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What Do You Think Of My Advertisement

Lee Cable

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You've made it in word, first mistake. You've highlighted the text thinking its a good effect, it really isn't, second mistake. Yellow text on a black and white picture is tacky, it always has, and always will be, third mistake. You've used word, fourth mistake. You've used word. fifth mistake.

Personally, i would get a picture editing suite, and maybe look at a different picture. Word is designed for exactly that, words, not designing advertisements.

Also get a website done first, then add the website link in their somewhere, then remove half the information to make it a simple advertisement then display the rest of the information on the site. Also saves re-printing more advertisements or re-advertising 'cause you need the website marketed too.

The text also looks like a list. If something looks like a list, use a list element (bullet points).

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You can't stick that much text on an advert... people don't willingly read adverts remember. If it doesn't look easy to the eye they wont read it. So I recommend you cut down the text and change the colour of the telephone number to make that part stand out more. (Y)

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You can't stick that much text on an advert... people don't willingly read adverts remember. If it doesn't look easy to the eye they wont read it. So I recommend you cut down the text and change the colour of the telephone number to make that part stand out more. (Y)

not entirely true, seeing as im having to turn down customers now :P but i agree, it is a little packed, thats my fault, i do need something much simpler and eye catching-well more professional really

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That is.....quite frankly.......awful! :P haha sorry

Na it's alrite I suppose but everything needs changing and re-arranging.

Start off with a good background picture that is something that can clearly be seen. Maybe a close up of a bike part would be a good idea.

The text really isn't very easy to read, the highlighted look doesn't look good at all. Leave it plain and simple.

Less is better as they say, theres too much text really, obviously keep basic details like phone number, (obviously a website would be great,) and a quick summery.

I know theres still quite limited detail but it just 'looks' a lot. I'm not to keen on the whole list, centred thing either.

If I was you, i'd start again in Photoshop from scratch.

Show us any updates (Y)

P.S . Paul- when are you ever going to make my mate spud (Dan Milton) that promised booster :P

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I guess you're average customer will be someone with a buckled wheel or something, so doubt they need to know about prototype frames and stuff - as has been said before, cut it down, make it easier to read..


  • Full Services
  • Wheel Building/Servicing
  • Gears
  • Brakes

Maybe forget the background picture as it seems to be causing all sorts of hassle, put it to the side or something then have black text on white background.

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Pity you didn't get one from when the wheel wouldn't go through the fork ;)

"Competitive prices" followed by "Fixed prices" seems a little odd. Does that mean that Paul won't price-match anyone else or something?

Not down with the general lay-out of it though, I mean, "All bikes all problems" would suggest he dealt with "All bikes" and "all problems", so you don't necessarily need to clutter the ad up with listing what "All problems" are, if you get me?

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