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Contaminated Disk


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Hayes recommend Isopropyl alcohol to clean their disks.

Personally I would not put them in boiling water as the chances of them warping are great and as the contamination is likely to be oil based I can't see this removing it (imho). Also motor spares shops (Halfords etc) sell a spray can's of clutch and brake cleaner, these will obviously do the trick aswell.

A bit of sand paper to the pads is still a good idea though, or you could just re-apply the contamination to the nicely cleaned disk from them.

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I found this link while looking up alternate names for Isopropyl alcohol and where it could be purchased. It contains some interesting information (in my opinion, but then I am a geek lol), including which chemicals to use to remove car trim glue and sticker residue etc etc.


P.S. I hope thats not the same Magura Julie I've just bought off some one on here !!! lol

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  DAB said:

the best way to decontaminate the rotor is to bin it and by a new rotor and pads!!!! if you don't want to do that, the first thing to do is get new pads, (as most of the contamination is in the pads) and put rotor on a cooker hob and heat it up so you you burn the grease and oil out of it (because the grease and oil penetrates the metal when it gets hot through riding) then let it cool naturally (so don't put it under the cold tap or it will warp) then when cool, use a wire wheel to clean the rotor and refit..... 90% of the time it won't work and the new pads you bought will be f#cked again, then it's new pads and rotor time anyway... so save time and just buy new pads and rotor, it's not worth all the f#cking about ;)

Found this might be useful

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  KeNi said:

Found this might be useful

From the same thread ;)

  PaRtZ said:

I suggest boiling water and then pop your disc and pads into it and allow to boil uncovered for minimum 5 minutes couple of things to remember though:

* Make sure they're your pans or if not make sure your parents are out and wont be back for a while

* Make sure that the pan is MUCH bigger than the rotor of the disc. I put my disc in my pand and it was a tight fit, then ofcourse as it heated up...... :(

* When putting your brake back together dont touch any of it lol :P

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