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Hs11 Rebound Problems


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Hi i have a pair os 05 hs11's and they have both snapped before the front lever snapped (N) it started to not rebound fully does any one know why this is?

Also magura wont upgrade them to hs33's for a disconted price even though i have 5 years warranty any one have any ideas to save me a bit of cash?

thanks jack (Y)

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I can't remember how shit the HS11s are, so I can't remember what Magura took off the HS33s to make 'em cheaper... Basically, if the pistons don't move back quickly, take the wheel out, take the pads off, then squeeze the lever whilst holding one of the pistons in, and then spray the piston body which moves (so you cover one side, meaning the other sticks out further) with GT-85. Spray/pump lever/wipe clean/spray/pump lever/wipe/clean/repeat. Then just squeeze the lever again, spray the GT85 on there, and move on to the other side.

Alternatively, if the HS11s have a TPA, set it up so you're not relying on it so much. Lastly, if you haven't bled it for a while, squeeze the lever - do the pads move immediately? If so, you probably don't need to rebleed it. Typically, if there's a decent amount of air in they won't move straight away (as the air compresses before moving the fluid). If you know one end of a spanner from another, try rebleeding it anyway (Y)

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I find a bleed works really well. Wind the TPA out, can be located under the lever, I think it's a 2\3mm allen key bolt :)

Once thats all done, Bring out the pistons, and blast 'em with gt85 , Wipe them over with some cloth\rag and just get all the mucky shit off the pistons :)

Should be alright following this :)

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