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Ssdt Biketrials


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Just searching the web and found out that there are 5 riders riding for a show at the SSDT, riders have yet to be named, but I was just wondering if anyone knows anything more?



I posted the same topic, near word for word about a month ago. No names released as of yet, but I know a few people 'high up' in the SSDT, so I'll nag them for names later on and ruin the suprise for everyone.

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i think i shall be there "strapped" up B)

i got a phone call this afternoon which was very inviting and im very pleased about the offer. i just have to do all the stock taking next week before friday so that i can go!!!! in other words il be working wednesday JUST to go to this.


yes i knew that Ben Savage was going and Duncan Shaw didnt know of the other riders, but will be kool catching up with everyone. (Y) top bannana!!!

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Hi Wayne very pleased that you are coming up to Fort Bill to do our demo we hopefully have 2 bbc programes doing stuff about the ssdt and will film the demo so I heard that you are the man for the rather large gap jumps of phone boxes!. Can you phone me about details and accomadation. Cheers Kev

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Hi Kev!!!! iv hear dso much from Fred. i shall be in contact today or tomorrow at some point fred gave me your mobile.

Porter the scottish 6 day trial is one of the most "Well known" trials that EVER happens in the world, hundreds of riders set off from fort bill i think it is into the nevis as someone has said and then they have to ride probably around 100 miles a day!!! and ride sections in and between. im very excited about doing a trials demo there but most of all im very much appreciative about the invite i have had to be a part of one of THE best events of the motorbiking calendar.

See most of you up there, will be great to catch up with you Ben & Danny, Duncan and Ben are like 2nd brothers to me!!! we always seem to be together. (a bit like a mini trip team!!!!)

Cheers again.

Kev, il do owt you want you point me in the direction and i will do ;) there is a gap at the "centre" of fort bill i look at last year, its quite big and very dangerous. will be something if we are able to use the roof for a moment get something BIG going down :P some of the lads that took part in the street ride that happened last year in fort bill will know where and what it is (Y)


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i think we will be ripping the street up friday saturday and sunday ;):P(Y)

ye cant wait to get back up there again ben was such a good do last year @ fort william just didnt have enough time there. got my new steed this morning too :D so im well chuffed as a puff.


Pictures of the Yaabaa Bow (Koxx machine!!!) to come soon.

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dude, you can have my mobile number if need? if your going up from thursday, then we will be up there friday???? if you want me number just send us a PM. then at least you can txt/ring and we can hook up.il be out friday/saturday/sunday there. so alls good.


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dude, you can have my mobile number if need? if your going up from thursday, then we will be up there friday???? if you want me number just send us a PM. then at least you can txt/ring and we can hook up.il be out friday/saturday/sunday there. so alls good.


wayne would you pm me ur number, me, towler, watson, and steve are getting there on the saturday around midday so it be cool to meet up with you boys and do some riding (Y).

Let me know


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