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New Ti Mod Frame


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  Inur said:

It's quite heavy as for a titanium frame, so if taking into account that titanium is lighter and stronger than aluminium, this must be fairly indestructible :P

Titanium is not lighter than aluminium.

Titanium is not stronger than steel.

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This probably depends on grades n sheeet, but:

Titanium is approximately twice as "springy" (lower modulus); weighs 40% less than steel per volume; and has 75% of the strength of steel.

So if the tubing was a little bit thicker, it would regain the 25% strength but still be half as light. Therefore, its twice as strong for the same weight.

Edited by Hobnobs
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  Hobnobs said:

This probably depends on grades n sheeet, but:

Titanium is approximately twice as "springy" (lower modulus); weighs 40% less than steel per volume; and has 75% of the strength of steel.

So if the tubing was a little bit thicker, it would regain the 25% strength but still be half as light. Therefore, its twice as strong for the same weight.

THE MAN knows his sh1t

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  Anal_Teflon said:

Titanium is not lighter than aluminium.

Titanium is not stronger than steel.

Thanks for enlightening me :)

How does Ti strength compare to aluminium then (taking into account an average, not specific grades and alloys)?


alright kind of answered my own question, just in case anybody else is interested, here it is:

IPB Image


Titanium is immune to corrosive attacks by saltwater and marine atmosphere and exhibits exceptional resistance to a broad range of corrosive gases, acids and alkalis. Titanium is immune to microbiologically influenced corrosion and is physiologically inert and hypoallergenic. Titanium is virtually non-magnetic, making it ideal for applications where electromagnetic interference must be minimized. Pure titanium is about as strong as steel yet nearly 50% lighter. When added to various alloys, its hardness, toughness and tensile strength can be increased dramatically.

and it's 60% heavier than alu (Y)

Edited by Inur
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  unstablebutable said:

I'm definitely not a fan of gapingly huge drainage holes on the Echo Team/Hifi style headtubes. It leads right into the toptube, probably meaning loads of water and other shit can end up in the BB shell area. :ermm:

That is very unlikely to happen as the whole is hidden inside another hole so it would be difficult for anything to enter it. Even it water for example did get inside the tube it would just seep out the smaller holes further down the tube near the rear end of the bike.


O And my oppinion is, I think it looks tacky. Sorry

Edited by Joe_Da_Man
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  JT! said:

I like ti it.

Much better that the other ti frames that are floating about.

But why do they leave them that rank colour?

To my commoners knowledge the only colouring technique for ti is plasma coating which again to my very low experience is exceptionally difficult and expensive.

joshywa :)

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  joshywa said:

To my commoners knowledge the only colouring technique for ti is plasma coating which again to my very low experience is exceptionally difficult and expensive.

joshywa :)

you can probably just paint it.

anyway .

silly seattube, silly headtube junction.

liking the little gussets and the super stumpy rear end sounds sensible.

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I think that has to be the nicest mod frame i've ever seen :- . I love the colour, the shape of the seatpost, the headtube area and most of all i love the way the russians understand that you don't need super huge stickers and shit to let everyone know what it is.... simple writing that just stands out a little bit is great. If people want to know what it is they'll ask they don't need it shoving in their faces which is the only aspect of my base that i don't like they cover every tub on the bike with graphics that are lacquered over :(:angry: .

If ever there was going to be a mod that would make me want to turn to the mod side this would be it. :lol::lol::D

Would love to see a pair of forks to match!

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