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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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the missus is acting wierd with me :( she says she's got things going on from exams/freinds and home (i don't live near her/go to same school, but my freind who goes there says she's fine) she does it every now and then but i'm just really worried about it right now :( .

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Whats up with my lady, one minuite shes fine, then lst night, she jus suddenly goes all stroppy and moody and hardly talks to me. Shes grounded at the moment and i havent seen her for ages. Im missing her so badly, and then i finally got to see her a bit at cadets tonight, and she was okay on the way up and everyhting seemed normal, but then all of a sudden at cadets she went all stroppy and went home early saying she was ill. I then txt her tonight askin whats up cuz she hasnt been the same these past two days. She txt bak saying that she dont like herself at the moment. Im just missing her so much and i love her so much, but i just feel so useless.

How can i love somone when they just seem to be taking no notice in me atall. :( Everythings going wrong lately!

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if she fingers me and its bad i blame you trials forum.

Oh my..... your actually going to be fingered. You do realise nobody will look at you in the same light on here afterwards, infact from now on I wont look at you in the same light. That area is designed for stuff to come out of and not for stuff to be inserted, it's not natural full stop. IF.. it's the best thing since sliced bread though, let me know okay

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Whats up with my lady, one minuite shes fine, then lst night, she jus suddenly goes all stroppy and moody and hardly talks to me. Shes grounded at the moment and i havent seen her for ages. Im missing her so badly, and then i finally got to see her a bit at cadets tonight, and she was okay on the way up and everyhting seemed normal, but then all of a sudden at cadets she went all stroppy and went home early saying she was ill. I then txt her tonight askin whats up cuz she hasnt been the same these past two days. She txt bak saying that she dont like herself at the moment. Im just missing her so much and i love her so much, but i just feel so useless.

How can i love somone when they just seem to be taking no notice in me atall. :( Everythings going wrong lately!

dude seriously 2 days give the girl some space, jesus 2 days of no attention and its the end of the world. she has stuff to do you know. women get stroppy and moody usually because there not happy with whats going on at the moment ask her whats up? but dont make this into a me me me situation, cause it isnt a you situation its a her situation. she has the problem not you, so help her solve it if you cant give her some space to work out her shit.

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But i havnt seen her for 3 weeks and when we do get to see each other its just shes so stroppy. Its not right and i ask her whats wrong and she tells me that she doesnt like herself at the moment? Somethings not right i just want to get her to talk to me :(

shes cheated on u

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Hmmmm, but shes been grounded for the past 2-3 weeks, goes to an all girls school. :( Its not good. Hopefully her dads going to let her out tonight, ive got to fight with her best friend over who has her tonight. Also i was talkin to her friend at cadets last nite about what my girlfriend had said on msn. (ive was guna ask you...) And she knew what it was about but wouldnt tell me. This is also really bugging me now. Argh and im in bed with a sore throat and a cough. It really sucks lately.

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Whats up with my lady, one minuite shes fine, then lst night, she jus suddenly goes all stroppy and moody and hardly talks to me. Shes grounded at the moment and i havent seen her for ages. Im missing her so badly, and then i finally got to see her a bit at cadets tonight, and she was okay on the way up and everyhting seemed normal, but then all of a sudden at cadets she went all stroppy and went home early saying she was ill. I then txt her tonight askin whats up cuz she hasnt been the same these past two days. She txt bak saying that she dont like herself at the moment. Im just missing her so much and i love her so much, but i just feel so useless.

How can i love somone when they just seem to be taking no notice in me atall. :( Everythings going wrong lately!

meh. after reading you haven't seen her in 3 weeks thats a bit much if you ask me, but to be honest she might not be able to do anything about it. PMT about cadets and going home early? Dunno how old your bird is but to be honest they get stroppier usually lol.

with my ex i couldn't stand not seeing her for like 2-3 days, it felt like AGES but realistically, it wasn't at all. I just had my head in the clouds and stuff.

see how it goes. maybe it just won't work? :(

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Hmmmm, but shes been grounded for the past 2-3 weeks, goes to an all girls school. :( Its not good. Hopefully her dads going to let her out tonight, ive got to fight with her best friend over who has her tonight. Also i was talkin to her friend at cadets last nite about what my girlfriend had said on msn. (ive was guna ask you...) And she knew what it was about but wouldnt tell me. This is also really bugging me now. Argh and im in bed with a sore throat and a cough. It really sucks lately.

she is busy dude, she has reasons for not seeing you its not her fault, and sorry but everyone knows its BRO'S BEFORE HOES, in female world its probably the same her best mate is always goner be her best mate your probably not goner be her bf for more than 15 years lol at a random guess. leave her to it just express that if she needs you your there, to be honest all you want is a f**k.

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if she fingers me and its bad i blame you trials forum.

just cudnt let that happen to me, id feel violated personally. also got a story about a girl named lowrie"brown fingers" and a false nail she once lost, it put me off the idea of even entertaining it for life. can see the logic in her wanting to do it, whether you like it or not. if you like it, shes pleasuring you,hoping you will do the same, if you hate it,she can slip it in during sex, and youll push into her harder, just to try an escape the finger.

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ok this is a joke now guys.

i posted befor but this is mental.

i went out with a girl named steph for a year and a half. she shagged someone else etc and we aint together now. its been 8 months since i last spoke to her. She goes too my college but ive only seen her walk past like 5 times and never ever spoke to her. And she still sends me messages and emails threatening me saying im a twat etc, and her cousin rang me and come looking for me and he saw me and f**ked off. Her mates started on me near my college. Then i had a new gf so steph started on ehr and hit her. Then a month later i got another gf and she also started on ehr she wont let me live my life. She use to ring me everysingle day atleast 20 times didnt even say a word. I no have anotehr girl friend but sofar its going ok i think this is because she doesnt know lol. But then the otehr day she went around saying i shagegd her in the college toilets. I really dont know what to do. Ive got a new number 3 times because some how she gets it. Now only 12 people hae my number. I really hate it. Someone run her down.

Do you not know any hard lasses??

Failing that, wig and a dress (Y)

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Hey guys n girls, could do with some help if poss.

Story is, my gf last week told me that she had kissed one of my best mates (who also has a girlfriend) a little while back while they were both off thier heads. It freaked me out a bit but i got on with it and took her back because this is my first long term relationship, we are sleeping together, i thought i might be taking my anger towards him out on her and i didnt think it was a good enough reason for dumping her ass.

Heres where it goes to shit. In the meantime, my "mate" had been trying to get in touch with me and me not knowing what to do (also been overloaded with exams and coursework lately) just didnt get back to him. But yesterday he sent me a text saying he isnt guna bother anymore and some other stuff i previously hadnt heard. So i phoned him this afternoon just to see his side of the story just so i can say ive heard all there is to hear and so on and he tells me that she also asked him to be alone with her a little while after they kissed and he said no. I want to know he is lieing but in all the 5 years ive known him i havnt heard many if any lies come from him and i am a bit suspect of some of the things my girlfriend says.

This has screwed me up because theres a huge difference between a kiss and being alone together in my opinion and although it didnt happen, it could have. I dont know weather to end it and risk hurting her as she is quite sensitive or keep going for the sake of my longest relationship so far and she is the girl i lost my virginity to.

So i really am struggling here people. Any help, advice or opinions would be valued.

Cheers, Aaron.

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Hey guys n girls, could do with some help if poss.

Story is, my gf last week told me that she had kissed one of my best mates (who also has a girlfriend) a little while back while they were both off thier heads. It freaked me out a bit but i got on with it and took her back because this is my first long term relationship, we are sleeping together, i thought i might be taking my anger towards him out on her and i didnt think it was a good enough reason for dumping her ass.

Heres where it goes to shit. In the meantime, my "mate" had been trying to get in touch with me and me not knowing what to do (also been overloaded with exams and coursework lately) just didnt get back to him. But yesterday he sent me a text saying he isnt guna bother anymore and some other stuff i previously hadnt heard. So i phoned him this afternoon just to see his side of the story just so i can say ive heard all there is to hear and so on and he tells me that she also asked him to be alone with her a little while after they kissed and he said no. I want to know he is lieing but in all the 5 years ive known him i havnt heard many if any lies come from him and i am a bit suspect of some of the things my girlfriend says.

This has screwed me up because theres a huge difference between a kiss and being alone together in my opinion and although it didnt happen, it could have. I dont know weather to end it and risk hurting her as she is quite sensitive or keep going for the sake of my longest relationship so far and she is the girl i lost my virginity to.

So i really am struggling here people. Any help, advice or opinions would be valued.

Cheers, Aaron.

You MUST talk to HER, before you go do anything life changing.

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no piece of ass is worth a friendship, so itd be simple decision if you ask me. but then there also comes the problem, is he actually a friend if hes lying to you?? present her with wat ur mates said, and see what she says.

as for not wanting to end it in case you hurt her, this may sound harsh, but if she slept with your mate, would you still keep onto her,because it would hurt her to get dumped. not wanting to hurt her kinda means you care about her a lot, but also means youll never be able to cut it off, and your carrying on with the relationship for her sake and not yours.

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no piece of ass is worth a friendship, so itd be simple decision if you ask me. but then there also comes the problem, is he actually a friend if hes lying to you?? present her with wat ur mates said, and see what she says.

as for not wanting to end it in case you hurt her, this may sound harsh, but if she slept with your mate, would you still keep onto her,because it would hurt her to get dumped. not wanting to hurt her kinda means you care about her a lot, but also means youll never be able to cut it off, and your carrying on with the relationship for her sake and not yours.

Thanks for the advice guys.

yea i see what you mean, its been in my head for a while now. Ive been thinking that this might be a good oppertunity to end it, but i still dont know.

Also, i have asked her side and she said she cant remember anything and that she wouldnt say that.

This sucks.

Thanks guys, Aaron.

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does the morning after pill actully work :( Whats the chances of it not. Im only 16 :(

if you take it, chances of it working are zero. if its took properly, chances of it working are reasonably high, but bare in mind, just cos u shagged without protection, doesnt mean shes pregnant. and theres still plenty of time for the abortion pill(sure you can take it for the first 2 months- this is not the morning after pill, this is something else, is like a 3 pill course or something) and even after that, theres plenty of times for an abortion, if she is even pregnant, which chances are she might not be.

relax you bad self, got plenty of options to stop it from popping out yet.

weve all been there, maybe im getting lax and really not caring and immoral, but dont even tend to worry that much no more, use a condom if i can, but some times your too drunk to care about it/get caught up in the moment. and if that happens i no longer lose sleep over it.

however, might be worth getting yourself checked out,tend to make sure there aint nothing lurking down there that shouldnt be after a night of helmetlessness action.

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