't agree with us having sex...shock horror. and then tried to ban her from stopping over...Yes, becuase we only have sex at night.

Edit: wow, can't believe I forgot about this. Basically her dad got my home number by looking in the phone book...however, we're not in the phone book. My granparents however, are. Therefore he rang my granma (believing her to be my mum) and started off on one :P f**king funny as hell if you ask me.

By the way, the whole 'get with her, but no sex until shes 16' thing wont work...no matter how much you want to. You'll either bust your balls or she'll start thing you're one of those queers.

LMAO im sure my mum thinks the same.

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Well there's a girl I really like - We met up last thursday and had a few drinks with some other friends and went out on saturday night.

We really seemed to get on well (or so I thought) but I didn't try to tell her how I feel about her because we've not had much time alone together and I don't want her to think I'm rushing her.

Since Saturday I've really wanted to see her and spend some time alone with her so I can tell her how I feel and Ive phoned/emailed/texted each day to see if she wants to meet up but she's been busy and I spoke to her at work just now and she said she's probably not about untill next week.

I'm confused as to weather she likes me or not - It was her who first asked me to go for a drink so I thought from the start that she did like me but as I've not seen her for a few days I'm starting to fear she just wants to be friends (fine by me if that's all she wants but I hate not knowing).

It is possible that she thinks I don't like her because I have'nt told her - she maybe took me not wanting to rush her as me not being interested. I hope not.

I don't want to wait untill next week to see how she feels and so I was thinking of ringing her tonight and telling her how I feel but I'd rather tell her face to face. Also I don't want to keep ringing her (don't want to seem too desperate or pestering her) so I'm not sure if I should ring again or just wait for her to contact me as I've asked her to ring me when she's free.

It's the not knowing that I hate - If she's not intersted then I'd like to ring another girl I like but not untill I know that she's not interested.

I probably will ring her as I don't want to wait till next week as I'll feel a bit on edge untill I know.

If anyone hase any advice that would be appreciated.

Cheers (Y)

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if i were you just dont talk to her for a few days, be a man :shifty:

if shes interested she'll text you.

sounds a bit like your been too keen, might scare her off.

give it a few days or just tell her your going to be in whatever club/pub on the weekend and if she goes in then shell most probably like you (Y)

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