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Pro2t + Cassette Lockring + Lockring Tool = No?


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So er, got the cassette off in the end, slid it onto the hub, it doesn't fit, but that isn't the problem right now.

The lockring tool doesn't fit over the axle so you can't do up the lockring. So er, how on earth do you do up the lockring? :S

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pretty sure the pro t2 has a 5 speed freehub, so you wont get your 8 speed casette on if that IS the problem . .

As janson says you will need a casette tool that has been bored out/hollowed out, which you use in conjuction with like a 23mm socket bit or an adjustable spanner for extra clearance.

Or you could go caveman and try and use molegrips in it?

or maybe drill it and shove something in there to use as a lever . . .

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So i ground the pin heads of on the biggest cog, hammered them out, levered the cog of. Had to take the last cog of as the pins were stuck in that, and wouldn't let the cassette go on all the way, so put one of the smaller cogs in its place, plus a spacer on the inside, and bam.

Took forever, but was so worth it.

Not ridden it yet though as the weather is shit. Just my luck. :(

Thanks everyone.

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