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Hi people. I was wondering the other day if I am to stiff. I’m 11 stone quite big built for my height. When I was born I had to sit up with my arms and legs straight because the doctors said I had to much muscle in body (Weird I know) But I’m as stiff as cardboard. But the thing is will this affect my riding because I was watching zoo 28 the other day and cls side hops and tucks so much. I cant tuck like that at all. And I know he is more experienced but that doesn’t matter (or does it). Also is there anything I can do or take anything to make me a little more flexible. Not stretches I already do a couple. But I pull muscles easy and its no fun riding in pain >_< . Is there any way around this thanks.

(Y) Monkey

Edited by Monkey_style
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Well you could do stretches more often, assuming you only do them acasionally(SP), to make you more flexible over time, and the experience probably does matter because cls probably didn't tuck that much when he started, so practice makes perfect!! (Y)

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you start to tuck more over time as your technique progresses, i would advice doing much more stretches before and after riding and this should help decrease the stiffness. also try to relax as your riding as this will also help as your not so tense/stiff... when i used to box/weight train my coach always adviced me to do stretches before and after, something to do with making the muscles shorter if you don't :ermm: well... just try it and let us know how you get on (Y) its a gradual thing and you have to stretch more and more each time otherwise its pointless ;)

hope iv helped in some way cheers Jonny

Edited by JoNnY__Mc
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i think people tuck because they are pulling there bike as far up as they can so if you are just starting you shouldnt need to tuck... well not yet. i would do stretches before you ride so you are as loose as possible a would also do a cool down i know there horrible but should help you so you wont get stiff and cramp on the next day of riding.


edit: also hae a radox bath on a night they work wonders (Y);)

Edited by onzatprodude
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OK thanks guys. Also ive been riding for about 2 years. I will try it. But like if i just see how high i can go off the floor i tuck as uch as i can but then it hurts my ribs. I have broke 2 ribs before. Could this be a reason why they hurt. :)

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