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monty boi

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if you keep riding and pushing yourself then you will build up the muscles specific to trials anyway

but if you want to bulk out for yourself get yourself down the gym and get some propper advise with the machines available



sutible for you

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Hi there. I'm 14 myself and i wouldn't call myself strong but i'm no pussy. Over years of riding the i've found that the best way to "build up" your muscles is to, like what others have said, to keep at it and try difficult things. The more you ride and the harder you ride, the better. Besides, in 4 or so years, your muscles will most likely have developed more so that will help you to get stronger. (Y)

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Yeah, as above, you're only young, muscles grow as you get older anyway.

Try doing some freeweights (dumbells), just start with a lightish weight, and do some each night/morning/both, rolling your shoulders and lifting in every direction.

DONT over do it though, you can really get hurt, and big muscles aint necessarily stronger, too big and you'll loose movement.

Anyway, experiment, see what's comfortable and what works, and hope you get the results you want


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steroids? :lol: only joking...

do pushups/situps that will buid muscular endurance, thats the main thing you need in comps, i seem to fatigue to quickly, so i try do these every morning and night, it seems to of helped. (Y)

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I did'nt think that under sixteen year olds were allowed to do resistance work (as in using weights as opposed to push ups) in the gym, only cardio work.

I would'nt advise going into the gym anyway to be honest, just take up another sport?


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Just ride loads man, your 15 like, I can't see anything you do in the gym having a direct effect on your riding. Like if you can't get up a 5ft wall or some shit, doing weights isn't going to magically allow you to do it.

Even once you've built the muscle, you still need to learn how to determine where you put the power at any given time.

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yea bill ur titch and u ride good betta than me at some things

just do loads of sit ups and press ups each day

im like doin 300 sit ups a day (getting ready for the summer, down the seafront with my bike sun and nice n toned :lol: )

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my arms are useless my legs are strong and im small anyway does that effect anything

I'm 14 and have massive arm's not strong lol just lot's of muscle built up from riding but i ride every day for atlest 6-7 hour's, just ride trials and they will come where you need them!

if not i belive there is a drug that can help you . :-

Edited by Mr Monty
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Plyrometric training, used by professional Basketballers. If you dont know the correct training its useless to you. Mind training aswell, most of the power comes from your subconscious hope to get the hight or level of riding you want.

Also it helps not to be lazy and give 110% everytime.

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