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Would you be so kind a to tell us who your sponsored by? As that must be somewhere in the objective of making this topic :P

I have "Motorsyklisten" (those who imports Monty to Norway), I have "Duo" (Clothes), and I also have "planke" (a ski and snowboard team)

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Happens in a lot of sports though doesn't it e.g. Vodafone used to sponsor Man Utd (don't know if they still do)

The company don't have to have anything to do with the sport to sponsor someone. From a business point of view a person get's sponbsered in return for advertising space on a van or something or in the form of advertising on sticker on the bike or whatever.

Formula one used to be sponsored mainly by cigarettes but i'd say most drivers don't smoke..... (I think)

I don't understand why a monty importer would sponser a zoo rider though, that's kinda backward.

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LMAO!!!! 2posts up :P

she must be good. give her one thing i noticed the make of her BOOTS!!!! ;)

alot of NON-biking brands get into Trials for example for kids riding in the streets and obviosly at competition and it gets the brand "around" if you only aim it at one market your limited aim it at everyone and specially with clothing and stuff it will soon get around and people will notice and possibly buy it, same as say hotels and holiday resorts, your advertising for someone to visit "thier" place of work and will earn them cash. and you could possibly earn FREE holidays out of it. i think its a good idea. i wish i was sponsored by someone like "Haven" to go to all the holiday resorts on the coasts (plenty of riding on the coast's ;) plenty of rocks and plenty of people willing to watch and look, works in all aspects :D(Y) )


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