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My Fingers Hurt!


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hey peeps!anyones fingers hurt after riding(ie all but index finger an thumb)?im running some thick odi's and my hand are quite small though.you reckon if i got smaller diameter grips it would help?

any advice will be proper bo to hear i tell thee! (Y)

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It's worth a try if you have alternative grips just lieing abour, but to be honest I'd just say stick to it, you'll soon get used to it (unless you're not a new rider and you've been doing it a while!)

I use v-brakes with crappy standard levers, but I have not had a problem with them and they work fine for now.

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ive been riding for years.im calloused over and aint go blisters.the pain actually feels like its in the knuckles.the grips ive got are odi's summit like roughnecks or ruffians.ive had them for the past 2 years an they aint even started wearing through but im thinkin something thiner maybe better


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ah ha! i had this problem too! it took me months on end to find out how to stop the pain!

but... then i discovered a neat little thing that fits snug inside your gloves! gel inserts. they are think on the bottom and stop blisters and pain full stop! there reasonably priced to there about £12-15 per pair! and come in extra small, small, medium , large and extra large! and can

hope this helps...

ill start a new topic for this tip aswell


Edited by trial-biker-ryan
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Well when i've finished riding after a hard day of trials my fingers hurt too.

They're hard to bend for about an hour and it feels like i've got arthoritis-LOL I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL THIS!

But i run onza grips and i have big hands too.

Just have to live with it i guess.

This always happens and i've been riding nearly two years.(Properly)

It always seems to do it when i go ride my jump bike/ then transfer and go ride my trial bike mostly though.


Edited by westy6565
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i ride on/off trials and mountain bike, and worst i get is maybe sore wrists or arms lol, and i do a lot of lifting in my job to...you just need to live with the pain!!! be a man!!! and your body will soon develop a resistance.

adjusting your levers or bars so that your arms are "flush" ie straight. when you stand up(on the pedals, not sitting) reduces strain in wrists, arms and possibly fingers. i found doing this helps majorily, as for blisters calouses only advice i ahve is "live with it!!!"

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